I was working on richtextbox and follow a post from customerfx on how to add one. Everything is working fine aside from when adding photos to richtext box.
I get an error:

and here was my diff codes:
"operation": "insert",
"name": "STRING058fcc3b-20b0-4264-9dad-964e360f5012V2",
"values": {
"layout": {
"colSpan": 24,
"rowSpan": 1,
"column": 0,
"row": 3,
"layoutName": "VehicleDescriptionsTabLabelGridLayout81318709"
"bindTo": "TCOverview",
"enabled": true,
"contentType": Terrasoft.ContentType.RICH_TEXT,
"labelConfig": {
"visible": false
"controlConfig": {
"imageLoaded": {
"bindTo": "insertImagesToNotes"
"images": {
"bindTo": "NotesImagesCollection"
"parentName": "VehicleDescriptionsTabLabelGridLayout81318709",
"propertyName": "items",
"index": 0
TCOverview's data type in Case schema is RichTextBox.
Any thoughts?