
is there a way to get the product selection grid in Freedom UI mode, please ? 
The current way of selecting products in order is much more tedious when you need lot of products.



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I guess the answer is no.
ProductSelectionSchema massively use the sandbox, which is not available in freedom UI.

I played a bit with BroadcastChannel to handle communication between pages but it seems to be a difficult way to do it.


Any suggestion ?





We have passed the feedback to the R&D team, and we would like to note that it is indeed impossible to implement your task at the moment, but the solution is being prepared for version 8.1.3. Currently, we are working on implementing a full-fledged product catalog for Freedom UI. Basically, it will be the same functionality that we have in Classic UI. 

Thank you Malika, 
we will wait for 8.1.3.


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Is there an option to replace the default fields titled 'Select results' and 'Enter detailed results' in the activities calendar, which is located in the 'complete activity' mini form? 

I'd like to replace these fields with ones I've created, which are available in the full-page form.

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Unfortunately, it is not possible to change this popup window using the basic application tools, at this point. This can only be done through a specific development process. The code of the page on the ActivityMiniPage of the UIv2 package: 

The development team already considering the possibility of changing this window with basic tools in future versions of the system.


Yes please, the more we have nocode possibilities on a nocode platform, the better ;)


Thank you so much for your reply. That would be great if I could modify this popup's fields easier. :)

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Hi there,

I'd like to add a custom filter to the activities calendar:

There are two filters needed - "+1 day" and "-1 day". My filters should calculate the selected day plus or minus 1 day.

The question is how to add that and where can I find the logic of the current filters listed above?

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It's also missing the basic : 

Previous Year
Current Year
Next Year

Especially that we have these options in advanced filters 🤨

Just need to make this filter customizable. We could set a name and formulas for start and end dates

Vladimir Sokolov,

Could you provide a code snippet? Honestly, I'm not sure how to start the code. I think it should be created in the same file as the current filters, but I'm unable to find them...


If I`m not mistaken, this discussion can help you achieve your goal.
To set a value you just need to write your own defValue

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Hi Comunity,


I am wondering if there is any way to make a detail inactive/non-editable in the mobile application,


Thank you :)

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This issue has already been discussed in another post, you can find it here:

That should help, have a nice day. 


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Hi everyone,

in the OLD UI I used to create a separate module that stored all the constant values used in the code of the pages, such as a specific AccountTypeId or a SysAdminUnitId. I also used to add this module in the edit pages to access those values.

Now I need to do the same thing in the Freedom UI and I haven't figured out how to do it yet. I tried using the same approach by adding the Module in the SCHEMA DEPS and ARGS of the page definition, but I can't access the properties of the custom module.

Can anyone help me?
Let me know.

Thanks in advance.




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Best reply

I did additional tests and found that referencing the module in the SCHEMA DEPS and ARGS is correct, even though while debugging it's not possible to see the page constants "clearly". However, using "await" allows you to access to those values.

For example, like this:

var customerType = await UsrTestConfigurationEnum.AccountTypes.Customer;

I did additional tests and found that referencing the module in the SCHEMA DEPS and ARGS is correct, even though while debugging it's not possible to see the page constants "clearly". However, using "await" allows you to access to those values.

For example, like this:

var customerType = await UsrTestConfigurationEnum.AccountTypes.Customer;
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Hi all,


In the application we are building we have necessity to have Rich Text field that need to be filled with log descriprion (400/500 characters). The content of this field is not all visible in list section. Because of this we are asking the following:


  • - In a list Section is it possible to increase the height of a row so that all the content of a field clould be visible to the final user (please refer to attached file)?


Right now the only possibility a final user has to see the entire content of the field is with the tooltip.





File attachments
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Unfortunately, this feature is not available in the basic build.


At the moment, this can only be implemented through development methods.

We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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Hi, every time after compiling, I encounter the error below, and despite checking the log files, I cannot find any information to understand what the problem might be. Could you help me?



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Best reply


This error can occur because the Creatio app is missing or conflicts with components that are required.
We recommend that you reinstall the .NET SDK according to the article on Creatio Academy and deploy the app again.
If you still have problems after doing this, please open a separate request with the Creatio support team.

Thank you.


This error can occur because the Creatio app is missing or conflicts with components that are required.
We recommend that you reinstall the .NET SDK according to the article on Creatio Academy and deploy the app again.
If you still have problems after doing this, please open a separate request with the Creatio support team.

Thank you.

Serhii Parfentiev,

Problem solved, Thank you

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Each time we create a new opportunity, the stage history is allready filled with wrong data.

Some stages are indicated even if the opportunity did not use the stages.


I tryed to disable all process launch at the opportunity creation but the stage history is still filled in :

Opportunity Stage

Does somebody have an idea where from this problem can come from ?

The default opportunity Stage is "Découverte".


Thank you !


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Hello Nicolas,


This behavior is absolutely correct: now all the stages from DCM, which were before the current stage, are presented in the object's stage history. The previous behavior was a bag and was fixed in the current release.


To get back to old logic you may disable the feature 'SynchronizeStagesByDcm'.

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Hi all,


It seems that a Rich Text it's not editable in a list section (please refer to attached file).


Is this a default behaviour? Is there a way to configure it editable in a list section?


Best Regards



File attachments
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Hello Stefano,

There is no such option for now. However, we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in the future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

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Im trying to set the self registration for external users but the license is not distribution automatic can you help me to know how can I configure that?

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I believe this is set in the web.config SspUserRegistrationLicPackage key (unless that has changed at some point). 

If this is an on-site application modify web.config file in Terrasoft.WebApp folder:

<add key="SspUserRegistrationLicPackage" value ="License name here" />

If this is cloud application contact creatio support and they can add that.


Hi Ryan, thank you 

Ryan Farley,

Do you think, we'll get nocode capabilities at some point to change these webconfig settings ? 😏


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