You need to create a custom detail generator(look at the example in Terrasoft.FileAndLinksEmbeddedDetailGenerator)

After that, create schema and add to manifest:

Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.CustomEmbeddedDetailGenerator", {
    extend: "Terrasoft.EmbeddedDetailGenerator",

    generateItem: function() {
        var config = this.callParent(arguments);

        var cardGenerator = this.getCardGenerator();

        var isEdit = cardGenerator.isEdit();
        if (isEdit) {
            config.xtype = "my_embeddeddetailitem";
        return config;


Create detail component with button 

Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.MyEditEmbeddedDetailItem", {
  extend: "Terrasoft.controls.EditEmbeddedDetailItem",
  xtype: "my_embeddeddetailitem",
  initialize: function () {
    this.myButton = Ext.create("Ext.Button", {
        text: ""
    this.myButton.on("tap", this.onMyButtonTap, this);
  onMyButtonTap: function() {
        success: function(latitude, longitude, locationObj) {
        scope: this

In RecordPageSettings metadata set generator xclass for detail
    "operation": "insert",
    "name": "AccountAddressDetail",
    "values": {
        "generator": {
            "xclass": "Terrasoft.configuration.CustomEmbeddedDetailGenerator"
    "parentName": "settings",
    "propertyName": "columnSets",
    "index": 3

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As the title says, we sometimes need to disable buttons while still showing them - something which was easy to do in Classic UI. Is there any way of doing so in Freedom UI? I can't see any examples in OOTB Freedom UI areas, anywhere that does have disabled buttons OOTB are in Classic UI sections (e.g. the "Finish session" button on the System User page on the Access Rules tab when no record is selected).

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Best reply

Classic UI buttons have a property 'enabled'
Freedom UI buttons have a property 'disabled'

Hi Harvey, 

Does it not work to bind an attribute to the enabled property of a button and set as true/false? I've not tried that, but I assume it would work? Have you already tried that?


Classic UI buttons have a property 'enabled'
Freedom UI buttons have a property 'disabled'

Huh, not sure how I missed that, could've sworn I tried doing that! Thanks both.

As a note, the only way I could find to put some kind of hint/tooltip on the button when it's disabled is by using the "title" property, which gives you a standard browser tooltip display when hovering the mouse over the button. And binding that to an attribute that you change to be blank when the button is enabled.

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I have created a button in ActivitySectionV2.
This button appears on all entries in this section.

But when you click on this button, nothing happens.
Please let me know how to fix the error.


define("ActivitySectionV2", ["ProcessModuleUtilities"], function (ProcessModuleUtilities) {
  return {
    entitySchemaName: "Activity",
    details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/ {} /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
    diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ [{
      "operation": "insert",
      "parentName": "DataGrid",
      "propertyName": "activeRowActions",
      "name": "runProcessButtonOpenOpportunity",
      "values": {
        "className": "Terrasoft.Button",
        /*"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,*/
        "caption": "Відкрити угоду",
       "click": {
          bindTo: "runProcessButtonOpenOpportunity"
    }] /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/,
    methods: {
      runProcessButtonOpenOpportunity: function () {
        var activeRowId = this.get("Id");
        var args = {
          sysProcessName: "UsrProcessOpenOpportunityInActivity",
          parameters: {
            OppID: activeRowId
    rules: {}


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If you want to add a button to an action menu for the active row, the regular approach will result in the error you received.
Here you can find an example of how to configure such a button properly.

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Hi all, 

I'm migrating from Classic UI to Freedom a screen that has an Info button, as described in the following post:


How can we do that in FreedomUI?

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Have you tried the tooltip in the page designer at field level ?

Yes, but how can we format that text?

I'd like to add bullets in the text and breaklines

You can add add HTML to a tooltip in Freedom UI. .

If you need some dynamic content for the tooltip, you can add an attribute and bind it to the tooltip property, then set the tip at runtime by setting the attribute.


Awesome! thanks

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I have added a button on every record in detail for a particular column. I am trying to have one more button on the same detail, But the button is not visible on the UI.

The code that i used for this is:

"operation": "merge",
"name": "DataGrid",
"parentName": "DataGridContainer",
"propertyName": "items",
"values": {
"className": "Terrasoft.ControlGrid",
"controlColumnName": "UsrPlanningManagerRelevance",
"applyControlConfig": {"bindTo": "applyControlConfig"}


applyControlConfig: function(control, activeRow) {
control.config = {
"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
"caption": "מסמכי רקע",//this.get("Resources.Strings.FileButtonCaption"),
"imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.ExportToExcelBtnImage"},
"handler": this.BackgroundDocumentsClick.bind(this,

Can anyone help me on this?

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Best reply


I think, you can do this by appending buttons in the targeted column.


var baseEle = "#Identifier div[id*=\"item-" + rowId + "\"]  div:nth-last-child(2)";
var ele = baseSelector + ">span";
$(ele).click(function() {});


Loop collection in prepareResponseCollection method or onGridDataLoaded


I think, you can do this by appending buttons in the targeted column.


var baseEle = "#Identifier div[id*=\"item-" + rowId + "\"]  div:nth-last-child(2)";
var ele = baseSelector + ">span";
$(ele).click(function() {});


Loop collection in prepareResponseCollection method or onGridDataLoaded

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Hi everyone,

I am looking to override the functionality of the Add Record button on the Grid Page (Section Page) of the Mobile Application. Can you help me figure out the name of the method that gets called when the Add button is tapped?

Thanks & regards,


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Hi Ramya,


In order to override the functionality of the Add Record button on the Grid Page of the Mobile Application follow these steps:

1) In Configuration create a Module, for example call it UsrChangeButtonLogic:

Ext.define("InvoiceGridPage.Controller", {
    override: "Terrasoft.controller.BaseGridPage",
    statics: {
        Model: Invoice
    executeAddAction: function () {

2) Create a replacing view module for the MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace module. Or use a mobile wizard  - it will create the manifest automatically. Add the newly created module UsrChangeButtonLogic to the manifest:

  "Models": {
        "Invoice": {
            "ModelExtensions": [],
            "PagesExtensions": [

3) Compile your Workplace and synchronize the mobile application again.


As a result, "Add record" button click of Invoices Grid Page will be overwritten.  


Artem Smyrnov,

Thank you! That worked. Can you also help me figure out how to show a confirmation dialog on the mobile application? Something similar to the web app implementation of Terrasoft.showConfirmation? Thanks in advance!



Ramya R,

Use Terrasoft.MessageBox.showMessage ('your confirmation dialog message') to display a confirmation dialog.

Many thanks.



Artem Smyrnov,

The Terrasoft.MessageBox.showMessage method only helps in displaying a message to the user. I am looking for a functionality where the user is able to select "Yes" or "No" options below the message. Can you please help me with this?



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Hi everyone,

I am trying to add a custom button to the contacts section in the mobile application. I followed the steps provided in:… to create a custom button on the user actions list, but I was unsuccessful.

Alternatively, is there a way to add buttons to the section (list) page, or to add a button in the Freedom UI section of the mobile application?



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Hi Ramya,


Currently there is no way to add custom buttons in Freedom UI (the article you refer to will only work in classic UI). I've created a suggestion for our R&D team to make it possible to add buttons in Freedom UI using no-code capabilities and pointed them to your community question.


Thank you for helping us in making the app better!

Hi Oleg Drobina,

Thank you for the prompt response. In the Classic UI, is it possible to add a button somewhere other than the record's edit page, maybe in the section page or a common menu like the settings? Or is it possible to override the existing 'Add Contact' button?



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I have added a custom button called "Confirm Audience" to a detail and it's working fine. but in the meantime, I need to disable the button once I click on it. So far I tried to disable it using an attribute, which is mentioned in this article.

While implementing that scenario I am facing an issue which is when we reload the page or go back and come back to the same record, the button behavior will be going back to its default behavior. If there is a way to achieve this please help me on this.

And this is how I added the button to my schema.


diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "ConfirmAudienceButton",
				"parentName": "Detail",
				"propertyName": "tools",
				"values": {
					"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
					"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.BEACSConfirmButtonCaption"},
					"click": {"bindTo": "onConfirmButtonClick"}, //method to trigger the button
					"visible": {"bindTo": "getIsConfirmAudienceEnabled"}
		methods: {
			onConfirmButtonClick: function() {
				var recordID = this.values.MasterRecordId;
				var confirmAudienceBoolean = this.values.MasterRecordId.BEACSConfirmAudience;
				var args = {
					sysProcessName: "BEACSProcess_1df603c",
					parameters: {
			getIsConfirmAudienceEnabled: function() {
				return !this.$IsGridEmpty;


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Best reply

Lakindu Yasomith,


I am sorry for assuming that the result of the click would have other visible changes in local conditions that were not mentioned.

Since now we have the only possible condition of the button - it is either clicked or not - the only solution would be adding a global boolean variable (a checkbox) to the object that would be stored in the DB.


We can imagine that the column would be UsrButtonIsClicked.

You would be able to check it using this.UsrButtonIsClicked or method to call query handler "await". Please see an example by the link below:…


Note that logic of updating this value in the database as onClick is triggered would be also required.


Best Regards,


Hello Lakindu,


In your example, the attribute "IsButtonEnabled" is true when defined.


attributes: {
    "IsButtonEnabled": {
		dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
		type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
		value: true

There are some options.


1) First one is to use local conditions, already available on the page by setting the value to this attribute in the onEntityInitialized method:

methods: {
			onEntityInitialized: function() {
			setIsButtonEnabled: function() {
					this.set("IsButtonEnabled", true);
				else this.set("IsButtonEnabled", false);

2) If you want to make this condition global for all users - you would need to use DataBase. For example, add a new boolean column to the connected object (It is not necessary to display this column on any page, it may just exist in the background). Read and update the value to determine if the button is visible or not.


Best Regards,


Hi Denis,

 I really appreciate your reply but I'm afraid you clearly didn't understand my question here. I'm asking how to disable or hide the button once the button is CLICKED. where you also mentioned "YOUR CONDITION". what I want is that "your condition" part.

Kind Regards,


Lakindu Yasomith,


I am sorry for assuming that the result of the click would have other visible changes in local conditions that were not mentioned.

Since now we have the only possible condition of the button - it is either clicked or not - the only solution would be adding a global boolean variable (a checkbox) to the object that would be stored in the DB.


We can imagine that the column would be UsrButtonIsClicked.

You would be able to check it using this.UsrButtonIsClicked or method to call query handler "await". Please see an example by the link below:…


Note that logic of updating this value in the database as onClick is triggered would be also required.


Best Regards,


Thank you for your response. This is helpful

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Hi Everyone,


I was thinking of a button within my screen. This button will be used to change tabs. There are different tabs (Steps) on my screen. And when a user clicks on this button it takes him to the next tab, which is his next step also. So instead of clicking on tabs themselves. Is it possible to do it through buttons? Thanks!

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Please note that there is no way to achieve such logic using basic user tools at the moment. 

However, we registtered this idea for our R&D team for review and this functionality may appear in future releases.

Assuming this is a classic page, you can do the following, passing the Code for the tab you want to set as the active/selected tab:

// set tab with code "GeneralInfoTab" as selected tab

Full article here on this topic:…

If this is a Freedom UI page, not sure.


Being able to do so in Freedom UI is a must. Anybody have any way of doing so? There must be some way.

It looks like this can be achieved in Freedom UI by setting the attribute <Tab element code>_SelectedTabIndex_Profile to the index of the tab you want to display, so the first tab would be 0, the second 1 etc. To show the 2nd tab for me, the code was:


Worth noting that when I try to set this in the init event (crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest) it throws an error in the console (though it does change the tab, so not sure what actually breaks, if anything). I worked around this by putting the set of the value inside a JS timeout for 800ms, which is quick enough to not really be noticeable to users while preventing the error. I'm guessing it's some kind of data loading race condition or something, loading the data for a tab that then isn't being shown.

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I am trying to disable the "Complete" button on any user task in a Case if any of the Checklist entries have not been completed for that Case. Does anyone know of a way to achieve this or have any examples ?

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Run a process from the case that carries out the checks (displaying messages if errors) before creating the task?

Gareth Osler,

Thanks for the reply however this assumes the checking should be done when creating a task. I need to be able to intercept the hover over an existing task and at that point check the criteria and either enable or disable the "Complete" button before it appears against the task.

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