Notify user if business process fails


Is there a way to add a notification in Communication panel to notify user when an initiated business process fails, indicating them to re-run the process or contact Sys admin?

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According to OOB logic, you cannot start a business process based on the SysProcessLog table. But there is a very simple workaround. You can create a view based on the SysProcessLog table and add this newly created object into your business process as a starting signal. Also, you can add different conditions for the records that can be added to your view so having it done you can manage the list of processes that will be added into your view.

You can find a way how to add a view on our Community.


Best regards,



According to OOB logic, you cannot start a business process based on the SysProcessLog table. But there is a very simple workaround. You can create a view based on the SysProcessLog table and add this newly created object into your business process as a starting signal. Also, you can add different conditions for the records that can be added to your view so having it done you can manage the list of processes that will be added into your view.

You can find a way how to add a view on our Community.


Best regards,


Thanks, Bogdan! 

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