Hey, everyone ! 

Been a few weeks since I've deleted a Application that I've created when I was learning how to do everything around. 

So.. I've created a new application with the same "name", and it got all the "old" data that I'd created...

How am I able to acess these "tables" that store the old data? 

Is there a way to acess and do a "clean up" of everything that I've already done and can't acess it? 

Thanks in advance! 

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Best reply


When you delete a section, the object still exists in the configuration.

That means if you delete the object, at the database level, the table (like an artifact) where the data is stored will still exist.

This structure completely covers the main CRM system purpose - data storage.

Therefore, if you create a new section and specify the same object name, you will simply link your configuration to the archived table in the database.

If you want to delete records from the table by section, you need to go to the database level and delete all records.

Alternatively, create a lookup for the specified object (in case the object still exists in the configuration and has not been deleted) and delete the records.


When you delete a section, the object still exists in the configuration.

That means if you delete the object, at the database level, the table (like an artifact) where the data is stored will still exist.

This structure completely covers the main CRM system purpose - data storage.

Therefore, if you create a new section and specify the same object name, you will simply link your configuration to the archived table in the database.

If you want to delete records from the table by section, you need to go to the database level and delete all records.

Alternatively, create a lookup for the specified object (in case the object still exists in the configuration and has not been deleted) and delete the records.

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Dear Community,

Is there a possibility to recreate the lookup section with the SAME functionality as the one in V7?

What I mean is that we're currently able to create a section based on the lookup object, but when clicking on a lookup, we don't get the relevant information in V8.



Kind regards,



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Please note that it is possible to create a Freedom UI section based on an existing object. You can find the instructions on this in the article below:



If it's not quite what you need, please describe the issue in more detail.

Hello Mira,


Thank you for your comment. I wasn't able to post any screenshots but I already have a section based on the object "lookup". However, in V7 whenever you click on the name, you are represented with the data within this lookup.

If you create a new V8 page based on the "lookup" object, you'll only get the following fields:

Created on, Modified on, Name, Description, Created by, Modified by


You wont be able to see the data within this lookup.

Hopefully this helps?




Kind regards,


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It seems that Creatio Marketing email size is limited to 5mb.

Is there a way to change the acceptable limit size in the system parameters, or is this limit set by the ESPs (ElasticEmail or Sendgrid) ?



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Unfortunately, there is no workaround with the 5MB limit, since it is a restriction from the ESPs side.

It is a general recommendation to optimize size of your bulk email attachments.



we asked the ESP ElasticEmail, according to them, our limit is at 10mb.

Is there a technical reason why in Creatio it is 5mb ?



Damien Collot,


Thank you for the information. We will pass it on to our R&D team.


has the limit been increased with the new email marketing app & designer ?



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Is there a way to log the merge while using the 'find and merge duplicates' function? If I merge 2 Contacts, will I be able to see the merge in the Change log or somewhere else in the system?


Thank you!

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Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, it is not possible to set up logging for the "Merge duplicates" action at the moment. However, we have registered this idea for our R&D team and they will review the possibility of adding such functionality in future releases.

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Is it possible to change the name of a Freedom UI section?

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Best reply


To change the section name, you need to go to Application Hub. Then select the section you want to change.

Go to Navigation and sections and select the required section, for example, Account. And you will see a field where you can change the name.


To change the section name, you need to go to Application Hub. Then select the section you want to change.

Go to Navigation and sections and select the required section, for example, Account. And you will see a field where you can change the name.


Thank you.

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Dear Creatio Support Team,

I hope you're doing well.

I'm interested in the new feature introduced in Creatio version 8.1.2, which allows executing a process for a selected list of records. Could you please provide guidance on how to pass additional parameters to the process besides the record ID?

"operation": "insert",

                "name": "MenuItem_4ixsa89",

                "values": {

                    "type": "crt.MenuItem",

                    "caption": "#ResourceString(MenuItem_4ixsa89_caption)#",

                    "clicked": {

                        "request": "crt.RunBusinessProcessRequest",

                        "params": {

                            "processName": "UsrProcess_e3ba99f",

                            "processRunType": "ForTheSelectedRecords",

                            "showNotification": true,

                            "dataSourceName": "PDS",

                            "parameterMappings": {

                                "ID": "Id",

                                "deadline": "???


                            "filters": "$Items | crt.ToCollectionFilters : 'Items' : $DataTable1_SelectionState | crt.SkipIfSelectionEmpty : $DataTable1_SelectionState",

                            "sorting": "$ItemsSorting"



                    "clickMode": "default",

                    "visible": true


                "parentName": "DataTable1",

                "propertyName": "bulkActions",

                "index": 3


Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

File attachments
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At the moment, in the mass action of starting the process, nothing can be transferred except the Id of the records. We have registered your wish to add the possibility of passing other parameters besides the Id of records and will consider the possibility of implementing such functionality in future releases.


The idea has been accepted by the development team and is now in the process of working out the possibility of implementation. At the moment, we do not have a clear timeline for implementation.

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Hi Everyone,


We have to automate our leads process from our website. We have an Inquiry from on website and we want to automate that form on Creatio when ever that form is filled, that lead should be created on Creatio? I want to know if that is possible and whether I need any coding for that or if it can be done with No-Code? Kindly let me now steps. There are only like 5 simple fields, nothing complex.

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You can use a landing page for this task. You will need to add the automatically generated integration code to your website form. How to do this is described in detail here:


Best regards,


Anton Starikov,

HI Anton,


Thanks for reply. Is this Landing page module available in Sales creatio? 

Hassan Tariq,

Yes, just add the section to the workplace

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In a Business Process, we are calling a Web Service using the Web Service Call element, but sometimes we will get a failure that we need to log to a custom table for action later. We really could do with as much information about the failure as possible, including being able to log out the parameters that the Web Service was passed so the support users can assess what happened without having to have trace logging turned on for the BP and digging into the BP log as well. I can't see any output on the web service call for that, but maybe someone else has found a way to get this info?

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Hi Harvey, we have similar needs, but no result, unfortunately. 

So, we log all parameters manualy before calling web service :(

Hello Harvey,

If you want to see the body of the request generated by the web service and the response that comes from the server - You can try to use Telerik Fiddler tool to capture requests that are being sent from the Creatio instance


But this advice is relevant only for local environments.

If the environment is on a local machine, you can connect Fiddler and test it.


In general, if you do not want to use data tracing for a process, we believe that this goal can be achieved through development. For example, a web service call will be made using a script task, in which you will process various responses from the server and write the information you need into a table using C# code.

Thank you.

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Hello everyone,


Could you help me WHERE in the code that Creatio receives the ERROR CODE from Cisco? We have checked "finesse-cti-provider.js" file in Creatio configuration and also the "finesse cti provider schema" but cannot see anything


Really need some help here

Thank you a lot!

Like 1



Hi Danh,


We advise examining the "FinesseCtiProviderV2" schema, particularly the "eventHandler" method. This is where the handling of events, including error codes from Cisco, is implemented.


Additionally, please note that for cloud sites, telephony logs are stored on our servers. You can request the logs via our support.


Have a great day!

Hello Alina Yakovlieva


Thank you for your response, but the concept here that we would like to GET these ERROR CODE DATA from "eventHandler" method in real time or near realtime to showing up in the Creatio CRM UI/UX, any chance that we can do that? If yes, really need your guide to achieve that concept


Thanks in advanced

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In the processing bar it is possible to send e-mails to contacts. But the values appearing in the field "To" is also showing the name of all my opportunities as you can see in the picture below. From each table is Creatio pulling these values? Can it show only the e-mails from the contacts?

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Hi Mariana, this seems very strange. Are you sue you don't have any contacts that are called "Hardware / ...." which may have been created by mistake through another process. 

No, I don't. These are the names of all my opportunities and my contacts 



The "To" field in this item receives entries from the VwRecepientEmail view, which is generated by a script up to version 8.1.2. This view, in turn, gathers email information from the "ContactCommunication" and "AccountCommunication" tables.


The behavior you described is not expected and is not reproducible on the standard Creatio builds.

Please ensure that you do not have custom logic responsible for forming the VwRecepientEmail table or the Contact/Account Communication, which could affect this behavior.


If you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact our support team for analysis at support@creatio.com.


Thank you!

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