Hi community,

I designed a process like following Images in dev site. In Send Email element, I checked "Ignore errors on sending". But Creatio threw error end terminate this process. What is wrong with this? 


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Please delete all those mailboxes from the program and synchronize them again on behalf of the supervisor user to address this issue. To avoid such a situation in the future, we recommend synchronizing the mailbox once and allowing shared access to it for other system users, as described in the academic article here.

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Добрый день, 

Подскажите пжл, что делаю не так. 

1. Установила приложение  https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/mailbox-section-creatio.

Все прекрасно, при запуске перехожу в мейл бокс, все ок.

2. Пытаюсь добавить раздел мейл бокс в рабочее место (какое именно значения не имеет, везде одинаковая ситуация). Выбираю его, но по факту раздел не добавляется, хотя на 1 сек происходит как-бы обновление страницы и добавление.    

В итоге попасть в раздел можно только по ссылке, что весьма неудобно.

Заранее благодарю за помощь.

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Добрый день!

Кажется, помогает очистка Redis. Тогда добавляется

Татьяна, добрый день!


Ошибка не воспроизводится на чистой сборке. Попробуйте сначала добавить в рабочее место любой базовый раздел, а после раздел Mailbox.

Добрый день, благодарю за ответы!

Вчера я протестила этот вариант - добавить любой базовый и оказалось, что это тоже не работает. Поэтому написала напрямую в  ТП, т.к. это подтверждает проблему не на стороне mail box, а на стороне creatio. Также написала о предложении Владимира очистить Redis. Когда ситуация разрешится, я отпишусь тут. 

Еще раз благодарю за подсказки.  

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I'm trying to setup mailbox in my local host but somehow it is giving me incorrect password error. I have checked multiple time and I'm using my app password still it is giving incorrect password . Please Advise.


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Hi Smit,

In order to work with the Creatio mailbox, the instance should be connected to the Email Listener service. 

SETUP: https:/academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/containerized_components/exchange_listener/email_listener_synchronization_service

Tech Hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwTI8pIa_5g&ab_channel=Creatio

Also, check the mailbox diagnostic tool


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

I have run diagnostic tool, I'm Getting these errors.

please advise

smit suthar,

Yes, this is the root cause, the Email Listener Service is not running or the Application doesn't have an access to connect to the deployed micro-service.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

ok well now its working thanks.

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Hi everyone, We have installed the Mailbox section for Creatio (https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/mailbox-section-creatio) for a customer however we have run into an issue. Every time we try to add it, we get a 400 bad request in the browser console, and it does not get added. Clearing the browser cache doesn't seem to do anything as we can still reproduce the issue Has anybody experienced this issue before or knows of a workaround? Any assistance would be appreciated!

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can you please go to the Workplace setup, delete any existing Section, save, then add it again along with the Mailbox section?


Please, let us know whether it helped.


Kind regards,


Hi Gleb,


Thank you for the suggestion, it is appreciated.


We have attempted your solution and unfortunately it doesn't resolve this issue.


Any other potential solutions are appreciated.

Dear Harry,


unfortunately, it is difficult to analyze the problem in such a way.

I would recommend creating a case for the Support team so we can take a closer look at the issue.




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I need to allow only some authorized users to add new email accounts.

I didn't find any feature or operation permission that could allow mailbox creation only to certain users or groups. I only found something regarding managing shared mailboxes.

How can it be done?


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Hello Massimiliano,


Ability to add mailboxes to the system can be limited through the "System Designer" -> "Object permissions" -> "Mailbox synchronization settings".

This way you can temporarily or permanently limit the ability to add mailboxes to the system for a specific user or role. 

Also, if you are using one of the latest versions of a system you can do the following:

1) Add all the mailboxes under one system user, for example under Supervisor.

2) Supervisor user can perform all the needed settings for the mailboxes, for example from which folder exactly emails should be synchronized.  

3) After that Supervisor user will set up the access rights for the mailbox ("Allow Shared access" setting in the mailboxes settings). 

This way user will be able to work with emails, but will not be able to apply changes to it's settings themselves.


Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

I tried giving object permissions only to system administrators but my test user is still able to add a mailbox: the UI reports a javascript error and the mailbox creation doesn't complete (see image below), but it's not what I expected.


Is there something I'm missing or that object permission doesn't work as expected?


Hello Massimiliano,


This is the correct behaviour. There will be no notification about missing access rights, only the loading screen, but the user will not be able to add the mailbox. There is already a request created for our R&D team to add a meaningful notification for users, it will be implemented in future releases. I have assigned your request to the project in order to increase its priority. As for now, the solution described by Anastasiia is the only option.


Best regards,


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Hi team,


Do you have any idea why mailbox synchronization from my customer is not working well? They told us that they always have the problem that mails from this folder are not synchronized. When they synchronized it manually it works. 

One example: On April 26, the synchronization worked. Not again on April 27, and a day later on April 28 all emails from April 27 appeared in the CRM.

I checked the system settings regarding mailbox synchronization interval and all looks good: 

Can you please help me out with this issue? What do you think it could be a problem?


Thanks in advance!


Kind regards,


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Hello Marijana,


This seems like an issue that Creatio support can help you with.

Please contact us with this issue by sending us an email at support@creatio.com.


Thank you,


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