Hello community, 


I have received feedback from users that global search "What can I do for you?" (upper right corner search box) is not showing less result. few weeks back it was showing more results. Is there any updates happened from creatio side or any setting needs to be turned on? 



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Thank you for your question. We see that you have already contacted the support team and we have successfully solved your problem.

Have a nice day!

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I noticed in our system that searching via the global search in the top right corner works not intuitive (at least not for us, maybe just an explanation needed).


Searching for "profactor" in our system leads to 4 hits. 1 Account (named Profactor GmbH) and 1 Contact, 1 Lead, 1 Opportunity attached to this account.

Searching for "profact" delivers only Account and Contact.


Why? What is the logic behind this?

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Thanks for reaching out. 


It seems that Global Search feature is switched off and works as a filter in Contacts and Accounts sections or functions incorrectly. Please contact us at support@creatio.com and we will help you to fix the issue.


Best regards,




Hi Christian / Anastasiia,

While setting up the global search there is a need to define the search templates.

For Docker:
curl -v -X POST -d '{"templateName": "default.json"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://[SERVER2_IP_ADDRESS]:81/sites/my-test-site/search
For Kubernetes:
curl -v -X POST -d '{"templateName": "default.json"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http:// [GS_WEB_API_URL] /sites/my-test-site/search

Please visit here and find the search templates listed in the tabular structure https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/containerized_…

This is for on-premise installation and for Cloud Creatio support will guide on this.

Best Regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

I'm on cloud and already in contact with support. They are activating Global Search but up until now no change in results.

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Can I add custom function on this search button? Like alert or console

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Theoretically, this is possible through additional development. 


This modal window is a separate schema called "LookupPage". The logic that is responsible for searching is located in the "LookupPageViewModelGenerator" schema

Unfortunately, we don't have the ready example of such realisation.

Best regards,


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Hi community,


What's the best way to filter records in a user friendly way ?


I have an object with details and lookups (simplified on this diagram).

Is there a more user-friendly way to filter ObjectSection records based on the lookupDetail value?

I thought of a workaround with a new object, then a detail in that new object that is filtered by a field above, but I don't know if this is the best way to do it. Because these are objects, it's clearly not a good way to filter records. I need these filters to be persistent for the logged in user, but several users will use this search "page" at the same time.


The global search is not a good solution either, I need to filter the records of a specific object according to the search values that are in the details of my object.


Do you have any idea how I can make this "search page"?


Best regards,



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Hello Julien,

I have implemented something like what you're referring to. I have a section where a client manages "areas" and zip codes are assigned to each area (in a detail in this section). This client didn't want to have to create a filter to locate the area for a zip each time they needed - they always locate an area by a zip code in the area. I implemented the ability to search for an area based on a zip code in the detail for the area. It turned out like this: 

Basically, I did the following in the section schema: 

1) Add a text attribute for the value being searched, you'll also want to add an onChange for the attribute so it triggers a change event method. Mine looks like this (note, all the updateSection function does is refresh the section - this is a function in the base section):

attributes: {
	"ZipSearchValue": {
		dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
		value: "",
		onChange: "updateSection"

2) Add an element to the diff bound to the attribute in #1. You could add this with parentName "FiltersContainer" or "GridUtilsContainer", depending on where you want it, but you'll likely need to style it with some CSS to get it to look right. Mine looks like this: 

	"operation": "insert",
	"name": "ZipSearchText",
	"parentName": "FiltersContainer",
	"propertyName": "items",
	"index": 0,
	"values": {
		"layout": {
			"colSpan": 12,
			"rowSpan": 1,
			"column": 0,
			"row": 0,
			"layoutName": "FiltersContainer"
		"hasClearIcon": true,
		"bindTo": "ZipSearchValue",
		"caption": "Find zip",
		"classes": {
			"wrapClassName": ["fx-zipsearch"]

3) When the user types in the textbox, it will trigger the onChange which just refreshes the section. When the section refreshes, it will call the getFilters method in the section code where you can append to the filters for the list. I have an article about that here: https://customerfx.com/article/programmatically-overriding-or-adding-fi… My filter method looks like this:

getFilters: function() {
	var filters = this.callParent(arguments);
	if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.get("ZipSearchValue"))) {
		var filter = Terrasoft.createFilterGroup(),
			subFilters = Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();
			Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrZipCodeValue", this.get("ZipSearchValue").trim())
		filter.addItem(Terrasoft.createExistsFilter("[UsrZipCode:UsrDistributorArea].Id", subFilters));
		filters.add("ZipSearchFilter", filter);
	return filters;

Hope this helps get you started.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you for your contribution. It will be very useful.

In the "OperatorCustomerEngagementCenter" package there is a client module named "SearchAccountAndContactPage.js". You can find a screenshot here: https://community.creatio.com/questions/adding-button-search-contacts-a…

I will try to load a custom view like this and use your answer to create filters. I'll post how I did it once done so other people can do it too.


Best regards,



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Creatio site has abundant information about the product features in the academy and multiple discussions about distinct problems in the community.


But, the search box on the site (Academy, Community, Marketplace) doesn't have auto-suggestion or auto-correction.

Considering the search term "exchnage listener", exchnage is a typo for exchange.

It helps if it could display relevant results as depicted in the above picture.


One of the Implementation: Trie search data structure (A type of search tree data structure used for locating specific keys from within a set).

I noticed that multiple community discussion referring/poiting to another community post or academy article as a solution. When a user search for a specific topic and if he/she doesn't get any relevant result, takes it to community forum. Later then exisitng discussion or article is provided as a response.


If the user gets optimized results with suggestion for search query the Turn Around Time would be drastically reduced.

Please let me know if this implementation is feasible!

Best Regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


Hello Bhoobalan, 


Many thanks for the shared idea! Such functionality is already in the process of development and will be implemented on our Community!


Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards, 


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I imagine it is not likely that this is possible, but I did have an employee ask if there is away to run a search in Creatio that searches the contents of attached documents? Is there any such feature?

For example, if you attach a Microsoft Word document to the attachments detail of a case, then run a global search on a word that is in that document, will it return that as a search result?

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There is a marketplace add-on that does this: 



Hello Mitch,

Our R&D team has a task in "Planned" status registered on their side regarding full text search in files using Global Search feature. Currently the workaround is to use marketplace app Ryan provided you with. I will also make sure our R&D team could know about your community question so it could raise the priority of the problem.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better!



Oscar Dylan,

That's great news Oscar, thanks for the info.


Ryan Farley,

Oscar Dylan,

Thank you both!

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