Hello Community,


I want to implement a Google Sign On on a Creatio site, is it possible? Is there any connector that allows this?

Thank you very much!

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I have checked this information with the R&D team responsible for the SSO integration. They confirmed that it is possible to set up Google SSO authorization. Unfortunately, we do not have specific instructions, as this authentification is not quite popular among our clients, but you can use, for example, this instruction to set it up. 

Furthermore, we will register the project for our R&D team to publish the required instruction

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to add a custom button to the contacts section in the mobile application. I followed the steps provided in: https://community.creatio.com/articles/adding-custom-user-action-mobile… to create a custom button on the user actions list, but I was unsuccessful.

Alternatively, is there a way to add buttons to the section (list) page, or to add a button in the Freedom UI section of the mobile application?



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Hi Ramya,


Currently there is no way to add custom buttons in Freedom UI (the article you refer to will only work in classic UI). I've created a suggestion for our R&D team to make it possible to add buttons in Freedom UI using no-code capabilities and pointed them to your community question.


Thank you for helping us in making the app better!

Hi Oleg Drobina,

Thank you for the prompt response. In the Classic UI, is it possible to add a button somewhere other than the record's edit page, maybe in the section page or a common menu like the settings? Or is it possible to override the existing 'Add Contact' button?



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Is it possible to use Freedom MiniPage when hovering on a classic section/details?

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Unfortunately, the Freedom mini page is only available in the Freedom UI. 



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Hi all, 

Does anyone know how this works? For some reason when changing package dependencies, the autonumbering was switched off.


Now I can't find a way to to switch it back on and continue at the numbering it was at. The only option seems to start from the beginning? 




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Hi Harry,

We understand that you may need to manually reset the current number in a specific column, for instance, to initiate numbering from 1. Currently, there is no interface that allows users to configure this manually, so the following steps need to be taken:

Identify the UId of the auto-numbered column.

For the identified column, use the script below to set a new starting number. In the examples provided, '4a40180c-61bf-de86-2f08-b05852a5ea6d' represents the UId of the auto-numbered column, and '1' is the next value from which the auto-numbering will proceed.

Script for MSSQL:

ALTER SEQUENCE [4a40180c-61bf-de86-2f08-b05852a5ea6d]


Script for PostgreSQL:

SELECT setval('4a40180c-61bf-de86-2f08-b05852a5ea6d', 1, false);

Hi Bogdan,

Is it possible to access the database from a cloud instance? Or must one contact support to run a script like this? 





You should contact support on this matter. 

How can I get the column UID?

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Hi all,


We are trying to send an email from a business process, but we notice that we have to set Mailbox first. When we tried to enter the email, we encountered this error.


What should we do?




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Best reply

David Chandra,


Please contact support team to get credentials to the repository.

Hi David,


If it's a local website you should deploy an Email Listener synchronization service.


I'm trying to follow your suggestion.

However, I encountered an error when trying to deploy the docker-compose.


root@server03:~/downloads/docker-compose# docker-compose up -d

Building with native build. Learn about native build in Compose here: https://docs.docker.com/go/compose-native-build/

Pulling ListenerAPI (registry.creatio.com/emaillistener:1.0.17)...

ERROR: Head "https://registry.creatio.com/v2/emaillistener/manifests/1.0.17": no basic auth credentials


It seems that the image cannot be downloaded.

David Chandra,


Please contact support team to get credentials to the repository.


I managed to make the EmailListener work by using docker.

Thank you for your help.

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Does anyone know how to remove a Business Process Notification. I have one where the process log has been cancelled and one where the process log does not even exist, but the notifications are still showing as needing to be actioned. Assuming some kind of DB update but not sure the correct table etc. Thanks

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In this case, you can delete values from the "SysProcessElementToDo" table using the lookup functionality. As an example, set up columns to view "Title" and "Created On" to compare the record.


I would like to warn you not to delete system values that may be needed for the system to work. Delete only the values you mentioned.

Is there any general customisability around the notifications system? Specifically for Freedom UI, but in general would be useful to know too - with alerts just showing a red dot on Freedom UI if there's even a single notification, having a few Business Process Tasks outstanding (as we expect in our business case) for a user prevents them seeing that any "Reminder" notifications have come in since they last looked at the panel. This could lead to them missing important notifications.

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Dear friends and community, 


I urge your support and advise to get a way or method to generate PDF from a filled form application. (I am using latest version) 




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Maybe you can use Printables and then build a server-side code that will convert the printable word to PDF, you can store the result in an activity for self keeping or etc.

You can use 3rd party DLL to convert the word to PDF.



As of now, the PDF conversion functionality is not available in the ootb version of the system.


Currently, we can recommend using the PDF conversion feature in MS Word by using the "Save As" option.


As a workaround, if it is necessary to prevent users from making changes to the PDF file after exporting:

You can upload a Word file with a password for modifications as a template for the printable. This way, the necessary data will be included in the file, but it will not be possible to make changes without knowing the password.


Additionally, we can suggest an alternative approach:

Use the marketplace addon "Aspose.PDF connector for Creatio" - https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/asposepdf-connector-creatio


Best regards,




It has been years since Creatio removed this feature from OOTB


It is the feature that has more requests from partners and is assumed to work from all clients (as all other major platforms have it OOtB)


It is very disapointing that it is now not even in the pipeline to have it

somewhere in the future.


In this case Creatio is really not listening to the partners and customers




Hi Ahmed, 

For what it's worth, I use Power Automate a lot to handle these kind of functions where Creatio lacks the functionality. You can handle the API response of Power Automate REST Trigger to give you the data back, etc... 

If you are using 365 in your tech stack it, it could be an option. 




 Interesting indeed 🧐. Could you make a blog post ? 🙂

@luis --> agree with you, this is such an akward missing feature nowadays.

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I am trying to set up a creatio development environment with docker for the guided learning Development on Creatio Platform (November) workshop sessions starting next monday.

I have found the academy article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/application_se…

My problem now is that there is no "Terrasoft.WebHost.dll" in my creatio package.

Where can i find it? Is there another package i have to download?

I tried emailing support, but my message seems to be classified as spam, preventing the message from being sent. (I should still be able to receive mail without problems)

Could you please provide a way for me to have the correct files required for the guided learning workshop sessions.

Best regards


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As far as we can not help you with this question because we do not know what Creatio package you are using, this question can be resolved as a case for the Creatio Support Team.

If you having problems with sending an email, you can try to connect with us by calling:


USA: +1 617 765 7997

UK: +44 20 3384 0040

Australia: +61 261 452 888

+38 (044) 363-31-33

Alternatively, you can send your question through Customer Portal.

Thank you.


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We have an object that we no longer need and would like to essentially retire it by hiding it from view of the users across the system, including from object lists they see while creating dashboards.  I tried checking off the "Show in advanced mode only" checkbox at the object level thinking this would achieve the desired effect but the change would not take after publishing the object and the checkbox shows as unchecked again.


I have a few questions:

-Is the "Show advanced mode only" checkbox the appropriate and best solution for essentially retiring an object and hiding it from view of users?

-Are there alternative options that would achieve the same effect?  I would think changing the object permissions to remove view access from everyone would work.

-Any ideas why the "Show advanced mode only" change wouldn't be taking?

For background, we are on Creatio 8.0.6 with an on-prem instance.



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We recommend using the "Show advanced mode only" option for essentially retiring an object. 

Unfortunately, there are currently no other alternatives to this functionality. 


Regarding your issue with the checkbox not being ticked:

We have tested this logic and unfortunately could not reproduce it on the version in question. As this is a point case, we need to analyse the issue in more detail to provide a solution. To do this, we ask you to contact our technical support team at support@creatio.com.

Best regards, 


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Can anyone please help me understand how we can add below aggregate filters in freedom UI dynamic folders filter setup.

“Ideas” with an average [Idea expenses] of more than 5000.

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You can create a folder and set up conditions for this folder: 

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