Is it possible to create an entity based on a view (so with the "Represents Structure of Database View" checkbox checked, and with the view created using a SQL script) that inherits its record permissions from a "real" entity? I tried to do so by simply checking the record permissions checkbox and specifying the parent object in the "Object to inherit access permissions from" field of the entity, but this doesn't seem to work.


My setup is that we have the OOTB Leads entity, and then I've created a view over the top of it taking all columns but with a filter condition, to be used for reporting over Leads while filtering out certain Leads that should never be included in reporting so we have a more consistent reporting basis and don't have to make sure to include those filters in every widget. I added 2 columns to the view based on the Id and LeadName columns called UsrBaseLeadId and UsrBaseLeadName, which then have a lookup column UsrBaseLead added over them in the view-based entity. This lookup is then used as the "Object to inherit access permissions from" for the view-based entity.


There aren't any errors thrown in the logs when trying to do this, but non-super-users just can't see any of the records. When I tried to check a record in the view's permissions, I could see that the SysRights table for the view entity doesn't exist, so I tried creating that rights "table" as a view in the database that took its data from the Rights Table of the real entity, but while that seemed to work inasmuch as I could check a record's access rights and see that the correct rights were there and was even able to modify those rights, it didn't make it visible to a non-super-user.

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Hello everyone!

The issue i'm facing is that tasks synced from Google Calendar that are meetings and include Google Meet links are not displaying a "Join" button within Creatio. This makes it difficult for users to easily join these meetings directly from Creatio.

Here's how it should look like:

but this is how it is currently looking like:

this meeting already has a google meet link attached to it, as you can see in the next screenshot:


Here are some additional details about the issue:

  • -The tasks in question are synced from Google Calendar.
  • -The tasks are identified as meetings within Google Calendar and have associated Google Meet links.
  • -Despite being meetings with links, there is no "Join" button available within the task view in Creatio.

I would appreciate if anyone has faced this issue in the past, and how to solve it :)

Thanks in advance!


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Is it possible to specify the default values that will be populated in fields on new records created via the "Quick add menu" in Creatio, similar to how you can do when adding a record from a button on a page:


I have seen that if you have multiple pages set up for an entity that the Quick add menu will create a sub-menu for each of the types which will mean that if you click on the specific sub-menu then that field will be defaulted to the value it should be, but we require that other fields are also defaulted to specific values depending on the type selected. Therefore blanket values being set as the default value on the entity won't satisfy the requirement, and the business rules are very limited around setting default values.


I can't see anything of much use in the "Quick add records menu" lookup used to configure the quick add menu.

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Is it possible to pass attributes from a page into a validator as a parameter for use in its logic? I'm trying to pass the Id of the record into an async validator which should then query the database for the record to check whether it is in a valid state to be saved, but I don't seem to be able to pass the attribute in as a parameter and it isn't available by default in the validator. I've tried the below:

					"LookupAttribute_sttlz00": {
						"modelConfig": {
							"path": "PDS.QualifyStatus"
						"validators": {
							"LeadSoldValidator": {
								"type": "Usr.LeadSoldValidator",
								"params": {
									"leadId": "$Id"

But it just passes in the literal string "$Id" instead of the value of Id. I don't see anything about passing dynamic values into validators in the documentation.

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I have been asked to help with an environment built within the default package of "Custom."

It seems that the previous user did not create a new prefix or package to build out their new objects and fields but rather kept the default prefix of "Usr" and package of, "Custom."


As far as I know, they have kept all newly added elements in the environment without external factors for additional dependent packages.

I have attempted to transfer the elements in the configuration section and have accomplished that, but of course, I will run into compilation errors and dependency issues.

My end goal is to upload this project environment to the marketplace safely. So my question is this:

How can I safely transfer the elements of the default "Custom" Package to a new package that can ultimately be exported for the marketplace?

Thank you in advance for any help someone can provide.

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I am experiencing an issue regarding the synchronization between Creatio and Google Calendar. My Creatio Version:


I have set up the synchronization between the two platforms, but I am encountering the following problem:

  • Changes made to activities in Creatio are not reflected in Google Calendar. Neither the other way around.


I have already tried the following troubleshooting steps:

Despite these efforts, the issue persists.

I would be grateful if you could provide any guidance or solutions to resolve this synchronization problem. Please let me know if you require any further information from me :)


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We see that you also registered a case directly for our Support team regarding this problem and therefore we will work on it in that case.

Mira Dmitruk,

wonderful, thanks!

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Is it possible to sort the quick filter list you get displayed with code in Freedom UI? I can see there is no way to do it through no code currently, but is there a handler that can be overridden to add sorting to the resulting list? Would be very useful in some circumstances. Maybe it will be done on the load data step using crt.LoadDataRequest in some way? Not sure what the config items that would need to be added to the request would be though.

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Hello Harvey,


Could you please elaborate on your business task? 

Simply, we need to sort the values displayed in the Quick Filter. In this case it's because the quick filter values correspond to periods in the client's period calendar, and we want to show them in descending order so that the current period is the first item in the list (the values selectable are the ones before the current period, so sorting by name descending would suffice, but it would definitely be useful to have a generalised way of sorting quick filter options).



Thank you for clarifying. There is no such OOTB option. However, I've registered the idea in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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Hello everyone!

The problem is as follows:

A user is not created when syncing with LDAP, although the LDAP element itself comes to Creatio (I checked the LDAP Element in the directory) and the business process works without errors during synchronization.

Tell me, please, what could it be?



Всем привет!

Проблема следующая:

Не создаётся пользователь при синхронизации с LDAP, хотя сам элемент LDAP в Creatio приходит (проверил по справочнику Элеменет LDAP) и бизнес-процесс отрабатывает без ошибок при синхронизации.

Подскажите, пожалуйста, что это может быть?

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Добрый день.

Вы можете настроить Debug режим для логера Ldap в файле nlog.settings в папке Terrasoft.WebApp.

Расширенное логирование позволит вам узнать какие этапы синхронизации прошел ваш пользователь.

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How do you add a dashboard page as a section in Freedom UI? I have an existing dashboard page which I want users to be able to access as though it were its own section, but I can't add the existing page to the workplace as it doesn't exist in the lookup window. I had a look at creating a new section in the application hub, but this will either create a new entity or have to be based over an existing entity, but this dashboard isn't based over any one particular entity and presumably doing this would create a new Section page which I didn't want. Any info on how to turn an existing page into a Section in Freedom UI?

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Best reply

Hi Pavlo, Essentially I want to create a standalone section page, so one that isn't tied to a specific entity or have to be created using the section template in the application hub.

Yes, using Freedom UI exclusively.

And the page I have created is inherited from the Homepage exactly. Is it possible to register this page as a section page?

Hi Harvey!

Please confirm, am I understanding correctly that you want to replace the section ListPage with your own page containing dashboards?

Is your dashboard page implemented in FreedomUI?

Which page does this page inherit from? Is it the Homepage?

Hi Pavlo, Essentially I want to create a standalone section page, so one that isn't tied to a specific entity or have to be created using the section template in the application hub.

Yes, using Freedom UI exclusively.

And the page I have created is inherited from the Homepage exactly. Is it possible to register this page as a section page?



In general, there isn't a built-in feature for this. However, for such usage, we have the option to set a Homepage for the workplace. You can set this page instead of the current one.


But if you need two of your dashboard pages to be on the same workplace and displayed as a section, you can create a new section in the Freedom UI and replace its SectionSchemaUId with the UId of your dashboard page schema.

update "SysModule" set "SectionSchemaUId" = 'UId of dashboard schema module' where "Id" =  'Id of the section you want to open with the dashboard'


For example, I successfully set the SalesEnterpriseHomePage to open from the test section.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Pavlo, we already have a page being used as the Home page of the workplace the additional dashboard needs to reside in, so we had to do the database editing you suggested to get it to work, which it now does - thank you! This would be a very useful option to be able to do without custom SQL, no code being the aim of Creatio config going forward!

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How can you set the default values created for an Activity when clicking on the Calendar in Freedom UI? I can't see anything in the OOTB code for calendar setup that would pass default values into the calendar activity creation process, but presume there must be some JSON parameters that could be set to specify things like the Activity Type/Category for example. Any help appreciated.

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Unfortunately, this logic is hardcoded and cannot be changed at the moment. We have raised an improvement for the development team to make it possible to configure the default Category for this element in future releases.

Thank you for reaching out!

Thanks Pavlo, so no properties in the JSON can be set for this currently at all then? And no overriding of any of the schema handlers would enable setting them either? We currently have a fair amount of handler code, so wouldn't be too worried about adding some more in for now until this is possible in no code.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change this logic for this scheme at the moment, even using such handlers.

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