Creatio site has abundant information about the product features in the academy and multiple discussions about distinct problems in the community.
But, the search box on the site (Academy, Community, Marketplace) doesn't have auto-suggestion or auto-correction.
Considering the search term "exchnage listener", exchnage is a typo for exchange.

It helps if it could display relevant results as depicted in the above picture.
One of the Implementation: Trie search data structure (A type of search tree data structure used for locating specific keys from within a set).

I noticed that multiple community discussion referring/poiting to another community post or academy article as a solution. When a user search for a specific topic and if he/she doesn't get any relevant result, takes it to community forum. Later then exisitng discussion or article is provided as a response.
If the user gets optimized results with suggestion for search query the Turn Around Time would be drastically reduced.
Please let me know if this implementation is feasible!
Best Regards,
Bhoobalan Palanivelu.