Hi team,

is it supported the multi edit page feature on portal case page?

I created two different edit page for case for portal section but it doesn't work.

What Am I doing wrong?

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Hello Stefano, 


Yes, such feature is available for the portal case pages. 

Edit pages can be added and configured directly from the Section Wizard:


If the issue occurs for the specific portal user or role, I would suggest to double-check the access rights for such users.

Should you have any additional questions, please let us know. 


Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hi Anastasiia

I created 2 edit pages based on the category field.

The weird thing is that if I remove the block element "Response container" and "Solution container" from edit page 1, the same changes appear on edit page 2

Stefano Bassoli,


The issue may occur if the edit pages were created incorrectly, for example directly from the configuration and have incorrect dependencies.  I would suggest to re-create anew the edit pages directly from the Section wizard.

If the issue persists, please contact us at support@creatio.com so we could investigate the issue from our side. 


Best regards,


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Unexpected issue in MSWord prugin for printables. Happens when I try to Select report. I assume this happens when printables/reports are trying to be loaded

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path "", line 0, position 0.


The plugin is used here on a brand new out of the box demo environment.

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Hello Julius, 


This error indicates that one of the reports has the lookup column which has no parent object specified. In order to clarify which report exactly has such column you may delete the reports one by one, each time checking whether the issue is reproducible after deleting the specific report (I'm afraid it's the easiest way).

Once you have clarified which report gives an error and which lookup column doesn't have the parent object, there is a need to run the following query for the object of this lookup column:

update [SysSchema] set [ParentId] = (select [Id] from [SysSchema] where [Name] = 'BaseLookup') where [Name] = 'The name of the object with an error (not its Caption, but Name)'


After that the issue should not persist for this report. 

Best regards,


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In Service Creatio I configured multiple section pages depending on Case Category:I want to create two custom buttons to add new "IT" case and new "NPD" case but I don't know the URL I should navigate to the proper "add page".

I think the standard add case url is something like /0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/CasePage/add

What URL should I use to open the "add page" for my two categories ("IT" and "NPD"), where I'll find the Category field already set, replicating the same behaviour of the "New" button (see picture below)?


Best regards


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The logic of adding a record is behind the addRecord method from the BaseDataView module. The page opening is performed in the openCardInChain method that is called in the else condition of the addRecord method. The method is called when clicking the CombinedModeAddRecordButton or SeparateModeAddRecordButton. You need to call the same in your buttons and modify the logic of the addRecord method if needed.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I installed a clean 7.17.0 Oracle version and wanted to import a package from another environment. I tried several times to install it (deleting it, regenerating schemas, compiling, getting back to the VM Snapshot) and it doesn't work.


The installation log prints the following message for almost any of the package's objects (you can find here an example for the "Case" object) :


2022-03-28 16:31:20,550 Error occurred while saving schema database structure "Case" in package "". UId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000: Error "Invalid parameter binding

Parameter name: NEW" occurred when updating schema structure. SQL script text: "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "CREATIO"."TR117D32F98275453484111C6611BI"





        :NEW."Id" := "tspkg_Utilities"."fn_CreateGuid"();

    END IF;

END "TR117D32F98275453484111C6611BI";"


Do you have an idea from where this issue can come from ? The base environment where I exported this specific package is working fine.


"Case" in package "". UId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --> This part seems really strange. It seems like it doesn't find the package where he must install the related object.


Thanks a lot for your help.


Best regards,


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Hello Jonathan,


Thank you for your Question. First of all, it would be useful to follow the basic checklist to be sure nothing is missed:

1) Versions of the exporter and importer environments should be the same. (In this case, both should be 7.17.0)

2) The product bundle should be the same (For example both should be Service Enterprise)

3) Check the Dependent packages. All of the dependent packages should exist in the final environment.

(More info regarding packages is available in the below article:


If all of the above was checked and the issue still exists - there is one more thing that will be true only for specific Oracle versions.

ODAC v.12 support is planned as part of Oracle support for .Net Core in future Creatio versions.

Workaround - use ODAC v.11:

At the moment, we are seeing similar problems when using the 12th version of ODAC.

To solve the problems we recommend installing it on the 11th:

1) Remove ODAC v.12

2) Install ODAC v.11 x64 and test the case.

3) If the error persists, install ODAC version 11 x32, in the properties of the application pool setting "Enable 32-bit programs" to "true" and check the case.


Please perform the above actions and let me know the results.


Best Regards,


Denis Bidukha,


Thanks for your reply. I tried all of the steps listed above but nothing works.


When I try to use ODAC v.11, (64 or 32 bits) it prints that "OraOps12.dll" is missing and I can't even connect no more to the CRM.


The only way to make it work is with ODAC v.12. Although, when importing the package it does this "Invalid Paramteter binding" error...


Best regards,


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Hi community


In the case section I have configured 2 different pages based on the category field.

Is it possible to control which page a user can use based on the functional role that the user belongs to?

Screenshot by Lightshot (prnt.sc)

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I configured the permission on case category lookup values based on the functional role that can use it, but It doesn't work.

Is it possible to hide some lookup values based on permission ?

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Does anyone have any ideas how you can change the color of a detail section page based on a system setting? If system setting=false, then make it orange, or show a word saying "OFF". If setting=true, then set it to green or write "ON". I'm open to ideas but I just want something that can how on the main list page of the section. Thanks!

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Is it possible to disable the option to create a new record when editing a Lookup field, so that the user can select an existing record, but not create one?  Users can sometimes unwittingly do this when not able to find the record using the Lookup.  If not is there a workaround?  It is not an option to remove create rights for the Lookup object.

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Hello Gareth,


Please check the answer on this post: 



Here was a contrary question to DISABLE "NEW" OPTION. But you can try by analogy to change  "Lookup view" from  "List" to "Selection window" and the "New" button should be available.


Best regards,




Hello Gareth,


you can also disable New in "List", but with a little coding:

1. Override LookupQuickAddMixin


define("UsrLookupQuickAddMixin", ["LookupQuickAddMixin"], function() {
	Ext.define("Terrasoft.UsrLookupQuickAddMixin", {
		override: "Terrasoft.LookupQuickAddMixin",
		onLookupDataLoaded: Terrasoft.emptyFn


2. Replace BootstrapModulesV2

define("BootstrapModulesV2", ["UsrLookupQuickAddMixin"], function() {
	return {};


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how can I add a link to a created activity on the email sent by "Send email to case assignee"  process ?? 



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Hello Eran, 


Could you please elaborate a bit on your business task, do you need to have the direct link to the activity page ( meaning email record sent by "Send email to case assignee"  process) or which functionality exactly should be achieved?


Thank you in advance!

Best regards, 



There is a process (in process library) "Send email to case assignee" that sends email to the employee once a task is assigned to him. 

This process creates a new activity (for the employee to handle the case) and populate the "Specifying case assignee" email template, then sends it to the employee email.


I need to add a link in this template that will take the user directly to the newly activity page that was created by the process.


I hope it's clearer now  :-).



Hello Eran,


We've been able to build a process that would make such an idea work. Please follow this link to download the process, then you need to install it on your instance to see how everything works.


Just a few comments though:

In the [Add data] element, you would need to change the "To" and "From" fields to the values you need. Also, please remember that this is just an example of how such logic can be implemented and that it is possible. However, though this process could work on its own, you will need to implement it into the "Send email to case assignee" business process on your own and make changes to it so it could work seamlessly within the main process.


Please let me know if any questions appear or additional information is needed!


Kind regards,


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Hello community! 

I would like to know if there's an easy way to check whether or not an input string is an acceptable email address (mening that it contains at least "@.")

I would like to check the correctness of the input received by the user, no need to verify the validity of the email address (I know there's an addon in the marketplace for that). 

Otherwise I'll just stick to the old but gold "[#myParam#] !=  String.Empty" check.

Thank you in advance.

Have a great day (:

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Best reply

Hi Federica, 

The very basic way to check for a character or a string inside another string is to use String.Contains('char') method. 

For example, you can use it in your conditional flow like this :

[#ReadDataUserTask1.First item of resulting collection.Notes#].Contains('@')


Best regards,


Hi Federica, 

The very basic way to check for a character or a string inside another string is to use String.Contains('char') method. 

For example, you can use it in your conditional flow like this :

[#ReadDataUserTask1.First item of resulting collection.Notes#].Contains('@')


Best regards,



Thank you Yurii! 


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Is this a known issue? When any of our users try to upload a template to an excel report, it fails without an error message. The "template uploaded" box does not get checked. Any other users experiencing this or have troubleshooting suggestions?

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Hi Mitch,


Yes, this issue was reported, however we were unable to reproduce it. Please specify the following to help us reproduce the issue:

your Creatio product and version

add-on installation date

send us a template file without confidential data in a private message


Kind regards,


We are using Creatio Service, Sales, and Marketing v7.18.3 install date 11/1/2017

Mitch Kaschub,

Hi Mitch!

I recommend updating your add-on to the latest version as this issue was fixed in it.

You can find the latest version on this page:


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