Hello Community!


I'm trying to fill a field with the result of a simple calculation (e.g. field A - field B).


However, when I create the business rule and select "set field" as action, I can only provide a constant value and not a formula...am I missing something?


Here is a screenshot of the 


I know that I can use a business process to achieve this, but this would be much more simpler and elegant I think.




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It's not yet available in Freedom UI --> Creatio Roadmap indicates for Q4 2023 https://academy.creatio.com/docs/release/creatio-roadmap?check_logged_i…

I forgot to add that I use version

It's not yet available in Freedom UI --> Creatio Roadmap indicates for Q4 2023 https://academy.creatio.com/docs/release/creatio-roadmap?check_logged_i…

Damien Collot,

Thanks Damien, at least I know that I did overlook something.

Hi Damien,

I do not have access to the link to the roadmap.

I get this message:


Access denied

You are not authorized to access this page.


Is it restricted?

It is very interesting information.



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Hi Community,

Is it possible to add a new System Variable to be used in the Object level, so that we can use it as a default value?

Thank you


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Hello Sasori,

These values are hardcoded and you can't change them.



It's possible. Default values can be set via configuration for all replaced objects. For example, if I want to set the default Account for Orders I create replaced object for Order and specify it in the default value field. It can be selected from existing values, system settings, or variables.

Please note that if the selected default value is removed or the type of system variable and lookup is different it can lead to different issues so do not select values that can or will be deleted. 

Hi Bogdan,

Thank you for the explantion but my question was a little bit different.

The question is how/where to configure a new System Variable beside the existing ones:

New ID

New Sequential Id

Current User

Current User Contact


Thank you,


Hello Sasori,

These values are hardcoded and you can't change them.

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I'm trying to add an object in my local account and add a parent object to the object, but when I try to add it, I get the error that the menu does not appear. I tried typing any name, it still comes up blank. What can I do?

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This is the area I mentioned on another computer, could it be related to the installation files?

Burak Toprak,


What is the product version you are using?



Sourav Kumar Samal,




If you are trying to create an object that should inherit properties from other packages, and nothing is being inherited, make sure you have added dependencies to those packages.


To do this, you can open the "Dependencies" section on the package creation page and add dependencies to the packages from which you want to inherit properties. If the package has dependencies, the installation of these dependencies is checked during package installation, so make sure you have added all the necessary dependencies for inheriting properties.


If the problem still persists, make sure you have added the proper object settings according to your requirements. If necessary, refer to the Creatio documentation https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-17/developer/development_tools/packa….

To add to what Alla said, whatever object it is that you want to select as your parent, find what package that object is in and then add that package as a dependency to your package. If you're wanting to select BaseEntity, I believe that package is Base.


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I would like to create a custom object to replace the activityparticipant object.

However, when i tryed to create the remplacement object, i ve got the error:

Multiple replacements of same schema in single package are not allowed.

There are effectively two activityparticpant objects :

So how can i create a new activityparticipant custom object ?

Thank you,


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hi LÉZORAY Nicolas,

The Error: Multiple replacements of the same schema in a single package are not allowed refers that the object schema is already available in the current package. 

Could you confirm the current package doesn't have this Object?

Also do you have any custom created package and where this replacement is tried?

Below is the successful replacement of object in custom development package.




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Hi Bhoobalan Palanivelu !

I don't see how you managed to create the replacement object without error.


In the custom package i have no activityparticipant object:


If i go into Allpackage i have the same files as you (without the DEVLocal one):


Here's how i proceeded:


In the next screen, in the inheritance field, i entered "activityparticipant" 

And then i got the error message:


Can you please let me know how you managed to create your custom item ?

Thank you for your help !!!

Have a nice day,



LÉZORAY Nicolas,

By chance could you please try it in another custom-created package (Custom_Transfer) rather than OOTB Custom?

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,


It works in the another custom package.

I have never used this one.


Thank you !

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Hello Creatio team,

I manage to give access for ( Operations and Records )to this specific object from the Configuration.

Even though these changes are not reflected as can be seen in the printscreen below:

How can i overcome this problem ?

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As we mentioned in the submitted case to support, we do not recommend you manually check those boxes, to properly add them please follow the steps below:

  1. In the object, permissions section add your restrictions
  2. The system will create a "copy" of the object you are working on in the current package as a reference to the original object
  3. In that copy, you will see the checkboxes checked for the chosen options from object permissions.

Please make sure to set the "Current Package" system setting to the one you are developing in.

For further questions please refer to your support case.


Thank you.

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I created a harmony of data which comes from external web services. For example, I retrieved dataA for ColumnA, dataB for ColumnB, dataC for ColumnC etc. I want to INSERT this data to section object table which section page based on.

How can i bind these things?

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You can create a business process in which you will fill in the required fields received from the web service.


Details on the academy website:


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Such error may occur if any of the default localizations were deleted (any records from the dbo.SysCulture) 

Please flush Redis of your instance and try to create an object again. 



Yes Did It's working Thank you

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Hi community,


I need a way to sort the rows of a data grid according to the values present in a detail.


I have my detail in the candidate object like this:


Here is a small simplified diagram of the relationship between my lookup, my detail and my object:

I would like to run this sql query to filter the candidates :

SELECT c.* FROM technocandidats tc
RIGHT JOIN candidats c ON c.id = tc.candidat_id
WHERE tc.techno_id = n OR
tc.techno_id = n OR ...

where "n" will be the techno's id.


Is there a way to do this directly in the section's advanced filters?


Or better still, in a box on top of the section like the one in my candidat object where the detail appears? Or even better, make that in a preconfigured page ?


Best regards,


Julien Gunther

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Hello Julien,


I believe this should be possible as you have the connections between your objects. Could you please contact Creatio support team using support@creatio.com so we can help you with the filter setup in your system?


Thank you,

Bogdan S.

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When I try to create a new object I get the message "Primary Column property not set" I cannot see anywhere in the object creation page to set this.


Can someone direct me to where to set this property

I using the trial version

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Hi Robert,

Typically, your object should have "BaseEntity" as it's parent. When BaseEntity is selected as the parent, it will inherit an Id column (plus others) and the Id column will be selected as the Id column for the object. The error is letting you know that the object does not have a column selected as the Id column (when you select BaseEntity as the parent it will select the Id column as the objects "Id" property).

Here's an example of what I mean: https://share.customerfx.com/ApuEljAl


Hi Robert,

Typically, your object should have "BaseEntity" as it's parent. When BaseEntity is selected as the parent, it will inherit an Id column (plus others) and the Id column will be selected as the Id column for the object. The error is letting you know that the object does not have a column selected as the Id column (when you select BaseEntity as the parent it will select the Id column as the objects "Id" property).

Here's an example of what I mean: https://share.customerfx.com/ApuEljAl


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, makes total sense.  I was coming at this from a DB perspective not an ORM object modeling perspective duh!


And thanks so much for thge video, that is awesome!

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I read collection of records using this script:

var entities = Get>("ReadDataUserTask2.ResultCompositeObjectList");

I want to loop through this list and set parameter with type contact to each object of the list.

The collection of records is a list of opportunityContact.

I tried converting each ICompositeObject to opportunityContact using this script:

foreach (var entity in entities)



    OpportunityContact contactInOpp = (OpportunityContact)entity;


but OpportunityContact is not a known object.

How do I access the types of the tables (no need to add data to DB or search just get the type in order to convert)?




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Hi Chani,


Here is a working example of two cases: set the string parameter value from the process that reads the collection and also modify contacts massively in the script task based on the received collection.


Here is the screenshot of the main process:

and the screenshot of the sub-process:

The idea of the sub-process is to read the collection of 4 records and their emails, Ids and Names if to be more specific. Then the read values are passed to the main process as a collection and go to the main process parameters (see that the "OutputParameters" parameter has the value of "[#SubProcess that will read all the needed data from Contacts 1.OutputRecordCollection#]").


The script task itself calls the ProcessContactNames method that is specified in the main process "Methods" tab:

The listing of the code is below:

public void ProcessContactNames() {
	string result = "";
	var contactsList = Get<ICompositeObjectList<ICompositeObject>>("OutputParameters");
	foreach (ICompositeObject item in contactsList) {
				item.TryGetValue<string>("FullNameParameter", out string ContactName);
				item.TryGetValue<string>("EmailParameter", out string ContactEmail);
				item.TryGetValue<Guid>("IdParameter", out Guid ContactId);
				result = result + " " + ContactName + " " + ContactEmail + ", ";
				ContactName = "Oscar Dylan from process";
					var contactSchema = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("Contact");
					var entity = contactSchema.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
						entity.FetchFromDB("Id", ContactId);
						entity.SetColumnValue("Name", ContactName);
Set<string>("StringParameter", result);

Also add the following usings to your main process:


The idea here is to pass the collection of records from the "OutputParameters" main process parameter, process each record in the foreach cycle, compose the result string that then will be displayed on the autogenerated page to check if the process worked and also find each contact by its Id that was passed from the collection and set the name column value for each contact as "Oscar Dylan from process".


As a result the process worked perfectly:

and contact names were modified:

Please analyze the process and use the same approach on your side.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you. 

Will try that.

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