Can anyone knows HOW TO ADD POP CONFIRMATION MESSAGE for selecting Yes or No in Freedom UI

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Is it possible to change the colours/colour progression used for subsequent sections of a donut chart widget? We currently want to define that one value of a boolean on a lookup should be displayed in green, and the other red, but a generalised way of doing this would be very helpful for future reference - e.g. to specify the set and order of colours used in some way. We're currently on Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Unfortunately, at the moment it is impossible to customize colors in charts. However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to add the option to customize colors in charts, in future releases. In case you would like to check  what stage this task is at, I am sending you the task number: PR-6359.

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Can anyone tell how I can Navigate to a Page by clicking on button in Freedom UI  by using (customcode)

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You can do that with no code using the actions: 

  • Open new record (to open a page in add mode)
  • Open existing record (to open a page in edit mode)
  • Open specific page (to choose a specific page. This could be a section list page, or a specific page for a record if a record has multiple pages defined for it)

If you want to do this in code, these articles will help: 


Thank you @Ryan for answering my question ,Do you have exact example where we are Navigating to Page by clicking on button.



Please note that this can be set up without custom code using basic functionality of Freedom UI components. You can find the instructions on it in this Academy article. And here are the instructions for the Classic UI.

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Hi I would like to export my custom package with all elements in it to deploy to another instance of Creatio. How can I tell if the package I have has all the elements of my custom application.

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Hi Waseem


First, create a new package and all the dependencies from custom to this new package.

Then move all schema elements from Custom to the new package.

Compile and make sure everything works as expected.

At this point, you should have everything in the package except for Data values from lookups.

Identify the missing data binding and add them to the new package.

Install the new package in a new Creatio instance, and test it.

Add/Update databinding if you miss anything in the new instance.


Hope this helps!


Thank you


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Quick question, does the new feature to be released in 8.1.1 "Attachment search. You can now search for attachments in the Freedom UI component by name using global search. Creatio indexes attachment names automatically." also search in email attachements (when someone annexes an excel or word, etc..)



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Best reply



It's important to note that activities are not indexed in the global search. Consequently, searching for such attachments won't be possible in the global search.


The issue stems from the fact that even if you enable the option in the section wizard, indexation will not work for the "Activities" section.


The complexity arises because activities encompass more than just tasks visible in the section; they also include emails and calls. The Global Search mechanism is currently unable to process these entities given the application's configuration.


I've already communicated your request to our Research and Development team. They have a task to address this issue in a future application release.


Thank you for reaching out.



It's important to note that activities are not indexed in the global search. Consequently, searching for such attachments won't be possible in the global search.


The issue stems from the fact that even if you enable the option in the section wizard, indexation will not work for the "Activities" section.


The complexity arises because activities encompass more than just tasks visible in the section; they also include emails and calls. The Global Search mechanism is currently unable to process these entities given the application's configuration.


I've already communicated your request to our Research and Development team. They have a task to address this issue in a future application release.


Thank you for reaching out.

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Is it possible to set the default Date & time format for all users in the system? Or at least change the format connected with the language? (it is not possible to set format for the user you can select the language with the default format) 


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Yes please !

Hello Paulina, 


Thank you for your question!

Unfortunately, there is no basic system setting to change the time zone for already existing system users.

You can use the SQL script for this purpose. 

Please note that the DateTimeFormatId column value refers to the SysLanguage table and the TimezoneId value refers to the Code column in Timezone table so the SQL script will be the following: 

UPDATE SysAdminUnit SET DateTimeFormatId = 'value from SysLanguage', TimeZoneId = 'Code column value from TimeZone table' WHERE ContactID IS NOT NULL

All you need to do is to add the proper IDs you'd like to change the values to.  

For example, here is the script with values which will set Date and Time format for all users to English and timezone to GMT:

UPDATE SysAdminUnit SET DateTimeFormatId = '910eb38b-c00f-4d84-8e4a-853a62476b68', TimeZoneId = 'GMT Standard Time' WHERE ContactID IS NOT NULL 




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Is it possible to cancel a DCM transition from JS code? I believe it used to be possible in the classic UI, but I can't find any info on achieving it in Freedom UI. Trying to intercept the call with a handler for `crt.EntityStageProgressBarStageChangedHandlerRequest` allows "cancelling" it in a sense, as we can prevent the continuation of the handler chain by not performing the `return await next?.handle(request);` call, similar to how you would omit the `this.callParent(arguments)` when using classic UI, which does prevent the change from happening/further processing, but this leaves the selected stage highlighted instead of visually returning it back to the actually active stage. I'm currently using version 8.1.0

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Best reply


In order to cancel a DCM transition you will have to add a handler for the system request crt.SaveRecordRequest, which is executed when you click the Save button on the record editing page.

In this example, we also added crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest, which is executed whenever the value of an attribute changes, and an "IsStageChanged" attribute to control the Stage state. This way we check if a Stage attribute (LookupAttribute_ioghn6a) has been changed and prevent it from being saved. You can adjust this code according to your business needs:


	viewModelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"path": [
				"values": {
						value: false
		handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
				request: "crt.SaveRecordRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					if(await request.$context.LookupAttribute_ioghn6a && await request.$context.IsStageChanged){
						request.${message: 'Cannot set status'});
						return false;
					const saveResult = await next.handle(request);
						request.$context.IsStageChanged = false;
					return saveResult;
				request: "crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					if (request.attributeName === 'LookupAttribute_ioghn6a' && request.value != request.oldValue && request.oldValue) {
						request.$context.IsStageChanged = true;
					return next?.handle(request);



In order to cancel a DCM transition you will have to add a handler for the system request crt.SaveRecordRequest, which is executed when you click the Save button on the record editing page.

In this example, we also added crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest, which is executed whenever the value of an attribute changes, and an "IsStageChanged" attribute to control the Stage state. This way we check if a Stage attribute (LookupAttribute_ioghn6a) has been changed and prevent it from being saved. You can adjust this code according to your business needs:


	viewModelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"path": [
				"values": {
						value: false
		handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
				request: "crt.SaveRecordRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					if(await request.$context.LookupAttribute_ioghn6a && await request.$context.IsStageChanged){
						request.${message: 'Cannot set status'});
						return false;
					const saveResult = await next.handle(request);
						request.$context.IsStageChanged = false;
					return saveResult;
				request: "crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					if (request.attributeName === 'LookupAttribute_ioghn6a' && request.value != request.oldValue && request.oldValue) {
						request.$context.IsStageChanged = true;
					return next?.handle(request);


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There is a requirement in which I have to make printable visible on the basis of data in the connected object. I followed this article


It is working fine on the combined mode in edit page and only showing printable which is matching with the condition, but the same is not reflecting on the separate mode in edit page and showing the complete list of printable.


Is there something which I am missing or any other workaround ?

Methods which I have added on section is :

initQueryColumns: function(esq) {



                                                          if (!esq.columns.contains("Id")) {





                                           GetDocumentCollection: function() {

                                                                        var recObj = [];


                                                                        var id =  this.get("GridData").get(this.get("ActiveRow")).get("Id");

                                                                        var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "Document" });


                                                                        esq.filters.add("UsrTransactions", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(

                                                                                      Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrTransaction", id));

                                                                        esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {

                                                                                      var response = result.collection;

                                                                                      var hasRecord = (response.collection.length !== 0);

                                                                                      if(hasRecord) {

                                                                                      result.collection.each(function(item) {






                                                                        }, this);



                                           initCardPrintForms: function() {


                                                          var printMenuItems = this.get(this.moduleCardPrintFormsCollectionName);

                                                          if (Ext.isEmpty(printMenuItems)) return;


                                                          printMenuItems.each(function(item) {

                                                                        item.set("Visible", {bindTo: "getPrintMenuItemVisible"});

                                                          }, this);


                                           getPrintMenuItemVisible: function(reportId) {

                                                          if (Ext.isEmpty(this.get("ActiveRow"))) return true;

                                                          var Id = this.get("GridData").get(this.get("ActiveRow")).get("Id"),

                                                                        printMenuItems = this.get(this.moduleCardPrintFormsCollectionName),

                                                                        item = printMenuItems.find(reportId);


                                                          if (Ext.isEmpty(item)) return;

                                                          var ReportName = item.get("Caption");

                                                          var DocCollection = this.get("DocumentCollection");

                                                          if(DocCollection === undefined){

                                                                        return false;



                                                                        if(DocCollection.includes(ReportName)){return true;}

                                                                        else{return false;}





Methods which I have added on edit page is :

                                                         GetDocumentCollection: function() {


                                                                        var recObj = [];

                                                                        var id =  this.get("Id");

                                                                        var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "Document" });


                                                                        esq.filters.add("UsrTransactions", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(

                                                                                      Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrTransaction", id));

                                                                        esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {

                                                                                      var response = result.collection;

                                                                                      var hasRecord = (response.collection.length !== 0);

                                                                                      if(hasRecord) {

                                                                                      result.collection.each(function(item) {







                                                                        }, this);



                                           initCardPrintForms: function() {



                                                          var printMenuItems = this.get(this.moduleCardPrintFormsCollectionName);

                                                          if (Ext.isEmpty(printMenuItems)) return;


                                                          printMenuItems.each(function(item) {

                                                                        item.set("Visible", {bindTo: "getPrintMenuItemVisible"});

                                                          }, this);


                                                                                      getPrintMenuItemVisible: function(reportId) {


                                                          var Id = this.get("Id"),

                                                                        printMenuItems = this.get(this.moduleCardPrintFormsCollectionName),

                                                                        item = printMenuItems.find(reportId);

                                                          if (Ext.isEmpty(item)) return;


                                                          var ReportName = item.get("Caption");

                                                          var DocCollection = this.get("DocumentCollection");

                                                          if(DocCollection === undefined){

                                                                        return false;



                                                                        if(DocCollection.includes(ReportName)){return true;}

                                                                        else{return false;}





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In order to filter printables in edit mode, both in your page and section replacing schemas, you need to replace a method preparePrintFormsMenuCollection. Inside this method, you should leave base method as is (the code before and after comments below), and only change the code between the comments to create the logic that fits your business needs:


preparePrintFormsMenuCollection: function(printForms) {
    printForms.eachKey(function (key, item) {
        if (!item.get("Caption")) {
            item.set("Caption", item.get("NonLocalizedCaption"));
        item.set("Tag", key);
        if (item.get("TypeColumnValue")) {
            item.set("Visible", { bindTo: "getPrintMenuItemVisible" });
        //Here is your logic for filtering of printables
        /* YOUR CODE, for example 
        var currentState = this.get("State");
        var currentStateDisplayValue = currentState.displayValue;
        var currentStateDisplayValueToLower = currentStateDisplayValue?.toLowerCase();
        var isStateEmpty = Ext.isEmpty(currentState);
        if (!isStateEmpty && currentStateDisplayValue && item.get("Caption").includes(currentStateDisplayValueToLower)) {
        item.set("Visible", true);
        else {
        item.set("Visible", false);
    }, this);


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I want to prevent users from deleting details once the status is not DRAFT anymore.

So, I'm thinking to remove the all of the buttons.

Does anyone know how to do this?


Thank you.

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Dear David,


This can be achieved by code implementation or by business rule.


For the business rule, you can turn on Object permissions for this object. Then the business process will be triggered by changing the record for example, and it will be removing right for editing and deleting this record.


Hope this helps.


Have a great day!

Dear Alina,


I notice about this method. 

Actually, I want to keep this method as a last resort.


Thank you for your reply.


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Hi community,


I have this requirement where the client must be able to move one or more records from one detail to another through a business process. Following the steps shown in the image below:


1. The user must select one or more records from the "Product on Invoice" detail.


2. Next, the user executes the business process using the "Add" button. The process must receive the ids of the selected records.


3. Finally, all the selected records should then be added to the "Products in the Correction Invoice".



How can I achieve this requirement on the new Freedom UI?


If you need more information, feel free to ask.


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro



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Dear Pedro,


To execute this idea, you can do the following:


1) You can add the element that depends on user's choice in the "User's Action":



You can add an "Auto-generated/Pre-configured page" asking the user for an Id for example.


2) To achieve this, you can add the action on the button to start the business process in the page designer:




For the transfer, you can read the data from both objects, then use the modify data element.


You can read more about business process capabilities in the following article tree:…


Have a great day!

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