
Hey all , 

is it possible to add an attachment column in this expanded list , to add for each invoice an individual attachment.


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At the moment, there is no such possibility with basic tools, to display a column in the invoice with attachments.

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. In case you would like to check what stage this task is at, I am sending you the task number: PR-30551. Feel free to share this number with us at any time and ask your questions.

That's an awesome idea !

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i made a module, in freedom-ui mode, to display custom content in Accounts_FormPage. The module init is triggered with crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest handler.

here is the useful module code :

/* AMD module declaration. */
// jshint esversion: 11
define("UsrAccountHistoriqueProduit", ["@creatio-devkit/common"], function(sdk) {
    return {
        //**--------------------------------- Init module -------------------------------**/
        onInitialized: async function($context) {
            const idAccount = await $context.Id;
            const my = this;
            /* Declare the class. */
            class UsrAccountHistoriqueProduit extends HTMLElement  {
                constructor(args) {
                async displaycontent() {
                    var shadowDom = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
                    shadowDom.innerHTML = "";
                    const html = await my.statsOrderProduct(idAccount);
                    shadowDom.innerHTML = html;        

            /* Register the component. */
            customElements.define('usr-historiqueproduit-view-element', UsrAccountHistoriqueProduit);

            /* Register the web component as a view element. */
                type: 'usr.CustomViewElement',
                selector: 'usr-historiqueproduit-view-element'


It works fine at load of the page, then when viewing a second account, i have this error message : 

ERROR DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry':
the name "usr-historiqueproduit-view-element" has already been used with this registry

i think i can clean up the registered viewElement with the crt.HandleViewModelDestroyRequest handler, but i did not found cleaning method in the sdk objet.


How should it be done please ?


best regards,


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Hi Patrice,


This error message occurs since the element with "usr-historiqueproduit-view-element" selector was already registered upon first init:

                type: 'usr.CustomViewElement',
                selector: 'usr-historiqueproduit-view-element'

In your onEnityInitialized you need to add additional check if the element was registered in DOM or not (for example as proposed here) and as a result of this check perform registration or not.

Hi Patrice,


This error message occurs since the element with "usr-historiqueproduit-view-element" selector was already registered upon first init:

                type: 'usr.CustomViewElement',
                selector: 'usr-historiqueproduit-view-element'

In your onEnityInitialized you need to add additional check if the element was registered in DOM or not (for example as proposed here) and as a result of this check perform registration or not.

Thanks Oleg,

i was not aware of the CustomElementRegistry api, i thaught it was a Creatio thing.

Now i know where the documentation is ! (


Best regards,


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How to update the SupportEmailBodyTemplate of ContextHelpSchema ?

The Code is a Localizable Strings, I want to update the Value (body) by a custom template. How can I achieve this ?

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Hello Naresh,

You can achieve your goal in a simpler way:

Go to System designer -> find "Translation" -> find key Configuration:ContextHelpSchema:LocalizableStrings.SupportEmailBodyTemplate.Value -> for required localization change data -> click the "Apply translations" button


Hello Anhelina,

Thanks for the response, but I am trying to update the value of the Localizable Strings of "SupportEmailBodyTemplate" with some custom template. But the value itself has some URL encode embedded to the text, I want to update the text using JavaScript, or is there any other way I can do this ?

Let me know.


Naresh Mamillapalli,

You can create a replacement of ContextHelpSchema. To do this: go to System designer -> Advanced settings -> Custom package -> Replacing view model -> in modal window fill "Parent object" with "ContextHelpSchema (ContextHelpSchema)" -> Apply -> Here you can write your custom template and change Localizable Strings.

Link to Academy resources for replacing schema:

P.S. Method prepareEmailConfig from ContextHelpSchema is filling SupportEmailBodyTemplate. Please, double check it when replacing and use a debugger to feel confident at all stages of change.

Best regards, Anhelina!


Yes, I did that already by Replacing view model and adding another schema in my package, but the problem is with the value, how shall I update the value of "SupportEmailBodyTemplate", it is in the format of "body=%0D%0A****" etc., I just wanted to use the plain text in the value to replace with my custom template, but it is not working/taking the plain text. How should I achieve this ?


M Naresh

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i want to make a custom module to display data in a freedom UI page,

but i can not figure out how to send the Id of the main entity to the module, in a freedom UI page.


The page context is sent to the module with the crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest handler, but i don't know how to retrieve id from that context object..


is there some documentation i can read about this please ?




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Best reply

Try this: 

const recordId = await request.$context.Id;


Try this: 

const recordId = await request.$context.Id;


Thanks Ryan, i did not figure $context hold a collection of promises !

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Dear mates,

We are adding to Creatio, our contacts from marketplaces with oData.

We are facing the following issue :

data are well integrated into Creatio, but if we look at the contact sheet, in the area on the top left, the telephone professional is not indicated even though it is present in the contact's communications fields. So in the contact details of the account, we do not directly see the contact's telephone number.


How can we add the phone to the contacts left panel in order to see the contact's telephone number directly on the accounts page ?

Thank you !


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It`s seems to be an issue that our support should take a look. Please send us an email at

Best regards,



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Dear mates,

i have installed the application "Conducting surveys for Creatio".

when i go to the Interviews edit page of the section wizard, i get the following error :

Page contains items with the same name in the schema source code in different containers. Changes of these items may be applied incorrectly. It can be fixed in the source code.
The name "undefined" is used by:
- The item with path CardContentWrapper.CardContentContainer.HeaderContainer.Header.GlbQuestionnaireType.undefined
- The item with path CardContentWrapper.CardContentContainer.HeaderContainer.Header.GlbQuestionnaireType.undefined.undefined
- The item with path CardContentWrapper.CardContentContainer.HeaderContainer.Header.GlbQuestionnaire.undefined
- The item with path CardContentWrapper.CardContentContainer.HeaderContainer.Header.GlbQuestionnaire.undefined.undefined
The name "converter" is used by:
- The item with path CardContentWrapper.CardContentContainer.HeaderContainer.Header.GlbQuestionnaireType.undefined.undefined.converter
- The item with path CardContentWrapper.CardContentContainer.HeaderContainer.Header.GlbQuestionnaire.undefined.undefined.converter

how can i fix this issue ?

Thank you !


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i created two custom objects for GlbQuestionnaire and GlbQuestionnaireType but the error still appears

LÉZORAY Nicolas,




The developer has published a new version of the add-on with fixes for these errors. Please install the latest version via the link and ensure that everything works as expected.


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How to make a field in the expanded list read-only by default or by a condition

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You can customize a business rule to cover this need:

Set up business rules

Hi @Kalymbet .Can you guide little bit more. The link which you have shared that is not opening

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I'm creating a business process, and I want to compare two date fields, the result of this difference should provide me with the number of days that a particular item lasts in other integer field. Problem with formula or it should be faster with sql ?


RoundOff(([#data zakonczenia.First item of resulting collection.Data planowanego zamknięcie#]-[#data rozpoczecia.First item of resulting collection.Data rozpoczęcia#]).TotalDays)


Formula value error: Cannot convert type "Double" to "Boolean"

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Two thoughts, where do you get the RoundOff() function from, it doesn't look like a C# function (should it not be Math.Round()).


It may or may not be this, but if your code is OK (and the total days calculation looks fine), is the error in code elsewhere that is being published at the same time as your total days code?

it is just formula in business process. I have two dates field: begin date, end date. I must compare this and result should be in third field Integer only days but as an integer. This is what i must do. 

The error is likely because you're attempting to put the result of the formula in a boolean param or column and it's not a boolean, it's a double. If you're wanting to know if the number of days is greater than 5 days, for example, you could use the following, which would be a boolean:

RoundOff(([#data zakonczenia.First item of resulting collection.Data planowanego zamknięcie#]-[#data rozpoczecia.First item of resulting collection.Data rozpoczęcia#]).TotalDays) > 5


I need to know the exact number of days because I will be using this information further, so the only way is to validate this?


Arkadiusz Polus,

if you need to know the number of days just make sure you putting the result of the formula in an integer param, not Boolean. 


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Hello Community!


I'm trying to fill a field with the result of a simple calculation (e.g. field A - field B).


However, when I create the business rule and select "set field" as action, I can only provide a constant value and not a I missing something?


Here is a screenshot of the 


I know that I can use a business process to achieve this, but this would be much more simpler and elegant I think.




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It's not yet available in Freedom UI --> Creatio Roadmap indicates for Q4 2023…

I forgot to add that I use version

It's not yet available in Freedom UI --> Creatio Roadmap indicates for Q4 2023…

Damien Collot,

Thanks Damien, at least I know that I did overlook something.

Hi Damien,

I do not have access to the link to the roadmap.

I get this message:


Access denied

You are not authorized to access this page.


Is it restricted?

It is very interesting information.



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In Classic UI we have used related object fields for business rules

How can we do the same in Freedom UI?


Thank you!

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@Damien, is this link now offline for you also? Can’t seem to access it! Anything in the roadmap with regards to improved analytics/excel reporting by any chance?!



Linking a column filter of the current object with another unrelated object is currently not possible. We only operate on the object and its own columns (including columns through direct relationships). 

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