Turn off Creatio automatically creating data bindings

Hello all,


Is there a way that I can control what data Creatio binds automatically when I make saves in the section wizard? I'm trying to make edits to an application and Creatio keeps incorrectly binding a section to a workplace not included in that application meaning I have to always remove the binding before doing test installs, otherwise the install fails.

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Hi Kevin,

There is no such option for now.


But we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 




I recommend checking the academy article on Automatic data binding to find more details on how this functionality works. 

Mira Dmitruk,

This link doesn't work.

And I would like to vote for making this functionality optional. We don't transfer Workplaces and binding to our customers - they used to organize workplaces by themselves, so deleting automatic binding is extra headache for us

Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,


We are sending you the instructions once again: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…. As you were informed earlier, there is currently no way to control what data Creatio binds automatically when making saves in the section wizard.

However, we have registered this idea to our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Any updates on this? Creatio automatically adding dependencies and bindings without asking makes building applications extremely difficult.

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