SQL scripts can be utilized to implement the transfer of organizational structure settings and access rights from one environment to another. To do this, insert queries need to be generated on the reference environment based on records from the following tables:
SysAdminUnit (Administration object: users and roles)
SysUserInRole (Direct user role assignments)
SysFuncRoleInOrgRole (Functional role assignments to organizational roles)
SysAdminOperation (System operations, if necessary)
SysAdminOperationGrantee (Access to system operations, if necessary)
SysEntitySchemaOperationRight (Access to objects)
SysEntitySchemaRecordDefRight (Access to default records)
SysEntitySchemaColumnRight (Access to object columns)
SysAdminUnitGrantedRight (Delegation)
SysWorkplace – (User workplace)
SysAdminUnitInWorkplace – (Users in the workplace)
SysModuleInWorkplace – (Module in the workplace)
You can use Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard or similar tools to generate queries. The resulting SQL script should be attached to the package. If the transfer is happening to a production environment, we recommend making a backup of the data beforehand and primarily deploying the package to a test environment to verify the script execution results. These tasks should be performed outside of business hours.
Is it possible to restrict the "Owner" filter for Timeline components to only show Contacts which match a specific filter condition? We are currently seeing every Contact as an option, but for us this should be restricted to only Contacts which have a User record associated with them, and ideally we'd want to add some more customisation to the filter options beyond this.
There is no such option for now, however, we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.
Thanks Bogdan, it's definitely a feature that's needed - having every Contact show up in the Owner filter with no way to change this on a CRM platform isn't ideal.
Interesting, it hadn't occurred to me to push multiple filters to the parameters. I've always added the multiple filters to a FilterGroup and then added the group to the parameters. I guess it's an array for a reason :) Nice to know it works that way as well.
Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Terrasoft.EventSourcing.Configuration.EventStoreUtitities.GetEventSourcingConfiguration(Configuration configuration) in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.EventSourcing/Configuration/EventStoreUtitities.cs:line 70
at Terrasoft.WebHost.ApplicationModule.SetupEventStore(IServiceCollection services) in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.WebHost/ApplicationModule.cs:line 227
at Terrasoft.WebHost.ApplicationModule.Configure(IServiceCollection services) in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.WebHost/ApplicationModule.cs:line 351
at Terrasoft.Core.DI.AutofacContainerBuilder.Build() in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.Core.DI/AutofacContainerBuilder.cs:line 63
at Terrasoft.Core.DI.ContainerBuilder.Build() in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.Core.DI/ContainerBuilder.cs:line 100
at Terrasoft.Core.DI.ServiceProvider.ServiceProviderFactory.CreateServiceProvider(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder) in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.Core.DI/ServiceProvider/ServiceProviderFactory.cs:line 23
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Internal.ServiceFactoryAdapter`1.CreateServiceProvider(Object containerBuilder)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.CreateServiceProvider()
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.Build()
at Terrasoft.WebHost.Program.StartWebApplication(String[] args) in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.WebHost/Program.cs:line 26
at Terrasoft.WebHost.Program.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.b__0(StartOptions _) in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.WebHost/Program.cs:line 62
at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.MapResult[T1,T2,TResult](ParserResult`1 result, Func`2 parsedFunc1, Func`2 parsedFunc2, Func`2 notParsedFunc)
at Terrasoft.WebHost.Program.Main(String[] args) in /opt/buildagent/work/ApplicationCoreLinux/TSBpm/Src/Lib/Terrasoft.WebHost/Program.cs:line 59
I have a web service that generates a file. I need to attach that file to a record. I see there is an option to the Process File Component passing a File as parameter, but the Parameter is Expecting a IFileLocator. How can I use a script to create a IFileLocator from a full file path on Creatio Studio version 8.1?
I have created a Section and provided them field level permission for Some roles. In that Section we have some details used. I have to give field level permission to the fields of detail and this detail is used in both Contact and Org Page and having different permission on field .So how I can give that?
It's a no-code method. You need DB only for step 3 but you can replace it by checking if "ChartWidget...." appeared in the Desktop settings list of strings (Advanced Settings -> enter the name of your new Desktop in search panel -> Left panel with different settings -> Open Localizable strings).
This will be a useful feature in studio. We have a couple of applications where a record has multiple details (sometimes hundreds), and the user needs to review and enter some information on each detail. Usually, the record to review has multiple fields and requires its own page.
A next and a previous button would be useful, so the user does not have to close the page, figure it out where in the list they were and then open another record to process.
Is there a way to display the "add next steps" button/functionality for each record in the list view, so that you can add a task to that record with the pre-filled values without opening that record?
Unfortunately, there is still no opportunity as of now to filter lookup-fields in detail. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.
is it possible to sort the list by two values? For example I want to sort my list first by the Account and the by the Opportunity Name, because I have multiple opportunities for one Account, and I would like to see which are these.
Hello, we create a field that is calculated as Account name + Opportunity name. So, if user filters by it, they get needed sorting (hardcoded one). Besides, this field can be set as primary displayed field
You know if and when this feature will be available in Freedom UI? It's a very important and critical feature in the project we are working on and the proposed workarounds (create a filter and/or create a concatenate field) don't match our needs.