I'm trying to calculate 60 days before a date captured by the user to create a reminder. I'm using the Formula in the Business Process but I cannot make it work, I see the following error: Formula value error: Cannot convert type "Int32" to "Entity"
Today I saw in Creatio 8.2 something long awaited to be available in Freedom, the rule that allows you to designate a formula to a field.
But :-( when trying to designate a formula to a field, it doesn't allow me to do so and apparently what I saw is ‘on hard’ and it is not possible to add this element...MoreLess
I want to set a field value so that it is 1 hour BEFORE the start time field. Trying to do this via business rule but it's not letting me write a negative number (-1).
Create another date/time field and use the set field value in the business rule with the AddHour(-1) formula. That date field will then be one...MoreLess
To implement a process who automatically cancel activities not started from more than "XX" hours from the hour they are created, I filter all activities which meet some another conditions and Created on < Previous hours XX.
I want to use a System setting if customer want to change...MoreLess
Does anyone know a way of using an exponential value in a formula in a business process? The C# forums say to use Math.Pow(base number, exponent number) but I get an error that "No applicable method "Pow" exists in type "Math" when using that in a business process formula.
The use case is that there's a a 2% annual escalator based on the warranty years of a certain product. So the formula would be (base price)*1.02^(years of warranty)
How can i set up limited value of 100% on this. I'd like to Share % was max 100% and if it is 100% you can't add more. What is the formula. I started BP and i really don't know what formula could be used