Dear team, 

As documentation says that FastReport functionality will be retired in Creatio version 8.0.3, I am wondering if you plan to replace it with other functionality?


Looking into documentation, it seems that Word printables does not allow to create a macros to calculate a value straight away, and FastReport does allow to do so.


Kind regards, 


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I am also curious if there will be a replacement. 

However, we've been doing some very complicated Word printables using a combination of macros and db views. It's turned out to be pretty powerful. 

You can create custom macros for Word docs. The macros can do queries, calculations, even return conditional text as needed. Here's a very simple example in this article:…

That example in the article only takes a value and returns it formatted. However, we typically will pass an Id to the macro, do queries and other complex calculations and return values, text, etc. Note, to do queries in a macro you'll need a UserConnection which you can get from the session:

var userConnection = (UserConnection)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserConnection"];

Hope this help, it doesn't answer your original question, but wanted to mention that macros for Word printables is possible and does at least bridge the gap with creating more complex Word reports with FastReports being retired. Also, creating db views and exposing as entities has been very useful for more complex Word reports as well.


It would be nice to have normal Report designer/generator, cause not all customers use MS Word in their organizations. 

Vladimir Sokolov,

I do agree. Plus, there are some scenarios where a Word report will just not cut it. I have some customers that are producing government forms which have extremely strict formatting requirements (that are just not possible to recreate as a Word document) or they will be rejected.

I do hope there will be a replacement for FastReports at some point. It's possible to do some complex things with a Word report, but it's still no replacement for a full reporting solution.

Hello Team


Any news on FastReport's replacement?


I have been using FastReport editions for my opportunities for two years (10 models), my edition models were stable and I had not seen this future deletion pass...

Except that today, I need to create a new model and I can't...

So I'm stuck... But above all, I would like to anticipate the future...


Best regards



Ryan Farley,

Hello Ryan,

the suggested method used for retrieve the user connection doesn't work if the printable is generated inside a business process.

Have you any idea to solve this problem?


Stefano Bassoli,

This is true, if the document is created via Process File, and the process is started from a timer, the session is null so the UserConnection cannot be retrieved. It's frustrating, and I do not have a workaround. Would be a good idea to submit a case to support for this so it could be changed to inject a UserConnection into macros.

Ryan Farley,

thank you Ryan,
as a workaround I've created a view which resolves the macro

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Hi everyone, We have installed the Mailbox section for Creatio ( for a customer however we have run into an issue. Every time we try to add it, we get a 400 bad request in the browser console, and it does not get added. Clearing the browser cache doesn't seem to do anything as we can still reproduce the issue Has anybody experienced this issue before or knows of a workaround? Any assistance would be appreciated!

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can you please go to the Workplace setup, delete any existing Section, save, then add it again along with the Mailbox section?


Please, let us know whether it helped.


Kind regards,


Hi Gleb,


Thank you for the suggestion, it is appreciated.


We have attempted your solution and unfortunately it doesn't resolve this issue.


Any other potential solutions are appreciated.

Dear Harry,


unfortunately, it is difficult to analyze the problem in such a way.

I would recommend creating a case for the Support team so we can take a closer look at the issue.




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What error is this? I cant delete and open the page because this error

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The object "BaseObject" has those fields ("MdrName") and if your object was inherited from "BaseObject" it must have had those fields in inherited columns. If your object doesn't contain those fields, those fields must have been removed.

Please try to update database structure, generate the source code for all and compile all in the configuration section.

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Could you elaborate on the basic authentication deprecation mentioned in the 8.0.3 release notes… ? When is it occurring?

Do clients on-premise are currently still on 7.18.5  until 8.1 is released ( waiting code being stabilized with new features and fixes), do we need to update their system in 8.0.3 or does the email listener integration with 7.18.5 work ok ?




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Hello, Damien!


As for now, the integration works successfully on all versions with Basic Authentication, and it does not depend on where the site is (cloud or on-premise). 

But as we have written in the release notes 8.0.3 Microsoft is deprecating the login and password authentication (Basic Authentication) method since it is obsolete and insecure. We recommend setting up secure OAuth authentication in the near future so that you do not lose access to your mailboxes from Creatio. 

Also, you can change the method of authentication both on version 7.18.5 and on 8.0.1, it will work.


You can use this article for setting up Microsoft Office 365 Email for using it with Creatio via OAuth:…


Best regards,


Kate Karpik,

Thanks for the clarification :)

Regarding shared mailboxes using Oauth - can it be done also in 7.18.5 or do we need to upgrade to 8.0.3 minimum ?



P.S. Noticed the deprecation will be sooner than later (Oct 1st 2022 -


Dear Damien,


Thank you for your feedback.

Unfortunately, in order to add shared mailboxes that use OAuth authentication to Creatio you need a minimum version of 8.0.3


Best regards,


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