Hello Guys , I am having this problem and I have no idea from where it is happening . 

Any idea please ?

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It appears that you're trying to create a field with a code that already exists in the object. 

I recommend reviewing all the fields you plan to create to ensure that each one has a unique code within the object.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


We have this requirement, where we need to have multiple signatures per outbound email. And selected them based on the case category lookup.


So for example:


Case 1 > Category A > Signature A


Case 2 > Category B > Signature B


But for the same outbound email.




We would like to know what is the best way to achieve such functionality? What schemas should we change?


Thank you.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Please note that there's no functionality to set up such logic in the system at the moment. However, we have registered this idea for our R&D team and they will review the possibility of adding it in future releases.


As a workaround, you could remove the personal signatures of the users and instead create the email templates and design the needed signature as part of the template itself. You can also set up automatic filling in of the sender's name with the help of a macro.

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I would like to ask how to enable additional options such as editing or deleting notes in this section.

Currently, I can delete and edit them, but only from the message card; however, I am unable to edit directly on the object. It is important to me that the person who adds a note can independently edit it directly on the opportunity,

Best Regards 



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You should be able to delete records from the feed either on the feed page itself or from the communication panel, but only your own records. You cannot edit or delete other people's notes.

Dymytriy Vykhodets,

I understand, in that case how can you turn on the ability to edit own records 

Michał Zieliński,




This option should be enabled by default. We would need to get access to your environment in order to investigate this issue. Please write to support@creatio.com and we will assist you with the request.

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I'm encountering a recurring issue with logging into Creatio, which happens almost every day. After entering my login credentials, the system often gets stuck on the loading screen with the Creatio logo. This issue usually occurs during the first login of the day, but it has also happened during subsequent login attempts.

I've identified that the loading process halts at the following script:


The time it takes to resolve this issue varies—sometimes it takes 2-10 minutes, but there have been instances where the screen remains stuck even after an hour. Importantly, there are no errors in the console during this time.This problem is significantly disrupting my ability to work with the system.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

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Please contact the Support team for analyzing this issue. The email address: support@creatio.com.

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Hello Community,


    I have created Business Process 1 with three parameters:

  1.  One parameter with the data type 'Unique identifier' to take input.
  2.  Two parameters with the data type 'Text' for internal use, as shown in the image below.

          When calling Business Process 1 as a sub-process from Business Process 2, I want to hide Internal Parameter 1 and Parameter 2. (Below Image shows Business Process 2)

Is it possible to hide these internal parameters, or is there any other solution to keep them from being visible?



Ajay K


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At this moment, we do not have such functionality. We will pass this recommendation on to our RnD team. 

Yes, it would be useful to have "internal only" type parameters, as plenty of the ones used in creating BPs are exactly that. Currently what I do is set them to output params rather than in/out params, so that they don't appear as params to be populated when used elsewhere.


Along with internal only params, it would be nice to have required params for BPs too, which would go to an error state in the logs if left unpopulated.

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we have succesfully configured identity service and some processess integrating Creatio and other apps through Zapier. The problem is, the integration works in 30-50% of zap runs. In other cases we encounter error like this below:

What we concluded is that Zapier connector connects to our Creatio URL https://creatio.astor.com.pl, where it is redirected to login page and this is somehow the case. W changed the default timeout of login session to unlimited and it didn't changed anything.


We asked Creatio support about that and heard that "this connector is not supported by Creatio team so ask DevLabs" but DevLabs says on its Creatio Partner website that I should write a post here, in community. So now I do :) Please help us solve this puzzle, because without Zapier connector we are pushed to reconsider our next moves about Creatio development.

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The Zapier connector for Creatio is somewhat limited and does have some problems. Another option, plus much more reliable route (in my opinion) is to simply use Creatio webhooks. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/base-integrations/webhook-service-integration/overview

Zapier can easily send webhooks to Creatio, plus the use of webhooks is much more flexible and allows for a greater set of objects and fields to be used since the Zapier connector is limited to just a couple of objects (last I checked). 

Since your system looks like it's self-hosted based on the URL, assume you might need to contact support for getting webhooks setup for use.


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Hi all,


Further to the thread below, is it possible to make a button added to the active row of a detail conditional?
Add button into the active row of detail | Community Creatio

I want to make the button enabled on a certain condition but when I add the enabled and visible values to the Diff of the datagrid, I get no result (tried passing "enabled": false to check it wasn't an issue with the CanSplitFlights method)

define("UsrFlightsDetail", ["ProcessModuleUtilities"], function(ProcessModuleUtilities) {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "UsrFlights",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "DataGrid",
				"parentName": "Detail",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"values": {
					"activeRowActions": [],
					"activeRowAction": {"bindTo": "onActiveRowAction"}
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "DataGridActiveRowSplitFlights",
				"parentName": "DataGrid",
				"propertyName": "activeRowActions",
				"values": {
					"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
					"style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.BLUE,
					"caption": "Split flights",
					"tag": "SplitFlights",
					"visible": true,
					"enabled": CanSplitFlights
		methods: {
            CanSplitFlights: function() {
                var FlightTypeId = this.getActiveRow().get("UsrFlightType");
				var FlightTypeValue =  FlightTypeId  && FlightTypeId.value;
				if (FlightTypeValue == '3a0d3b1b-9af5-472a-bac9-e785500ac4e9') {
					return true;
                return false;
			onActiveRowAction: function(SplitFlights) {
				switch (SplitFlights) {
					case "SplitFlights":
			onSplitFlights: function(){
					sysProcessName: "UsrSplitFlights",
					parameters: {
						FlightId: this.getActiveRow().get("Id")
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Best reply

I've done some hacky options that sort of worked manipulating the button elements in the dom on row click, but I've never been able to have it work binding an attribute to the visible/enabled of the row buttons and change row by row. That's never worked for me. Instead I typically do a check in the code that executes on click to let the user know if it's not available for the row. I'd love to know if there's some way for this to work, but from experience it doesn't work. 

I've done some hacky options that sort of worked manipulating the button elements in the dom on row click, but I've never been able to have it work binding an attribute to the visible/enabled of the row buttons and change row by row. That's never worked for me. Instead I typically do a check in the code that executes on click to let the user know if it's not available for the row. I'd love to know if there's some way for this to work, but from experience it doesn't work. 

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan. I'll call it quits then and add a check on click.

Honestly, it's more of an aesthetic requirement than a functional one. Ideally I won't offer the user a button that they can't click.

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We want to add filters in the same way that you can add them to lookups using code on the page, as there isn't a no-code way to configure additional filters for Timeline components. In our case, it's filtering out non-completed Activity records from the Timeline. We don't seem to be able to using similar methods to lookups though (i.e. adding custom code to the crt.LoadDataRequest handler. Has anyone found a way to add such a filter? It looks like all the Timeline code is in the 9351.xxxxxxx JS file.

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We must say that the ability to add filters to a timeline is under development. Unfortunately, we cannot tell when it will be added.

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how is it possible to implement action to create account address by geolocation in mobile app?


I see, that Creatio field sales can get location of check-in. So, if we use similar functionality, we have just to find address of these coordinates.

Do you have any idea how to do that?


Thank you!


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Hi Vladimir! How are you? It seems you could use for example this service from Google Maps Platform:   https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/requests-rev…

Uriel Nusenbaum,

Thank you for this information. Do you know, does this service require any lincense from Google?


Vladimir Sokolov,

You should configure an API Key follow this article: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/cloud-setup and here you have the pricing information: https://mapsplatform.google.com/pricing/
You have the option to try the service and several requests per month for free.

Hello Vladimir,
Thank you for your question.

After consulting with R&D team i got some information regarding your case. Mobile phones have build-in API to work with geolocation however currently it is impossible to customize our mobile application directly. Javascript also has some methods to determine user's geolocation like getCoordinates. 
So the possible workaround right now is to create service that will receive coordinates from and send them to an external service like Google Geolocation.

Hope this helps and let me know if you any question left.

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We run code on our leads page that when the page is saved with required fields that aren't populated we have pop-ups to prompt the user to collect the data in sequence. The sequence in which these pop-ups happen appears to be based on the business rules of the page... How do we update the order of the business rules (to force an order update of which fields get marked as required, and in turn the pop-up sequence)?


Thank you for any insight.

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Good day!

Would it be possible for You to provide us with the code You are attempting to run along with the screenshots of the pop-ups that You end up seeing?

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