Hello all,


My colleague and I are trying to develop applications with specific dependencies but Creatio keeps adding dependencies we don't want to the package when we save a business process. Is there a way to turn off the automatic adding of dependencies? I'd prefer to receive an error message if I'm using something for which I don't have access.

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I would love to turn this off and have an error telling me what it needs instead. The auto adding dependencies could be nice but I’d prefer to control that myself. I’ve ran into issues where it attempts to add a dependency for the same package that the item is already located in and then complains that it’s a circular dependency. 


Not getting the exact same error, but similar behavior: 

modifiying customer 360 list & form pages, getting account new objects, pages etc saved in my current set package, and the contacts saved automatically in a new package of Creatio's choice.... Quite confusing

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If you merge your Facebook and Instagram accounts in Facebook Messenger, and connect your Facebook account to Creatio, will you receive messages from both accounts in Creatio?

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Hello Anton, 


As of today we have a task to integrate instagram in order to let you receive the messages from Intagram either, so it possibly will be implemented in our future releases, but currently it is not possible.


Have a nice day! 

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Hi community,


is it possible to copy a campaign from a business process?

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I didn't quite understand your task.

You can duplicate the campaign by clicking the 'Copy' button.



If this is not the task you are trying to accomplish, please provide more details.


I would like to copy the campaign using a business process

That's realy interesting case. We also configure some 'Event' campaign for customer. And then for every webinar they should:

1. Create new Event

2. Copy campaign

3. Change campaign diagram, setting new Event for filtration

It would be nice to automate this part of work

I'm trying to duplicate the SysSchema record used for storing the campaign metadata.

Do you know how to calculate the checksum for SysSchema record?


If you copy the SysSchema via a business process, then such a copy of the company will not work at all.

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Hi Community,

Is it possible to add a new System Variable to be used in the Object level, so that we can use it as a default value?

Thank you


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Best reply

Hello Sasori,

These values are hardcoded and you can't change them.



It's possible. Default values can be set via configuration for all replaced objects. For example, if I want to set the default Account for Orders I create replaced object for Order and specify it in the default value field. It can be selected from existing values, system settings, or variables.

Please note that if the selected default value is removed or the type of system variable and lookup is different it can lead to different issues so do not select values that can or will be deleted. 

Hi Bogdan,

Thank you for the explantion but my question was a little bit different.

The question is how/where to configure a new System Variable beside the existing ones:

New ID

New Sequential Id

Current User

Current User Contact


Thank you,


Hello Sasori,

These values are hardcoded and you can't change them.

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Hi all,


Our client would like to replace the default loading screen with something in their companies brand.

Modifying the loading screen is not an option in the 'setup appearance' section of Creatio 8. Is there a way around this?

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Interesting question :)



There is no such possibility for now but we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. 


Thank you for helping us to improve our product

+1 from me!

I would love the ability to customize this - at least to add our own background color and logo. Making the system seem/feel like *theirs* can play a big part in system adoption.


Ryan Farley,

especialy for Portal users

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Hi Community, 


I have a requirement to load default quick filter when user opens the record. Currently whenever user changes the filter, the default filter is updated with the latest filter changes. 


How can I load the default filter on opening/ adding a record ?

Any suggestions is really helpful.

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Your business task can be only achieved with the help of separate development process. 

You can use 'entity schema query' filters in particular. Here is the guide on this topic



You can also use this community post with the example of such logic https://community.creatio.com/questions/default-filter-section

Hello Bogdan,


could you please help me how can I do it in freedomUI?



We don't have such example of it's implementation in Freedom UI

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Hi there! We are developing an application and want to add a custom channel provider. We follow this guide, however, it does not cover how to bind custom channel provider with channel registration logic (I mean on ChatSettings page when we click on custom channel provider value on adding new channels) - is there any documentation on implementing it?



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Hi there! We are developing an application and want to add a custom channel provider. We follow this guide and stuck on 7. Implement message sending step. 


The question in the send messages logic though Creatio interface. 

Let's assume we already have an active chat with some contact and messages from the contact. If we send (outcoming) message to the chat, we will only see a modal window with "Error while sending the message" message.

We checked the request made when sending the message. The request URL is .../0/rest/OmnichannelOutcomeMessagingService/SendMessage, and the payload:

  "message": {
    "Attachments": null,
    "ChannelId": "e79043bc-377d-46b9-86ee-9b0fc4845f0b",
    "ChatId": "f2374931-2402-411a-bf37-0eb2a6acd422",
    "ContactIdentification": null,
    "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "IsEcho": false,
    "IsGuestUser": false,
    "IsStandBy": false,
    "Message": "test",
    "MessageDirection": 2,
    "MessageType": 0,
    "Recipient": "Test User",
    "Sender": "123",
    "Source": 2,
    "Timestamp": 0


We also have an IOutcomeMessageWorker interface implementation binded with our "Test" channel (which has Source set to "123" as you can notice from the payload).

We tried to call the OmnichannelMessagingService.InternalSend method with the same MessagingMessage and saw the following stack trace:

The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'Error creating an instance
			of the "OmnichannelProviders.MessageWorkers.IOutcomeMessageWorker" class'. See server logs for more details.
			The exception stack trace is: 
		    at Terrasoft.Core.Factories.ClassFactory.GetInstance[T](Func`1 action)
			at OmnichannelMessaging.MessageWorkerFactory`1.GetWorkerInstance(String messengerName)
			at OmnichannelMessaging.MessageOutcomeWorker.InternalSend(UnifiedMessage message, String messenger)
			at Terrasoft.Configuration.Omnichannel.Messaging.OmnichannelMessagingService.InternalSend(MessagingMessage
			at Terrasoft.Configuration.Omnichannel.Messaging.CusboOmnichannelMessagingService.test()
			at Terrasoft.Configuration.CusboMessageEventsHandlerWebServiceNamespace.CusboEventHandlerWebService.test()
			at SyncInvoketest(Object , Object[] , Object[] )
			at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]&
			at Terrasoft.Web.Common.ServiceModel.ThreadContextInitializer.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs,
			Object[]& outputs)
			at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc)
			at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc& rpc)
			at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage11(MessageRpc& rpc)
			at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)


If we add MessagingMessage.Channel = "Test", the message is sent successfully. So we wonder if we are missing something in our configuration and how to send the message to the custom channel provider. Or if there is a way to call custom logic (endpoint, service, anything) when sending messages to custom channel provider.


Thanks in advance.


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As far as we see, there is a problem in the existing method OmnichannelOutcomeMessagingService.SendMessage - when the message is sent from omni chat conversation component, the request body does not contain ChannelName property (if we trigger this endpoint with this value set, everything works).

The workaround we have done: added Harmony library to the app and used patching with the following code in our custom class that extend AppEventListenerBase (in the end of the OnAppStart method): 

var original = typeof(OmnichannelOutcomeMessagingService).GetMethod("SendMessage");
var prefix = typeof(SendMessagePatcher).GetMethod("Prefix");
var harmony = new Harmony("com.example.test");
harmony.Patch(original, prefix: new HarmonyMethod(prefix));

(SendMessagePatcher should be implemented separately, with adding ChannelName in case the message was sent into custom channel provider chat).

If you have any other suggestions of implementing message sending for custom channel provider, please let us know.

If Creatio Developers consider that there is a bug, we hope it would be fixed asap, otherwise we hope that the documentation would be updated as it is either outdated or not covering adding custom channel provider case completely (especially sending messages topic).


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after successfully  logining  in i get http://localhost/D7_8.0.9.3748/0/Shell 302 status code

the problem in  Version only  this happend when i firstlly install this version

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Good day,


Most likely you have more than one application for one application pool and use only /0 as an alias in your IIS settings.

Make sure that it looks something like the following:

Please make sure that you have set up your application by following the article:



Thank you.

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I need to alter the file upload so that certain attachments are saved to an external system rather than the Creatio database. I need to know the schema and methods that handle the upload and download of files in the freedom UI so that I can modify it as needed.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


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You can set up an S3 integration to complete your task.

More information is available here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/base_int…


Best regards,


In our case the need is to implement an integration with a third party document storage solution which has its own API.


Is it recommended to use the Creatio File API(reference below) for such a use case? . And if so, how do I configure Creatio to make it  use the custom developed File API instead of the out of the box attachment functionality?




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