Using the new case management composable app, can we create cases with webhook (Eg: from support contact page on website)?

And can you populate the webhook with predefined values in addition to the form fields ?

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Yes. You can add a Case (or any entity) using a webhook. All you need to do is specify EntityName: Case in the payload and include any of the fields needed for the case, including any default values. 

What I've not tested yet (and I suspect cannot be done with a webhook) is include a nested payload for related data - such as an account)

Yes. You can add a Case (or any entity) using a webhook. All you need to do is specify EntityName: Case in the payload and include any of the fields needed for the case, including any default values. 

What I've not tested yet (and I suspect cannot be done with a webhook) is include a nested payload for related data - such as an account)

You can also specify in webhook an entity which will be used as an intermediate object before case registration. 

For ex, Submitted form. 

You will need to add your case relating fields in Submitted form (including nested payload) and then to write a process which will be triggered when a form is submitted and 

to manage nested data, perform any searches and register a case from this process.

More than using the webhook to entity conversion using the OOTB process, I've been just adding my own. If the payload from the webhook doesn't contain an "EntityName" the ootb process rejects it, however, you can still create your own process that triggers from a signal of webhook added, plus you can add filters for the headers or payload containing some specific values. Then deserialize the JSON payload and do whatever you want with it. I'll have an article written up on this topic soon.


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Hello Community,


In the new Freedom UI, I need that in the dropdown field 'Responsible' (contact object) appear only the data that are of 'Type = Employee' (contact attribute).


I know how to do it in the previous versions but not in the new one.

In the new one I can't find the way to make this filter, can you help me?


Thank you very much!

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Hello Creatio community!

I'm new to the platform and excited to learn more. I've recently started using Creatio for process management, and I'm curious to know about any best practices for designing and automating complex workflows. Are there any specific features or tools in Creatio that can help streamline processes and increase efficiency? I'd also love to hear about any success stories or real-world use cases of Creatio in action. Any advice, tips, or insights from experienced users would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

Bob Lewis

(Mulesoft Training)

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Thank you for your question.

More useful information which helps you well understand Creatio functionality you find in the article below:

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Hello all,


I am trying to configure an email element in a dynamic case but when I try to select from a main record column so that I can send the email to the contact who submitted a Case, I am unable to select the contact's email to add in the email element. How can I assign the email?


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I am trying to disable the "Complete" button on any user task in a Case if any of the Checklist entries have not been completed for that Case. Does anyone know of a way to achieve this or have any examples ?

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Run a process from the case that carries out the checks (displaying messages if errors) before creating the task?

Gareth Osler,

Thanks for the reply however this assumes the checking should be done when creating a task. I need to be able to intercept the hover over an existing task and at that point check the criteria and either enable or disable the "Complete" button before it appears against the task.

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Hello Community,


I need to add some libraries with the "using" statement in the "Script Task". The libraries that I want to add are the following ones:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Twilio;
using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account;
using Twilio.Types;

Is there any way of adding them? 


Thank you very much!

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Best reply

Click on any white space in the process to get the blue "Process" plane on the side. On the Methods tab you can add usings.


Click on any white space in the process to get the blue "Process" plane on the side. On the Methods tab you can add usings.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you for the clarification!


I have tried but I need to add previously the libraries to the site. Do you know how to add this library to the configuration for calling it later from the script?

You need to add the assembly to your package, there's an option for "Import" on the add menu.

I have tried and it works, thank you very much Ryan!

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Здравствуйте, поставили на тест 8.0.8 Service Enterprise. Есть какие-то не состыковочки локализации интерфейса. Выбран язык русский, однако половина интерфейса на английском.

Захожу в раздел Переводы в надежде, что там что-то можно поменять, как в старых версиях. Но он не загружается.

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Такабаев Тимур,

Здравствуйте,  мы проверили и увидели, что действительно данная проблема наблюдается в версии 8.0.8. Мы передали данную ошибку на ответственную команду, чтобы исправили в следующих релизах. 

Спасибо, что помогаете делать продукт лучше. 

С уважением, 

Орхан Годжаев. 


Орхан, здравствуйте! Как сейчас быть? Можем ли мы сами каким-то образом выполнить переводы указанных элементов?

Такабаев Тимур,

Как альтернативный вариант мы можем вам предложить воспользоваться данной документацией:…

С уважением, 

Орхан Годжаев. 


Указанная вами документация для страниц редактирования. Это всё можно менять в разделе Переводы в настройках системы.

Для элементов UI ядра этот метод не подходит. Например для заголовков пунктов меню при нажатии на кнопку профиля или поля Search или "Drop files here or use" etc...

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I am using Case section for portal users but the messages posted by portal users in a case are not being visible to the Studio users, also the messages being posted by studio users are not visible to internal portal users.

Also, the UI for both Portal and Studio users are different.

Appreciate the help.

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Currently, Freedom UI is not supported for Customer Portal, but we already have a registered task for the R&D team in regard to this question.

We have linked this post to the beforementioned R&D task to expedite the implementation process.


Thanks for the reply,

Can you please suggest any workaround/solution that can be used to achieve the above mentioned functionality?



Unfortunately, there is no workaround for now.

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Hello Community,


I want to hide the elements "Home", "Run process" and "New" on the top menu:



This elements should be hidden for all roles. Can you please help me?


Thank you very much!

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Hello Javier,


To achieve this:


1) Create a module with no parent module in configurations called UsrLeftPanelTopMenuModule

2) Add the following content to the module:

define("UsrLeftPanelTopMenuModule", ["LeftPanelTopMenuModuleResources", "LeftPanelTopMenuModule"],
    function(resources) {
        Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.UsrLeftPanelTopMenuModuleViewModel", {
            alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.UsrLeftPanelTopMenuModuleViewModel",
            override: "Terrasoft.LeftPanelTopMenuModuleViewModel",
            getTopMenuConfig: function() {
                var menuConfig = [
						id: "collapse-button",
						tag: "CollapseMenu",
						className: "Terrasoft.HoverMenuButton",
						classes: {
							imageClass: ["button-image-size"],
							wrapperClass: ["collapse-button-wrapperEl"]
						imageConfig: resources.localizableImages.collapseIconSvg,
						click: {
							bindTo: "collapseSideBar"
						hint: this.getCollapseSideBarMenuItemCaptionConfig(),
						markerValue: this.getCollapseSideBarMenuItemCaptionConfig()
				return menuConfig;

and save the schema.

3) Create the replacing BootstrapModulesV2 view module (or use existing one if you already have it) and add the following content (add created UsrLeftPanelTopMenuModule as a dependency):

define("BootstrapModulesV2", ["UsrLeftPanelTopMenuModule"], function() {
	return {};

and save the schema.

4) Reload the page


The result will be:

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Hello community:

I'm defining a rule inside the section code schema to remove spaces from a field value when the user tries completes the field "UsrTexto1". It is defined as follows:

methods: {
    cambioTexto1: function() {
        var vueltas = this.get("Vueltas");
        var txt1 = this.get("UsrTexto1");
        if (txt1.includes(' ')) {
            var txt2 = txt1.replaceAll(' ','');

So when the field is modified it searches for spaces inside the text and removes them. This is an example of execution:

1) When the user types the text value

2) After the method is executed:


The problem is that the function is executed too many times. I've added a counter 'vueltas' to show how many times the function is called and here it is the result:

It doesn't make sense as I think that the method should be called exactly 2 times (1st when it removes the spaces, and 2nd when the system detects new changes on the field and now there are no spaces). The main problem is that the whole operation is slowed down because of the high number of calls.


How can I fix this?


Thanks in advance!

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Can you please clarify how exactly the cambioTexto1 method is called?

Thank you!

The issue is that every change made to the text results in it firing the function again, plus, the changed value won't be read by the function on subsequent calls due to the timing is that the function firing and the value changing, which is why it's getting called so many times (and likely exceeding out the call stack max).


Instead if firing the value on the change, maybe fire it on the blur (when the user exits the control). To do this, remove the change attribute for the control and add this to the values block for the control in the diff:

"blur": {
    "bindTo": "cambioTexto1"

Or you could do it on save before using callParent.



Oleg Drobina,

Hello Oleg,

In the section page there is a field called "Texto1" (with the code UsrTexto1). Inside the code schema of that section is the method that I provided earlier.

As you may see the method is called cambioTexto1, which is compose of cambio ("change" in Spanish) and Texto1 (the name of the field). It means that Creatio internally calls that function each time the value of that field is modified (with a built-in trigger I guess).

Therefore, the method is always called automatically, I don't call it manually.

Thanks for your interest!

Ryan Farley,

That makes sense,

I will try that tomorrow and check if it solves the problem

Thanks for you help!

Ryan Farley,

Hi again,


I've tried with the solution you provided but I haven't been able to fix the issue yet.


I also took a look at and older post where you submitted the same solution. I've tried to follow the implementation as you suggest. Here I share the current code:

	"operation": "insert",
	"name": "STRINGe5cdab8a-f59c-4c1c-aa90-c412e4c3e5ae",
	"values": {
		"layout": {
			"colSpan": 24,
			"rowSpan": 1,
			"column": 0,
			"row": 1,
			"layoutName": "ProfileContainer"
		"bindTo": "UsrTexto1",
		"enabled": true,
		"blur": {
			"bindTo": "cambioTexto1"
	"parentName": "ProfileContainer",
	"propertyName": "items",
	"index": 1

Note: I have also removed the attributes part as you mentioned.

The problem is that when I try to modify a register or create a new one this happens:

The page displays blank content and, as you can see on the browser console at the right, there is an error related to an undefined value.

The messages you see before the error are traces I added to see the variable values:

console.log("Vueltas: " + this.get("Vueltas"));
- Vueltas: 0
console.log("Modificado: " + this.get("Modificado"));
- Modificado: false
console.log("Value read: " + this.get("UsrTexto1"));
- Value read: undefined

I have already read the documentation for the client schemas and I still have no clue how to solve it.



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