We are testing some signals and created new Usr object for this purpose since there were some issues on OOTB objects. After creating new object, signals for 'Record added' are not triggering. 


Is there any additional configuration needed on object to enable signals?




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Basically, in order to trigger the logic of starting business processes on the event of adding/modifying or deleting records, you need to select the object for which events will be tracked and specify the appropriate parameters. You can learn more in this article on Creatio Academy.

Also, you should additionally make sure that the new object has been published and the system has been compiled after adding a new custom object.

Thank you.



thanks for update, I already read all that and did not find any clues for additional setup. After your post, I tried to compile and publish all, but it did not help. 


Is there any way I can check if signal was raised?




Hi Mario,


1) What is the Parent for this new object? BaseEntity?


2) How are you performing the add of the record? Is it via the UI, a process, code or direct SQL insert?



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Dear colleagues


To implement a process who automatically cancel activities not started from more than "XX" hours from the hour they are created, I filter all activities which meet some another conditions and Created on < Previous hours XX.


I want to use a System setting if customer want to change the XX hours, in the future, and not need to touch the process. 


Is there any way possible to replace 10 by a formula like 

Created on < Previous hours [#System setting.SLATasks#] (in the filter condition)?


Thanks in advance


Best regards

Julio Falcón

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What I did is to create a Date/Time parameter called FechaSLA with this value 

[#System variable.Current Time and Date#].AddHours( -[#System setting.SLA MDA's#] )

and in the filter use Created On < FechaSLA , that's all!



Hello Julio,

You can create a date/time param to use in the condition and then populate the param with a formula like this:

[#System variable.Current Time and Date#].AddHours(-10)

This formula takes the current date/time and adds a negative 10 hours  (which is subtracting 10 hours). The value of 10 could be a int param so it's flexible the amount of hours subtracted. 


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan...


How come I didn't see it? hahaha :-(




What I did is to create a Date/Time parameter called FechaSLA with this value 

[#System variable.Current Time and Date#].AddHours( -[#System setting.SLA MDA's#] )

and in the filter use Created On < FechaSLA , that's all!



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I am experiencing problem when adding filter to filtergroup via add addItem.

Error states, filter.on is not a function.

Here's the esq:

const esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
	rootSchemaName: entitySchemaName
esq.addMacrosColumn(Terrasoft.QueryMacrosType.PRIMARY_COLUMN, "value");
esq.addMacrosColumn(Terrasoft.QueryMacrosType.PRIMARY_DISPLAY_COLUMN, "displayValue");
if (filterRules) {
	const filterDataFilters = Terrasoft.deserialize(filterRules);
	var filterGroup = new this.Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();
	filterGroup.logicalOperation = this.Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.AND;
	filterGroup.addItem(filterDataFilters); // <-- error filter.on is not a function

Here's the filter, which I saved in DB:


Here's the error message:


Anyone have any idea about this problem?



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Silly me!

I already fixed it, my json is missing way more data than required.

Silly me!

I already fixed it, my json is missing way more data than required.

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now the above are form responses in creatio, Is it possible for multiple users to edit the responses?  Also is it possible to store different versions of those edits and go back to those old edits ? is it possible to restrict users to view only their responses and edit those only?

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Could you please provide more information with a detailed description, screenshots or videos?

Looking forward to hear from you.

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Dear mates,

We mistakenly created the same organization group twice.

After deleting one of the two groups in the management of organizational groups, when we go to the rights of a record, the two groups still appear.

I tried clearing the cache, restarting the application. Do I need to recompile the entire environment so that the deleted group no longer appears when we want to modify the recording rights?



Thank you !



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Best reply

we found the problem, there were a group in an other group

sorrry for disturbing you



Please specify if you have tied to "Update roles" this way:

yes I tried that yesterday too, but it had no effect

i just tried again, no effect even if the call return true


we found the problem, there were a group in an other group

sorrry for disturbing you

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Hello ,

I want to see a list of departments when I click on the "Plus button," so that I want to select several departments, add them to the bottom section and automatically send emails and notifications to the users of these departments that I have selected



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Unfortunately, the multi-record adding feature from the lookups is not available for Freedom UI.

Based on your feedback, we have registered a task for the responsible R&D team to review its implementation in a future release.

Thank you ,

What if we want to add them one by one?

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We have a situation where we work with a partner on our support service and therefore when we add their email address to our case we generate a circular communication that keeps both our cases open. The following is the workflow:

  1. Open case
  2. Add our partners support@ email address to case, so all three parties see communications
  3. Case resolved
    1. Partner service desk platform closes the case
    2. Our platform (Creatio) sends an email asking for feedback on the case to both the case contact (customer) AND the partner
  4. This causes the partners system to automatically reopen the case on their end

How can we at step 3.2 prevent the partner email being sent?




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Thank you for your question! 

With the basic tools of the application, it is impossible to filter to whom exactly to send an email with a request to evaluate the work. However, you can achieve this by customizing the basic process of sending a feedback request to a contact in a case (Reevaluate case level request process).

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After enabling the Freedom UI option in the Activities section in the mobile application settings, the view changes from the calendar view to the records list view.

How do I enable the Freedom UI-compatible calendar view in the mobile app?

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I have the same question :)


The schedule for Freedom UI will be available, but not in the immediate future. We cannot provide an exact timeframe, but for now, you can combine sections on Freedom UI and the old UI. You can use the old UI for the "Activities" section along with the schedule.

Best regards,


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when we tried to create a report it worked normally when the user language was English, however

when a user language Arabic the BP shows the below error

System.NotSupportedException: Unsupported report type '0'

   at Terrasoft.Configuration.ReportEngine.Generate(ReportSettings settings)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration.ReportFileProcessingUserTask.InternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.RunInCultureScope[T](Func`1 action)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteElement(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context

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Dear Sayed!


We can see that you have already submitted a case for our support team and this case is currently in progress. We will update you in that request. 


Have a great day!

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is it possible to configure that communication options should be entered with mask, like it can be set for simple fields?

Communication options block:

Simple field:

Thank you!


Like 3



Hello Vladimir,

There is no such option for now. 


However, we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

Yeeess !!

This has been a little puzzle for ourselves and clients to implement. Communication block looks great but too limited in options, at the same time, simple fields are not as elegant in presentation ...

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