Is it possible to sort the quick filter list you get displayed with code in Freedom UI? I can see there is no way to do it through no code currently, but is there a handler that can be overridden to add sorting to the resulting list? Would be very useful in some circumstances. Maybe it will be done on the load data step using crt.LoadDataRequest in some way? Not sure what the config items that would need to be added to the request would be though.

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Hello Harvey,


Could you please elaborate on your business task? 

Simply, we need to sort the values displayed in the Quick Filter. In this case it's because the quick filter values correspond to periods in the client's period calendar, and we want to show them in descending order so that the current period is the first item in the list (the values selectable are the ones before the current period, so sorting by name descending would suffice, but it would definitely be useful to have a generalised way of sorting quick filter options).



Thank you for clarifying. There is no such OOTB option. However, I've registered the idea in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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