Hello everybody

I'm working in file-system mode in a 7.18.5 development environment.

I need to override the OnSaving method of the Account entity then I created a custom EntityEventListener (following Creatio documentation).

I followed all the instructions of Creatio documentation  to setup my Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise and my local Creatio web application (see https://academy.creatio.com/docs/sites/en/files/pdf/guide/191/Debugging_7.18.pdf).

I worked both on "Compile into a separate assembly" package (in this case opening the package project file) and "traditional" package (in this case using the autogenerated Terrasoft.Configuration.sln solution).

When I attach to w3svc process my VS2019 (run as administrator) the breakpoints are not recognized because the symbols are not loaded. Then I force to load symbols so the breakpoints are recognized (see image below):


If I add a new break point during debug there's an error:


Anyway.. the debugging doesn't work: if I press F10 or F5 the breakpoints after the first are not manged and the execution ends.


So we have two main problems:

1) The symbols are not automatically loaded (but I can do it manually..)

2) The debugging tools dont work


I'm I doing something wrong?

I can I really debug server-side code?



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Hello Massimiliano,


As for the automated symbols download - yes, please download them manually in case automated download didn't download all the symbols.


As for the breakpoint set - unfortunately there is no standard solution for this, only those described in forums here or here.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hello Oscar,

It seems related to the "Optimize code" option but it seems to me that Creatio compiles the packages in Release mode and not in Debug mode. Does the issue comes from that? Is there any solutions?


Best regards




<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.7">


          <add assembly="System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />




and all other settings performed in terms of the article you sent should compile packages in debug mode.


Best regards,


Dear Oscar

I tried to change that setting in both web.config files (the "root one" and the "Terrasoft.WebApp one") but it didn't work. I saw that the dll's are compiled into the "Release" folder and not into "Debug" folder.

Am I doing something wrong?

If we set "debug=true" in the web.config files, are the packages created correctly to be deployed to production environments or do we need to reset the "debud=false" and recompile before exporting the packages?

Best regards


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Dear Team,


We have written a process to provide the access to a lead based on the owner selected. Attached, screenshot of the process [Access Provided to the Employee.jpg].

But the manager of the employee defined in the organizational structure and the manager above the employee in the structure are also able to edit the lead whereas they need to have only read only option as defined in the process.


Organizational Structure via screenshot



TopMost Manager.jpg

                Manager’s Manager.jpg

                                Employee Manager.jpg



In the process, have mentioned only read and edit option to Employee and other roles [tied hardcoding to read only] but still they are able to edit the lead.

Are there any changes to be done in object permission? 


Thanks in advance!


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Adding to the above question, noticed that access assigned record level to any records is not working as expected. Even if all the users are given only read access, still the users are able to edit the record in version


Amritha Mayan Gorky,




In our system Managers of a group inherit all the access rights of other users in this group. It's expected oob behavior and this logic cannot be overwritten with a business process, meaning that even if you remove the access rights with a help of business process, they will be granted on a system level.

As of now, such behavior cannot be changed with a help of basic system tools and require development. 

Also, we already have a corresponding query for our R&D team to implement the described functionality in the upcoming versions.

I will assign this case to the project in order to increase its priority.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards, 



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Hi community,


I need a way to sort the rows of a data grid according to the values present in a detail.


I have my detail in the candidate object like this:


Here is a small simplified diagram of the relationship between my lookup, my detail and my object:

I would like to run this sql query to filter the candidates :

SELECT c.* FROM technocandidats tc
RIGHT JOIN candidats c ON c.id = tc.candidat_id
WHERE tc.techno_id = n OR
tc.techno_id = n OR ...

where "n" will be the techno's id.


Is there a way to do this directly in the section's advanced filters?


Or better still, in a box on top of the section like the one in my candidat object where the detail appears? Or even better, make that in a preconfigured page ?


Best regards,


Julien Gunther

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Hello Julien,


I believe this should be possible as you have the connections between your objects. Could you please contact Creatio support team using support@creatio.com so we can help you with the filter setup in your system?


Thank you,

Bogdan S.

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Hi there, when I setup a business process, I have to get the value from an element parameter like [#Get base currency rate.XXX#] where XXX is the value stored in a system parameter, say [#Base currency#]. Any suggestion? Thank you in advance!

Please refer to the following figure.

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Hi Andrew,

Just an idea, you could possibly use a formula to get the value you're after. It would be a big series of ?: statements to ultimately put the value into a process parameter. For example: 

(BaseCurrency == "TWD" ? [#Get base currency rate.TWD#] : (BaseCurrency == "USD ? [#Get base currency rate.USD#] :  ...you get the idea))

If you're only going to be handling the 5 currencies you have in your screenshot, you could put each in it's own process param and then would be easier to work with for the formula or in a script task.


Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan, thank you for your advise. Yes, your suggestion is a solution which I thought of previously. But I didn't find any "if then else" formula in the documentation from Creatio. Can you show me where to find this formula? Thank you very much!

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I created a custom package working in file system mode on my PC.

The package is set to be "Compiled into a separate assembly".

When I compile it (selecting "Compile" in the dropdown menu near the package name and selecting "Compile all" in the Actions button) I see a popup error reporting syntax errors in all the Client modules of the package (see image below).

Creatio shouldn't compile Client modules since they are Javascript and not C# (the errors are syntax errors related to C# language).

I also "Generate for all schemas".. I tried almost everything without success.

The package works fine, even exported and installed in cloud production environment, but I cannot compile it in my development environment.

Why does Creatio try to compile in C# the Client modules?



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Is it possible to join documents uploaded on Creatio to an email ?

We would like to store files in Creatio and use them into email attachments (without downloading them into computer).

Thank you !


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I have a detail that has been added on an opportunity in code, so I cannot make it read-only with the opportunity designer. How do I set up the code so that make a decimal field in the detail read-only ?



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Hi Damien,


If this is a detail with an editable list simply add this code:

"enabled": false

to the definition of the column that you need to disable (should be added to the detail page schema, not detail schema). So it should look like this:

				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "columnName",
				"enabled": false

and refresh the page.


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


Do you know why this add-on is no longer supported?

Last update the : 27.10.2020 and compatible till the version 7.12.4 



Thank you in advance!


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Hello Thibaut, 


The add-on is no longer supported as this functionality has been already implemented directly in a system. So you can now, for example, see the preview of the image attached to the case directly on the case page by only clicking on it (without downloading it). 


Hope it clarifies!

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hello Anastasiia,


With this old add-on, it was also possible to view a PDF file in a popup, the same way as an image. Now, this is not possible anymore. Will this be implemented in a next release? 

We have a customer who used this add-on very frequently and is now complaining that he needs to download each PDF...


Kind regards,


Vincent Tahon,


This functionality has been already implemented directly in a system. So you can now, for example, see the preview of the image attached to the case directly on the case page by only clicking on it (without downloading it). 

Best regards,



Hello Bogdan,


This works fine for images, but not for PDF-files.

The old add-on also showed a similar preview for PDF-files, which is very convenient for our customer who uses many PDF-files.


Kind regards,


Hi Community


Any news on this point?

we have 2 potential projects that are pending on having this feature in Creatio exactly for the same reasons described by Vincent.

pdf preview is available in most of the competition and it would be a big plus to have in Creatio as an OOB feature



Luis Tinoco Azevedo,

did you find a solution ?

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Is there a way to add a notification in Communication panel to notify user when an initiated business process fails, indicating them to re-run the process or contact Sys admin?

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Best reply


According to OOB logic, you cannot start a business process based on the SysProcessLog table. But there is a very simple workaround. You can create a view based on the SysProcessLog table and add this newly created object into your business process as a starting signal. Also, you can add different conditions for the records that can be added to your view so having it done you can manage the list of processes that will be added into your view.

You can find a way how to add a view on our Community.


Best regards,



According to OOB logic, you cannot start a business process based on the SysProcessLog table. But there is a very simple workaround. You can create a view based on the SysProcessLog table and add this newly created object into your business process as a starting signal. Also, you can add different conditions for the records that can be added to your view so having it done you can manage the list of processes that will be added into your view.

You can find a way how to add a view on our Community.


Best regards,


Thanks, Bogdan! 

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I'm setting up the Mobile App with VERY FEW sections (contact, accounts, activities)


Since we have areas with no connection....I need to set the OFFLINE mode (using 7.17).


When I first start the APP, it seems to be loading ALL objects (orders, products, etc...) which take a lot of time/resources.


Can we RESTRICT some objects to be loaded when I don't use the section in the App ?


Hope I'm clear enough.



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Hi Francois,


This usually happens if there are more than 1 workplace set for the Mobile App. The best way is to check your Mobile wizard and see if any of those sections linked to any of the workplaces.

I double checked and nothing is refering to the order. (I only kept Account/Contact/Activity/Lead.  The data that I'm showing does not call ORDERs or Products in Orders) 

But I still see :  Importing data (OrderProduct) = over 2 Millions records.


Can we limit the amount of Order records  (Today's data ONLY) ?


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