Hello Creatio community,


I am using Creatio Studio Product (V. and license "bpmonline self-service portal on-site subscription". 
I want to create a new section and page for a new object that I developed. This object will be available in Portal workplace. I created the portal screen using classic UI but it doesn't appear in the workplace setup for "External users". The only screen that Portal users can view is "Knowledge Base" screen which came with Creatio's product.

I read the Creatio documentation in "https://academy.creatio.com/docs/sites/academy_en/files/pdf/node/2088/C…" and it says that: "If you use the self-service portal, you can modify the existing portal sections but cannot add new sections.". How can I make my screen for my new created object available for portal users?

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Unfortunately, according to the basic logic of our application, you cannot see any custom sections on the portal within the limitations of self-service portal license.
You can find more details in this article.

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Im trying to set the self registration for external users but the license is not distribution automatic can you help me to know how can I configure that?

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I believe this is set in the web.config SspUserRegistrationLicPackage key (unless that has changed at some point). 

If this is an on-site application modify web.config file in Terrasoft.WebApp folder:

<add key="SspUserRegistrationLicPackage" value ="License name here" />

If this is cloud application contact creatio support and they can add that.


Hi Ryan, thank you 

Ryan Farley,

Do you think, we'll get nocode capabilities at some point to change these webconfig settings ? 😏


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1) How is it possible to perform password import from Excel? When I add a column 'Password' to the Excel file import doesn't start.

I would like to import users, set some default password (the same for everyone or equal to username). Is it possible to do with Import, Process or SQL script?


2) How is it possible to send invitation email to all portal users imported from Excel? Can any Business process do that?


I cannot imagine how to make this manualy for hundreds users

Thank you.


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As for importing the passwords, yes, it is possible. However the column cannot be named "Password". If you name the column in the Excel file "Passwd" or something other than Password, you can import the passwords. Also useful to check the box for reset password so they're prompted to change it from the default on first login.

You'll also need to import to Users in Roles to add them to All employees role as well, last I checked that doesn't happen automatically from an import of users. 

I have a write up of importing users from Excel here: https://customerfx.com/article/importing-users-into-creatio-formerly-bp…

As for an email of some kind, I don't recall if you can use a signal in a process for a record added to SysAdminUnit, however, you could do it from a signal from a record added in Contact where a SysAdminUnit record exists (with a Type=4) and trigger a process from that (since importing the user will also create the contact). I believe that would work, although I've not tried it.


As for importing the passwords, yes, it is possible. However the column cannot be named "Password". If you name the column in the Excel file "Passwd" or something other than Password, you can import the passwords. Also useful to check the box for reset password so they're prompted to change it from the default on first login.

You'll also need to import to Users in Roles to add them to All employees role as well, last I checked that doesn't happen automatically from an import of users. 

I have a write up of importing users from Excel here: https://customerfx.com/article/importing-users-into-creatio-formerly-bp…

As for an email of some kind, I don't recall if you can use a signal in a process for a record added to SysAdminUnit, however, you could do it from a signal from a record added in Contact where a SysAdminUnit record exists (with a Type=4) and trigger a process from that (since importing the user will also create the contact). I believe that would work, although I've not tried it.


However, the one thing you can't do from an import of users, is set their license. You'll have to do that manually after the import. 

It's not so bad though, in the System Users section you can select all the imported users and then select "Grant license" from the Actions menu. You can also do it in the License Manager (add multiple users to a license at once)


Ryan Farley,

Thank you for such a detailed description! That helps a lot!

Kind regards,


I also add 'Administrator for organization on the portal' in “User in roles” for portal organization administrators

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I am trying to enable a web service for a portal user. When I try to trigger the service however, I receive a 500 Error. 

When I trigger the service using an internal user account, the service triggers with no issues. My test portal user however receives the error. To me that says portal users are unable to trigger a batch query but I've been unable to find anything that says it for sure. Is there a setting I need to adjust?

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Please make sure that portal users have access to your web service.

More details on the academy website:



Cherednichenko Nikita,

I have followed the provided academy pages. Though when trying to compile, I receive the errors.


" The type or namespace name 'SspServiceAccess' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"


"The type or namespace name 'SspServiceAccessAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"

Try to generate source code for all schemas and run compilation again.

After generating source code for all schemas and compiling again, I am still receiving the same errors. Is there a namespace I am missing?

namespace Terrasoft.Configuration.KeenGlbInterviewService
	using System;
	using System.IO;
	using System.Collections.Specialized;
	using System.Globalization;
	using System.Runtime;
	using System.Runtime.Serialization;
	using System.ServiceModel;
	using System.ServiceModel.Web;
	using System.ServiceModel.Activation;
	using System.Threading;
	using System.Threading.Tasks;
	using System.Web;
	using Terrasoft.Core;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Factories;
	using Terrasoft.Configuration.GlbInterviewService;
	using Terrasoft.Web.Common;
    using Terrasoft.Web.Common.ServiceRouting;
	#region Class: KeenGlbInterviewService
	[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
	public class KeenGlbInterviewService : BaseService
		#region Methods: Public
		private static readonly GlbInterviewService _baseService = new GlbInterviewService();
		[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
		public InterviewServiceResponse Start(InterviewServiceRequest request)
			return _baseService.Start(request); 
		[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
		public InterviewServiceResponse Complete(InterviewServiceRequest request)
			return _baseService.Complete(request);


Please see another community post:


Perhaps there is an answer to your question.

Cherednichenko Nikita,

Thank you for the recommended page. However I have already looked through this page and it makes no mention of using SspServiceAccess which is the piece I'm having difficulty with.

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Hi Team,


I am trying to read the current user's role by using the following custom logic.

GetCurrentUserRole: function(){
				var scope = this;
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {rootSchemaName: "SysUserInRole"});
				esq.filters.add("UserFilter", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
    				Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysUser", Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value
				esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {
					if (!result.success || result.collection.getItems().length === 0) {return;}
					result.collection.each(function(item) { 
						var role = item.get("SysRole");
						var roleName = role.displayValue;
						var roleId = role.value;
						this.console.log("roleName: ",roleName);
				}, this);
				return true;

The above code works perfectly fine while logged in as a Normal user, but the same doesn't work for Portal users. For portal users, the "roleId" variable gives the correct Id but the variable "roleName" shows as a blank string("") because it is not reading the displayValue.


To address the issue, I have added "SysUserInRole" and "SysAdminUnit" in the lookup named "List of objects available for portal users". Also the Object permissions for both the tables are default. But still no luck in getting the desired output.


Request any suggestions or additional steps that I need to perform to get the displayValue of current user role while logged in as a portal user.



Sourav Kumar Samal

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Hi Sourav,


I was able to achieve the result needed by adding the "System administration object" schema to the "List of objects available for portal users" lookup and relogin under the portal user. Try the same approach on your side, it should work.

Hi Sourav,


I was able to achieve the result needed by adding the "System administration object" schema to the "List of objects available for portal users" lookup and relogin under the portal user. Try the same approach on your side, it should work.

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Hello community,


I'm trying to modify elements on a portal screen but every time I try to do that the following message is shown "Insufficient permissions to edit". 

At the bottom of the screen is displayed "You are working in read-only mode"

I have added the license for the portal user but I'm still getting this message.

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Thanks for reaching out.


Please check Object Permission for the elements you are trying to edit. If it doesn't help, please contact us at support@creatio.com and we will review the case.


Best regards,


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Hello community,


I'm trying to display the detail DocListInFinApp in Applicaton section. I added access for portal users but I get the following error:


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Please note that you should register such questions as Cases for our Support team, as we will need to check your instance to see what the problem is. So please, register a new case and provide us with all the details there.


Kind regards,


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Hello community,


Is there a way to display the print button and allow portal user to download reports including fastreports. I tried giving access to specific objects and adding them in "List of objects available for portal users" lookup. After adding this configuration the print button is shown but I cannot download fast reports due to access rights and the following message is shown "Failed-Forbidden". 

This message is only shown for fast reports printables. Word printables are downloaded successfully. Is there something that I'm missing in the configuration?


Thank you,


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Hello, Lirzae!


Please try to upload the report again but with an open browser console (press F12 to open it) and provide us with a screenshot of that. 

There might be errors that could help us find the cause of the issue.


Best regards,


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I can not access users from portal in feed. In the screenshot below i am logged in as a portal user.

I can only access one user, the one that i am logged in

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Hello Petrika, 


Please check whether you portal user has the needed access rights and can access other Contacts records, the issue may occur if the user doesn't have access to the Contacts records.


Best regards,


Hello Petrika, 


Please check whether you portal user has the needed access rights and can access other Contacts records, the issue may occur if the user doesn't have access to the Contacts records.


Best regards,


That was the issue. Thank you Anastasiia

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Hello Creatio Community !

Is it possible to add a mini page in Portal ?

I want to add the mini-page of creating an Application in portal. Printscreen below

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Currently there is no oob functionality that can allow to use mini pages for portal users and it cannot be changed with basic system tools. 

We already have a query registered for our responsible R&D team to consider implementing this functionality in the upcoming releases.


You may consider implementing this functionality with a help of development, please find more information in the below article:


Best regards,


Thank you Anastasia !

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