Hey Everyone, 


I would like the user to be able to add multiple notes that are time stamped, within the opportunities modules. 


It's actually the functionality of the "feed" that I am after. But I don't want each feed post/note to be shared + It would be good to change the placeholder text to something rather than 'What are you working on".


Would it be possible to change this just for one module? With/without dev help.


Thanks all. 

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Hi Mark,


To change the "What are you working on message" you need to create a replacing module for the "SocialFeed" module (for example with the code below):

 define("SocialFeed", [], function() {
		return {
			methods: {

and then find the WritePostHint localizable string and modify its value. After the new schema is saved and the page refreshed you will get a new message (but please note that it will be done for all feed containers in all pages). If you need this change to be applied only to one section feed then the logic of the "SocialMessageEdit" element's "placeholder" property should be modified (in the same "SocialFeed" module).


As for different feed posts visibility and sharing: it's a better approach to use feed channels instead of posting into some record feed in case you need to not display every single feed post in the record. The feed itself was designed to leave comments on the workflow or tag someone in the record. Or you can try enabling record permissions for the "SocialMessage" object (that stands for feed messages) and create some business process that automatically distributes access rights based on some conditions.


Best regards,


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We are trying to use https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/advanced-list-setup-creatio to setup different folders with different columns.  The use case is that users will want to see certain columns and also filter by multiple pre-defined columns/options as they plan which accounts to target for the day.  After applying a filter to the folder, the columns change.  Am I missing something in how to actually save the columns?



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Hi, Melanie!

I am not sure I understand the issue. Could you send us more details about it? Specifically, please tell us the expected result and provide us with steps to replicate the issue.

Also, you might want to review the short add-on instructions to ensure it is set up correctly and you are not experiencing the intended behavior.

The add-on lets you set up different columns for different folders.

To do this:

1. Select a folder (folder must contain at least one filter).

2. Click the "Set up filter for the folder" button.


3. Click the "Select fields to display" button and set up the custom columns.

4. Save the folder settings.



As a result, if you select the folder, you will see the custom column configuration. If you select a different folder, you will see the standard column configuration

Yevhen Vorobiov,


We have followed the instructions for setup.  The use case is that users will want to see certain columns and also filter by multiple pre-defined columns/options as they plan which accounts to target for the day.

The expected behavior is that they could adjust the filters on the folder, select apply, and have the columns remain in the folder.


Expected behavior in your example: from the Test folder change Type = Our company to Type = Competitor (or any other type), select apply and have the columns remain that are set for the Test folder.


Instead what we are seeing is that the columns revert back to the default columns whenever the filter is modified.


Please advise how we can do this.

Melanie Forrest,

Hello Melanie!

Thank you for the information. I understand the issue now.

The add-on does not support dynamic changes to folders. As such, you have to click "Save" after applying changes to folder filters. As a result, you will see the custom list.

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I would like to build a business process parameter of type "Collection of records".

- The user is asked to choose an object in a lookup ( attachment file)

- This file is added to the collection (that is where I struggle)

- The user is asked if he want to add more object to the list.

- ... 

- The user validate and the list is used in a subprocess to process the choosen files


Many thanks if you can give me a hint on how to do that.   

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Dear Antoine, 

It's impossible to implement using basic application logic.

During single business process execution, it is possible only to upload files to a single object at once.

Hello, thank you for your answer.

I am not trying to upload multiple files.

I just want to ba able to add object references to an object collection parameter.

Let's say it like this:

- When you read Data from Creatio, if using filter others than ID, you get a collection of object. Which is stored into a "collection" variable.

-Now I have a collection, let say I read another object of the same type with anoter filter, I want to add that object to the above existing collection. How can I do that?



Thank you 


The code should look something like this:

// create collection/list or get from param
var list = new CompositeObjectList<CompositeObject>();
// create item and add to collection/list
var item = new CompositeObject();
item["SomeProperty"] = "Some value";
item["SomeOtherProperty"] = "Some value, etc";
// now set list in param
Set<CompositeObjectList<CompositeObject>>("MyCollectionParamName", list);

See https://customerfx.com/article/working-with-collection-parameters-in-a-…


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Hi all, would appreciate any opinions on how you would set up the architecture based on the scenario below.  


I've got 'Agents' and 'Suppliers'. They are very different, but Agents can be a Supplier and a Supplier could be an Agent. From a user point of view, it would make sense to manage these as separate sections. 


I see my options as the following and would value anyones input. 


1. Use Accounts Section for both and create columns for both scenarios. 

The only disadvantage of this is that the user wouldn't have clear different sections to find each one. 


2. Create two new sections which are for 'Agents' and 'Suppliers' and do not use the 'Accounts' section. 


3. Use two sub-sections from Accounts for "Agents" and "Suppliers" - effectively creating separate profiles, but connected the overarching Account. I think this is built upon the "Partnerships" Section that is already there, which could be used for "Agents".


Thanks all!




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Hi Mark!

Use Accounts Section for both definitely (1st option).

sers can work with filters or you can add some 'Quick filters' for switching between Agents and Suppliers to make it more comfortable.

Vladimir Sokolov,

Thanks Vladimir.


I also read that you can create a section based upon the object of another section? I.E A Section called 'Agents' which would be Accounts with the type "Agents". Does this sound logical option? 

Would you also use the Invoice section for both "Agent" (revenue) invoices and "supplier" (Cost of sale) invoices? 


Thanks for your help!







we would not recommend you to create a sub-object as a separate section as it can only be done through configuration and database changes, which can harm the system.


As a solution we can offer you a couple of options:


1. You can create a folder in the section, which contains all necessary data and will be available for you as a separate list.


2. If you need to transfer some data to a different section so it will only be visible for a number of users, this should be done via roles and permissions.


3. Finally, if a part of data in the object is really important and needs to be in a separate section, we would strongly recommend creating a new object and using it for a new section.




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Hi Team. Im try to add the excel report to the workplace sales (or any other) and getting this error:






Some idea?


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I get that often with that Addon for some reason, not sure why. It will usually work after a log out and back in again (or sometimes after a few). 

Sometimes I just add it directly to the SysModuleInWorkplace table.

Either way, it must be some sort of caching issue, since eventually it will work and all you to add it to the workplace.


Yes, I just add it with SQLquery 

INSERT INTO "SysModuleInWorkplace" ("Position", "SysWorkplaceId", "SysModuleId") VALUES ('99', (select "Id" from "SysWorkplace" where "Name" = '<Name of workplace>'), (select "Id" from "SysModule" where "Caption" = 'Excel reports'))

Thanks Rayan.



Federico Buffa ?,


Hi, Federico!

Thank you for the query.

We are aware of this issue. It can occur after the installation of any package, not just this add-on.

Our R&D department is reviewing it, but we don't have a solution currently.

As workaround, you can make any changes in workplaces. For example, delete a section and add it again. You should not have problems with adding a new section after this.

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Dear Community,


Does any1 know how to remove some of the sections under 'Connected To' field group in 'Activity' section? Please see attached picture

And at later stage, if I want to add them back how can I do


Please kindly advise


Many thanks



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Hello Mihn,


Unfortunately, your task cannot be achieved by using OOTB tools.

Business rules functionality can be used for "Connected to" detail only for filtration. But sadly, other rules will not be applied to this detail.


We have already registered the corresponding query for our R&D team and will be waiting for the implementation of this functionality in future releases.


Thank you,


Hello Mihn,

you can hide using css rule

hi Stefano,


Can you show me a bit in details about CSS rule please


Thanks in advance 



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I have scenario where I want to update a particular detail table to the user once the background process finish to show newly added entries in that detail.

How to achieve this scenario?

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Best reply

This article shows how to refresh a page from a process once complete: https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-refresh-a-page-from-a-process-in-…

To refresh a specific detail, see https://customerfx.com/article/refreshing-a-page-or-detail-sections-on-…

Basically, the process needs to send a message back to the client. The client listens for this message on the page, then when received, refreshes the detail.


This article shows how to refresh a page from a process once complete: https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-refresh-a-page-from-a-process-in-…

To refresh a specific detail, see https://customerfx.com/article/refreshing-a-page-or-detail-sections-on-…

Basically, the process needs to send a message back to the client. The client listens for this message on the page, then when received, refreshes the detail.


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Hi all,

were trying to show the contact who was responsible for setting an opportunity at a certain stage of the DCM .

The base object of the dashboard is on Opportunity. So when we try to add the person who modified the opp, we try to look in available data on the object "Stage in opportunity". We are able to show when the stage started. But we cannot figure out how to select who did the change (Modified by). Any advice ?

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Hello Damien, 


In this particular case object "Opportunity" may have a lot of connected records with  "Stage in opportunity" object. In other words, the system doesn't know which value exactly should be displayed for the record and you can only display the number of it (Quantity column from your screenshot).


In order to achieve your business task there is a need to create a chart based on the "Stage in opportunity" object.

Hope it clarifies! 


Best regards,


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We are having an issue with the BPMonline WordPress plugin not pulling information from our forms - instead sending them to an error page. We have isolated that the plugin is the issue as the forms work okay when the plugin is removed. 


Have upgrades been made to the plugin's compatibility with the Php 8.0 and/or WordPress Platform 5.9?


Please advise.

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Hello Jess,


Could you please tell us with what versions of PHP and WordPress the plugin did work?


Thank you,



PHP: 7.4

Wordpress: 5.9.1

We are currently on:

PHP: 8.0

Wordpress: 5.9.2

We started having this issue on 3/9. We updated the platforms on 3/23. We have just gone in and tested - by turning the BPMonline plugin back on and we are still receiving a Wordpress "critical error" notice.


Thank you,



Hi Artem, Making sure you saw my above response.




Will you be able to assist here?


I just messaged you directly regarding the above.  Hoping you can help or point me in the direction of someone who can.



Do you know what the error is? If it is something like this:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "bpmRef"

Then it is because of how newer php versions treats constant string values. If you feel adventurous enough to edit the plugin (and if that is the error you're getting), you can fix it by doing the following (there are 3 lines to change, basically just enclosing some values in quotes). NOTE: only do this if you're comfortable editing the PHP code, doing something wrong can break your whole website. So proceed at your own risk. If this isn't something you're comfortable with, contact a PHP developer for help.

  1. In Wordpress to go Plugins -> Plugin Editor.
  2. Select "Forms-3rd-Party-Integration-Bpmonline-1.0.6" and make sure you have the "forms-3rdparty-integration.php" file selected.
  3. Go to line 611 and change this: 

    if(isset($_COOKIE[bpmRef])) {
  4. to this (notice quotes around bpmRef): 

    if(isset($_COOKIE["bpmRef"])) {
  5. Go to line 617 and change this:

    if(isset($_COOKIE[bpmHref])) {
  6. To this (notice quotes around bpmHref):

    if(isset($_COOKIE["bpmHref"])) {
  7. Go to line 623 and change this:

    if(isset($_COOKIE[bpmTrackingId])) {
  8. To this (notice quotes around bpmTrackingId):

    if(isset($_COOKIE["bpmTrackingId"])) {
  9. Save the file by clicking "Update file"

I don't know if you'll encounter other errors with the plugin code, but that will fix the error I mentioned above.


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Hi there,

I'm trying to UPLOAD a picture that I took from the camera of my Iphone, into the CRM.

Ideally, that picture would be connected to :

- an Account

- a Contact

- a custom list of competitors

- a description


How would you do that ?


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