Hi Community,


I've this situation where I need to add a image to a specific section row column, based on the value of other column. Inside my ActivitySectionV2, I added a random dummy column to display the images. These images should appear if the Activity is expired or not. For example, if my activity due date is less than today's date the "Expired Image" should be visible.


How can I solve this situation?


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hello Pedro,


Here is an article on the Academy that describes creating a field with an image.

I would suggest you create two fields and hide one or the other based on the due date using business rules.


Hope this helps!


Best regards,


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Hi community !


Is there any way to do a switch-case with business processes?

I have a case that can reach different statuses. All the statuses are known. I have to do some things at each step of the case I currently do with a simple signal with "if status change AND status = specific_status, then ..." but I don't really like doing that. It's not readable. Is there an easier way to handle each step of a case, like a switch case or something?

Thanks in advance,

Julien Gunther

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Best reply

Hi Julien, 

If i understood your business task corectly, you need to call those processes from DCM panel. You can do so in DCM configuration. Add a step for the status, in which you want to call a process. You can refer to the screenshot below. 

Best regards,


Hi Julien, 

If i understood your business task corectly, you need to call those processes from DCM panel. You can do so in DCM configuration. Add a step for the status, in which you want to call a process. You can refer to the screenshot below. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I have built a Business Process that Triggers on "Record Added" for a Section.

My goal is that when I Create a Record in the section with OData using the "POST method", That custom business process should be triggered by System. But It is not getting triggered.


When I tried to create a new record from the system itself ( instead of OData ), the process got triggered. 

Can someone guide me on this? Is there any System Setting or specific configurations needed to be done?


I am using a cloud instance of

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Best reply

Hi Pratik, 

This is the know issue of the version. 

Our R&D team is working on this to be fixed in the future releases. 

There's a workaround to this issue. To implement it please create following request to support team (since your instance is cloud) :

1) set "false" to following keys in  Terrasoft.WebApp\web.config 

<add key="Feature-UseSeparatedOdataEntitiesDll" value="false" />

<add key="Feature-ODataEntitiesCompilationInSeparatedDll" value="false" />

if such keys don't exist, they can be added to  the block <appSettings>;

2) Generate source code for all schemas and compile all. 

Please note, that this fix is only applicable for 7.18.1. Please remove this tags from web.config when updating to newer versions of the application, as it will cause the Odata functionality to not work. 

You can also refer to this community post in your support request. 

Best regards,



Hi Pratik, 

This is the know issue of the version. 

Our R&D team is working on this to be fixed in the future releases. 

There's a workaround to this issue. To implement it please create following request to support team (since your instance is cloud) :

1) set "false" to following keys in  Terrasoft.WebApp\web.config 

<add key="Feature-UseSeparatedOdataEntitiesDll" value="false" />

<add key="Feature-ODataEntitiesCompilationInSeparatedDll" value="false" />

if such keys don't exist, they can be added to  the block <appSettings>;

2) Generate source code for all schemas and compile all. 

Please note, that this fix is only applicable for 7.18.1. Please remove this tags from web.config when updating to newer versions of the application, as it will cause the Odata functionality to not work. 

You can also refer to this community post in your support request. 

Best regards,



Hi Yurii,

It Worked, Thanks for the help. 


This solution is for version 7.18.1 only.



I have the same issue as Patrik, but I am using version Could you please suggest a solution? 

P.S. This logic worked for me before the upgrade.

Aurora Leka,



If you are expecting such an issue using version using version Please take the next steps:

  1. 1. Ensure that the update was successful (double-check Update extended logs).
  2. 2. Run full schema generation and compilation process.


If those recommendations do not help you to solve the issue please contact support@creatio.com with information about this issue.


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Hi !


Is there any way to change the default value when someone makes a call from "incoming" to "outgoing"?



We almost always make outgoing calls and sometimes we forget to change that and we can't change it afterwards..

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Best reply

Hello Julien,

I have the steps to change this default to outgoing here: https://customerfx.com/article/setting-the-default-call-direction-to-ou…


Hello Julien,

I have the steps to change this default to outgoing here: https://customerfx.com/article/setting-the-default-call-direction-to-ou…


Hello Ryan, Thank you very much !

Dear Julien, 

It's also possible to change it in Creatio UI. 

In order to change, please follow to Advanced Settings, create a replacing module for Activity object and change the default value for Call Direction column in it to Incoming. 

Kind regards,


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Hi !


Is there a way to launch a business process when a specific object is opened ?


I have an interview object (custom) and I'd like to update some element when the object is opened then aumatically reload the object so the view of this object will be updated but I didn't find anything to make that

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Dear Julien, 

It should be possible by means of development. 

We have an academy article describing how you can set the launch for processes directly from a Client Module. 


Thank you. 

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Hi Devlabs,


I have a customer who is trying to use the Slack to Feed connector.

Sales Creatio Enterprise edition version




I looked at the Slack integration, but Slack states the following on the website (link of the installation gide step 2):



As it is not allowed anymore to create legacy tokens, I do not understand how I should progress after this.

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Hi Davey,


We have found out that the connector requires an update due to the changes in the Slack API. We have removed the connector from Creatio Marketplace temporarily. It will be back after the update is ready. 

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Hi community !


In a custom object, I have a list of contact objects. On a specific signal, I need to loop over these contacts and change the attributes of each contact based on other attributes found in the contact object. How can I achieve the for loop with a business process?

If the only way is to use the Scripts element, where can I find proper documentation to start using Scripts in Creatio?


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Best reply

Dear Julien,


Thank you for your question!


The best way to create a Business Process with a for loop you would need to create a sub-process:



Signal "Contact Added" element: 

Read Data "Read Contact" element:



For the sub-process, you would need to specify the [Parameters] of it:



And make a filter of the element within the sub-process based on the ID:

And finally, you would need to specify this parameter in the parent Business Process:


This is it. The business process here would trigger upon a Contact being added, then it would fetch 50 top Contacts in the system and transfer them to the sub-process, which will do some required magic within it, and then would end.

You may customize this example in any way you would like.


You may also find these academy Articles useful:






Hope this helps!


Thank you!





Hello Julien,

A common way to loop through records in a process is to use a flag field to mark the records to loop through and then un-flag them to move to the next record in the loop. See https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-loop-through-records-in-a-process…

Another method to do this is to read a collection of records that get passed to a sub-process. The sub process gets called for each record in the collection. See https://customerfx.com/article/working-with-a-collection-of-records-in-…


Dear Julien,


Thank you for your question!


The best way to create a Business Process with a for loop you would need to create a sub-process:



Signal "Contact Added" element: 

Read Data "Read Contact" element:



For the sub-process, you would need to specify the [Parameters] of it:



And make a filter of the element within the sub-process based on the ID:

And finally, you would need to specify this parameter in the parent Business Process:


This is it. The business process here would trigger upon a Contact being added, then it would fetch 50 top Contacts in the system and transfer them to the sub-process, which will do some required magic within it, and then would end.

You may customize this example in any way you would like.


You may also find these academy Articles useful:






Hope this helps!


Thank you!





Thank you very much !


Danyil Onoprienko,

I tried creating a for loop by using a flag but there the process stops after 100 records because there is a limit to each element.

If I'll create the subprocess option, will that resolve the problem?



Hi Chani,

In the process parameter you can specify the maximum repetition number for the process. If you put nothing, it will read the all collection.


Late answer !


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I have added Aspose.PDF plugin to convert the Word to PDF printables. I have generated the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' as suggested in the guide.

Where do I key in these Client ID and Client Secret in System Settings? I am getting this notification -  'Please fill in the system settings for converting files to PDF'





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Hello Madhuri,



Log in to Creatio, go to 'System Designer' → 'System settings' section, find and fill out the respective system settings. Log out and log back in to apply the changes.

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I am trying to view Notes field as multi-line text in Activity section in mobile application, but it is appearing in single line as a result of which, the long texts are not visible properly.



This field is multi-line in web application but I need this multi-line in mobile application also.


Please suggest me a way to make this field multi-line.




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Best reply

Hello Malay,

I have an article covering how to do this in mobile here https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-multiline-text-field-in-the-cre…

Note, the code is added to a module in the mobile client, you can see how to create that here https://customerfx.com/article/creating-modules-for-the-creatio-mobile-…


Hello Malay,

I have an article covering how to do this in mobile here https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-multiline-text-field-in-the-cre…

Note, the code is added to a module in the mobile client, you can see how to create that here https://customerfx.com/article/creating-modules-for-the-creatio-mobile-…


Thanks Ryan, It works.


I just have another query that how to put a placeholder in the http link field in mobile so that it does not show the full real link, instead of this it shows some meaningful string.


For example, for "www.google.com", I want to show the link as "Google Search".


And also, how to make read only field text color as black. (The address field in above screenshot of mobile is read only but it is appearing as grey text).


It would be helpful if this can be done.


Thank you in advance.




Malay Garg,

There is a way to change the color of read-only fields. You can do this using the utility method Terrasoft.util.writeStyles.


By default the style of the disabled fields looks something like this:


Terrasoft.util.writeStyles (


.x-field.x-item-disabled input,

.x-field.x-item-disabled textarea {

color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);

-webkit-text-fill-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);

-webkit-opacity: 1;





So you will need to change the alpha value of rgba from 0.26 to 1.


You can do the changes in the existing schema in LESS like in the desktop Creatio. You can also do this in the existing schema declared in the manifest in the CustomSchemas section. Or you can create a new schema and declare it in the CustomSchemas section.



As for the question about a placeholder in the http link field. As far as I understand you want to use hyperlinks in some fields. Could you please explain where you want to put them? Which fields exactly? I hope I understood you correctly.



Best regards,




I will try this.

Yes, I want to put the placeholder for the following string field which is a link:




Malay Garg,


Unfortunately, there is no out of the box solution to do this. It can theoretically be implemented via development but you will have to contact your manager about it.


Best regards,




Thanks for confirming.


The previous code I have tried putting in the LESS in a module after changing the value 0.26 to 1 and included module in activity section page extensions in workplace manifest . Still it does not make the field color black.


I have restarted the application pool and synchronized also but still it does not work.




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Dear community,

We have a lookup table with 4 columns -A,B,C,D

Once a lookup record is added and saved, columns B & C must not be editable. Is there a way to achieve this for this specific lookup?

In latest versions, I see that read only setup has been removed from object configuration.


Thanks in advance!

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Hello Shivani,


Making a (lookup) column editable on the record page only under specific conditions is possible with a help of business rules for a specific section. 


As for the lookup (lookup object) itself it's possible to set column permissions for a specific user or roles as on the screenshot 1:

However, as of now, it's not possible to lock columns for a specific lookup dynamically (after adding the record to a lookup itself) with a help of basic system tools. 

We have registered a corresponding query for our R&D team and will be awaiting for the implementation of the mentioned functionality in the upcoming versions. 


Best regards, 


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