Hi Creatio Community,

Can the elements on top of the portal page on Freedom UI be deleted for portal users  only? I only want to retain the logo and the logged in user icon.

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Hello Vishal,

To do this you'll need to override MainShell then you can either remove these elements (conditionally for portal users only) or you can add CSS that is global to the application (which I think is an easier route). You can make the global CSS apply only to portal users by using the details from this article https://customerfx.com/article/applying-global-css-styles-in-the-creati…

As for overriding the MainShell, you'll need to enable the AllowCreateAngularSchema feature (you can search these forums for "AllowCreateAngularSchema" to view details on how to do this)


Thanks Ryan

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Hi community, 

Is anyone familiar with the roadmap, aware of when/if Creatio plan to add in the functionality to toggle a list page between dashboard and a list - as was available on the old UI? 

I note that it is now possible to use the toggle (i.e feed/next steps) function without allowing the user to hide it, so theoretically we could build this into the page template quite easily. An example being the "UI Management List" page. 


Similarly does anyone know when/if they plan to add the advanced filter functionality. 




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I would like to inform you that you can add the necessary dashboard icon in Freedom UI. In order to add the icon you need, please use the instructions by clicking here.

As Orkhan mentioned, you can add dashboard elements to list pages pretty easily. Additionally, you can add a toggle panel, drag the list to a panel and then have a setup similar to the old dashboards for sections - however that doesn't allow you to give users the ability to create their own dashboards without giving them the ability to edit the page itself. 

There is an item on the roadmap that is what you're asking about which is currently slated for Q1 2024

Dashboard sections in Freedom UI 

Users can set up their own analytics widgets in Freedom UI and take full advantage of no-code capabilities.


Thanks for the reply Ryan and info on roadmap. 

Orkhan, I am familiar with the tabs component, but unless I am missing something this doesn't give me what I am looking for. Although perhaps the toggle component would. 

What I am meaning is the icon that appears next to the list name, that switches the entire grid below it from a list to a dashboard. This replicates the function that is available on classic UI. 

The below screenshot was from Creatio's marketing materials prior to 8.0.6 last Christmas


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Dears friends and community


is there away to customize Freedom UI to have multi select on dropdown. I am working on "product elegibility criteria" and this type of feature is important to us. Classic UI is not an option to us. 


please advise on best approach and practice

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The drop-down in Freedom UI does not currently support multi select. For now, you'll have to code something yourself using the multi select capabilities of the lookup dialog instead, this article should help get you started: https://customerfx.com/article/invoking-a-multi-select-lookup-dialog-on…



The possibility to use multi-select lookups in Freedom UI is registered as a feedback and will be available in future releases of Creatio’s platform.

At this moment, you can check the materials for Classic UI:

Marketplace solution:


And a link to the community post where this issue has already been discussed, perhaps it will be helpful to you:


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I am currently trying to edit an account info page and am running into an issue. I want to create a field with options in a dropdown format, but so far, I have not seen any way of doing so. 

Is this something I did not see in the documentation, or will I need to use the booleans to ensure my users can select their needed options?

Any help is appreciated. I appreciate any help you can provide.

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In the context of Classic UI, the Lookup view is configured on the page editing page. By selecting the "List" parameter, this lookup will be displayed as a drop-down list.

Regarding configuring this option for a detail with an editable register, currently, this can be implemented using development methods. More details are described in another post on the Community:


Thank you for contacting us!

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Hii Everyone,


I was working on Bussiness Process to generate Successful message in Corressponding Section as a Popup.So,I choosen Autogenerated page for this requirement to display message but it was working. It was showing Notification in Notificational Panel but it should shown in Corressponding Section.


Can anybody please,help me to resolve this issue.


Thanks & Regards


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Hi Keerthana,


Unfortunately it's not clear what exactly was done and what is the required result and what is the actual result. Can you please share screenshots or additional details?


Thank you!

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Currently i want to implement a soap type web service in Creatio, but i have a problem, where the content type must be set to application/xml-dtd. How do I change the content type to application/xml or text/xml?


Below is i'm the attaching the sample web service that i create.

File attachments
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Best reply

Hello Ahmad, 

I have an article that describes how to return different content types from a configuration service here: 


The above article changes the returning content type to text/html however, you could change it to any type and then return the data in the stream as needed.


Hi Ahmad,


Unfortunately, such modification is not possible in the application, but thank you for the idea, we will register it to our R&D team for its implementation out-of-the-box in the future application releases.

For now you may use either application/json content type or pass a Stream, extract the body and process it in accordance to your business task.


Many thanks,


Hello Ahmad, 

I have an article that describes how to return different content types from a configuration service here: 


The above article changes the returning content type to text/html however, you could change it to any type and then return the data in the stream as needed.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan!

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I would like to know if there are any issues with creating a new application from the application hub, with a new page and section in Version 8.0.4? We are still in Classic UI but from the application hub I can only create Freedom UI sections. Will I run into issues or should I continue to create new sections using the Wizard until we have upgraded to Freedom UI?

Thank you!


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Best reply

Hayley Paul,

We just continue to create and modify sections in Section wizards and still are using Classic UI. And we use Application hub only for installing package

Kind regards,




The Application Hub only allows you to create Freedom UI sections. Sections created in the Application Hub that are not supported in Classic UI.

Hi Bogdan, thank you for the response. Therefore, I need to upgrade to Freedom UI in order to create these new sections from the application hub?

Hayley Paul,


The application hub (creating Freedom UI) is already available in your version. 

Please find more information here.

Hi Bogdan,

Thank you for your reply. I have read the documentation and I have created an application in the Application hub. Then I tried adding the section to a workplace but it does not get added (no error message, just never loads in the workplace). Is this what you meant by these sections are not supported in Classic UI? Could my users still access and work with this new Freedom UI section from "My Applications" workplace?

Hayley Paul,


You can add your new Freedom UI section to any workplace. 

If you have an error while adding please contact support team on this matter. 

OK that is good news. So just to confirm, this new section that I create in the Application hub will be Freedom UI. My Creatio instance is ALL classic UI but this one new section will be available in that workplace and when the user selects that section, it will open as Freedom UI. Correct?

Would that new section be fully functional in my system and live with the other classic UI sections? 

Hayley Paul,

We just continue to create and modify sections in Section wizards and still are using Classic UI. And we use Application hub only for installing package

Kind regards,


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I have a question regarding the "Full Name Starts With" Filter.

I was told that the way I entered them above is not correct. What would the best option be for entering multiple values for this filter? I would think there would be an opportunity to select multiple values like below, but this isn't the case:

Thanks in advance for any guidance.



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Unfortunately, the filter you have set up cannot filter records in this way. Your issue can be solved by grouping several filters and using the OR option. For example:

More detailed instructions, you can find here: Applying the advanced filter with grouping filter conditions.

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Hello Community,


I want to implement a Google Sign On on a Creatio site, is it possible? Is there any connector that allows this?

Thank you very much!

Like 2




I have checked this information with the R&D team responsible for the SSO integration. They confirmed that it is possible to set up Google SSO authorization. Unfortunately, we do not have specific instructions, as this authentification is not quite popular among our clients, but you can use, for example, this instruction to set it up. 

Furthermore, we will register the project for our R&D team to publish the required instruction

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to add a custom button to the contacts section in the mobile application. I followed the steps provided in: https://community.creatio.com/articles/adding-custom-user-action-mobile… to create a custom button on the user actions list, but I was unsuccessful.

Alternatively, is there a way to add buttons to the section (list) page, or to add a button in the Freedom UI section of the mobile application?



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Hi Ramya,


Currently there is no way to add custom buttons in Freedom UI (the article you refer to will only work in classic UI). I've created a suggestion for our R&D team to make it possible to add buttons in Freedom UI using no-code capabilities and pointed them to your community question.


Thank you for helping us in making the app better!

Hi Oleg Drobina,

Thank you for the prompt response. In the Classic UI, is it possible to add a button somewhere other than the record's edit page, maybe in the section page or a common menu like the settings? Or is it possible to override the existing 'Add Contact' button?



Oleg Drobina,

Hello, Oleg 
I find it a little difficult to figure out how to implement the freedom ui component configuration in my page, even if Creatio documentation lists it all: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…;

The "UsrMobileUsrLeaveRequestRecordPageSettingsWorkplace2" client module is attached to this mobile page for a custom section that I designed called "UsrLeaveRequest."
How do I proceed about adding a custom button to this edit page now?

       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "settings",
       "values": {
           "entitySchemaName": "UsrLeaveRequest",
           "details": [],
           "columnSets": [],
           "localizableStrings": {
               "SocialMessageDetailCaptionUsrLeaveRequest_caption": "Feed",
               "AttachmentsDetailCaptionUsrLeaveRequest_caption": "Attachments",
               "primaryColumnSetUsrLeaveRequest_caption": "General information",
               "UsrEmployeV2_DetailStandardDetailUsrLeaveRequest_caption": "Employees detail"
           "settingsType": "RecordPage",
           "operation": "insert",
       "operation": "insert",
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           "caption": "SocialMessageDetailCaptionUsrLeaveRequest_caption",
           "entitySchemaName": "SocialMessage",
           "showForVisibleModule": true,
           "filter": {
               "detailColumn": "EntityId",
               "masterColumn": "Id"
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       "propertyName": "details",
       "index": 0
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "AttachmentsFlutterDetailStandardDetail",
       "values": {
           "caption": "AttachmentsDetailCaptionUsrLeaveRequest_caption",
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           "filter": {
               "detailColumn": "RecordId",
               "masterColumn": "Id"
           "operation": "insert"
       "parentName": "settings",
       "propertyName": "details",
       "index": 1
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "UsrEmployeV2_DetailStandardDetail",
       "values": {
           "caption": "UsrEmployeV2_DetailStandardDetailUsrLeaveRequest_caption",
           "entitySchemaName": "Employee",
           "filter": {
               "detailColumn": "Manager",
               "masterColumn": "UsrApplicant"
           "detailSchemaName": "UsrEmployeV2_Detail",
           "operation": "insert"
       "parentName": "settings",
       "propertyName": "details",
       "index": 2
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "primaryColumnSet",
       "values": {
           "items": [],
           "rows": 1,
           "entitySchemaName": "UsrLeaveRequest",
           "caption": "primaryColumnSetUsrLeaveRequest_caption",
           "position": 0,
           "operation": "insert"
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       "index": 0
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "42d4b33c-f361-44d4-92cd-07e8db664fca",
       "values": {
           "row": 0,
           "content": "Leave Request No.",
           "columnName": "UsrLeaveReaquestNo",
           "dataValueType": 1,
           "operation": "insert"
       "parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
       "propertyName": "items",
       "index": 0
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "0d5ca981-1558-4e4d-b1a2-2b2b9dbd422c",
       "values": {
           "row": 1,
           "content": "End Date",
           "columnName": "UsrEndDate",
           "dataValueType": 8,
           "operation": "insert"
       "parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
       "propertyName": "items",
       "index": 1
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "2013f978-c87f-4896-96be-5383cfd044e3",
       "values": {
           "row": 2,
           "content": "Start Date",
           "columnName": "UsrStartDate",
           "dataValueType": 8,
           "operation": "insert"
       "parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
       "propertyName": "items",
       "index": 2
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "266417d3-f847-4386-af45-2674e9e779bb",
       "values": {
           "row": 3,
           "content": "Applicant",
           "columnName": "UsrApplicant",
           "dataValueType": 10,
           "operation": "insert"
       "parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
       "propertyName": "items",
       "index": 3
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "1655829d-ce75-476c-9350-ce2696ecbf6d",
       "values": {
           "row": 5,
           "content": "Reason",
           "columnName": "UsrReason",
           "dataValueType": 1,
           "operation": "insert"
       "parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
       "propertyName": "items",
       "index": 4
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "9f677f71-3322-4e75-9938-69ca4e1c650f",
       "values": {
           "row": 6,
           "content": "Status",
           "columnName": "UsrStatus",
           "dataValueType": 10,
           "operation": "insert"
       "parentName": "primaryColumnSet",
       "propertyName": "items",
       "index": 5
       "operation": "insert",
       "name": "3d874029-b467-4d7b-9eb0-d2ebfbe20403",
       "values": {
           "row": 7,
           "content": "Working Days Count",
           "columnName": "UsrWorkingDaysCount",
           "dataValueType": 4,
           "operation": "insert"
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       "values": {
           "row": 4,
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           "columnName": "UsrApplicant.Manager",
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