
I have a problem with direct editing tiles in business processes.

Let's say I need that when someone creates a business process, the relevant tiles display a description of what is in them, e.g. the content of an email, sms or other template.

Is this possible using native Creatio elements? Or does it have to be done using developer tools? Or is it not possible at all?

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Hi Jakub,


Currently this cannot be achieved using standard tools (and cannot tell which approach in customizations theoretically can help). The only way to add elements description is to specify them in the process description itself (make a list of all elements and a brief clarification on each of these elements). But I will ask our R&D team to add an additional column to each element to make it possible to leave comments on elements there. Thank you for this idea and helping us in making the app better!

Jakub Lewandowski,


Please provide some screenshots of what is discussed since at this point I am not sure if I understand what is exactly needed.

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We are trying to set up a default case in DCM for our Leads, but I cannot see a way to achieve this with the GUI editor - we can either specify some other set of values for the "Which column determines which case to use with a record?" column, or can specify that that column is not filled in, but our use case is such that it should choose this default case when either the column is not populated or the column is populated by any values not specified in other Cases' filters. Can this be done in some way I'm missing?


Thanks in advance.

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Unfortunately, the desired behavior cannot be configured in such a way out of the box. You can only use a set of values for the "Which column determines which case to use with a record?" column or can specify that that column is not filled in separately on standard DCM tools.

We believe that default case managing can be achieved by means of development.

Thank you.

Hi Serhii, do you know what sort of development this would entail? I tried modifying the case's metadata in a trial environment using a filter generated by adding a static filter to a data list, but the case management designer failed to load properly when I'd done that and the Lead that would match the modified query didn't have any DCM bar against it when I loaded it, so it didn't seem to work.


The only other thing I can think of would be to have an additional redundant field that's based on the column(s) that are wanted (and automatically gets updated as they do) that stores the Case required, but it's not the most elegant solution. Would be nice to hear if there is some method I've not thought of?




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I am trying to add a detail to a section and link on a lookup field. I select the detail column lookup but the only option I have on the 'equals to page column' is the Id (and not the corresponding lookup). The strange thing is that it allow me to do this on another lookup field. See attached example. I cannot really work out why as it is effectively trying to do the same thing. I have checked that both the page and the detail are using the same lookup. Grateful for any help here.

File attachments
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The issue is that the 'Databowl Lookup' object did not have the 'Databowl ID' field, unlike the 'DB Campaign ID' and 'Databowl' objects. In the 'Equals to page column' field, you can select columns that exist in both the detail object and the object where this detail is placed.

For user convenience, when creating a detail, this field is automatically filled as 'ID.'

Additionally, you can read about creating and configuring details in the academy.

Sergii Zhmurko,

Thanks for your reply, however both objects do have that column. They are identical in name and also the lookup that they point too. Unless I have misunderstood your reply I am not sure that is the issue

Hi, If the issue continues to occur in this case, please contact Creatio support (support@creatio.com) for a more detailed analysis. Also, to proceed with the analysis, we will need access to the website.

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Hello community,

I have a use case where I need to add a column in attachments for a section in freedom UI and it should only be visible for that particular section. Can anyone help with this?


Thanks in advance.




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I think you set up biz rule for that section, make it visible for that section only cheeky

Hi Yasaswini,


We recommend adding the column in configuration to the object nameOfSectionFile (for example: CaseFile), then go to page designer, open settings for attachments and make sure the view is list, rather than gallery and add the column you have previously added in configuration. 

This setting will only be applied to one sections, because CaseFile object is only used in Case section.


Best regards,


Alina Yakovlieva,

Thank you,

But my use case is that I will have to edit that field according to the attached files in the attachments, but we can't edit the attachment's detail. Is there any possibility of editing the column that we create in the attachments?

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I have made a custom detail using existing object Click through links with email in the BulkEmail section in order to see what Contacts clicked on what links of this Bulk email.

To achieve that in BulkEmailPageV2 code i changed detailColumn default value to BulkEmailHyperlink.BulkEmail as here is no direct refference to Bulk email in object Click through links with email.

        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{
            "UsrSchema4edcd088Detail90da8858": {
                "schemaName": "UsrSchema4edcd088Detail",
                "entitySchemaName": "VwBulkEmailClickedLink",
                "filter": {
                    "detailColumn": "BulkEmailHyperlink.BulkEmail",
                    "masterColumn": "Id"

At first sight everything looks good, though i noticed that I cannot get extended list of records by pressing Show More button in that new detail. As result of Show More i receive only additional 2-5 records (depending on which column records are sorted by) and Show more option after second or third click dissapears.

What i missed here? any ideas?

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Hello Viesturs,

I implemented the same code as yours and it works correctly. According to Creatio’s logic after “Show more” the system outputs next 10 records from DB by each click if they’re available. Here is my code:

define("BulkEmailPageV2", [], function() {
			return {
				entitySchemaName: "BulkEmail",
				    details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{
						"UsrSchema4edcd088Detail90da8858": {
							"schemaName": "Schemad7cb2755Detail",
							"entitySchemaName": "VwBulkEmailClickedLink",
							"filter": {
								"detailColumn": "BulkEmailHyperlink.BulkEmail",
								"masterColumn": "Id"
				messages: {},
				attributes: {},
				methods: {},
				modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
				diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
            /* Add a new element. */
            "operation": "insert",
            /* The element name. */
            "name": "UsrSchema4edcd088Detail90da8858",
            /* The configuration object of values. */
            "values": {
                /* The element type. */
                "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.DETAIL
            /* The container element name. */
           	"parentName": "SettingsTabContainer",
            /* The property name of the container element for the nested element collection. */
            "propertyName": "items",
            /* The index of the element to add to the collection. */
            "index": 0
				rules: {}

Could you check how many records are in your DB by this query, please:

select * from VwBulkEmailClickedLink
where ContactId in (select ContactId from BulkEmailTarget
where BulkEmailId = 'Your process id. For example: a0ae3a33-5863-4e7a-993e-5ecee7de7c79')

My detail view:

Best regards, Anhelina!

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Hi Guys,

How to make mobile phone number hyperlink on the section page? I have made it hyperlink on the record page using below code and it is working fine.



                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "STRING1f27bc1d-c936-4310-96b7-9d648cf0459e",

                "values": {

                    "layout": {

                        "colSpan": 12,

                        "rowSpan": 1,

                        "column": 12,

                        "row": 2,

                        "layoutName": "Header"


                    "bindTo": "SMPhone",

                    "enabled": false,

                    "showValueAsLink": true,

                    "href": {

                        "bindTo": "SMPhone",

                        "bindConfig": {

                            converter: "getLinkValue"



                    "linkclick": {

                        "bindTo": "onCallClick"


                    "controlConfig": {

                        "autocomplete": Terrasoft.generateGUID(),






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Hi, in the Freedom UI currency fields, there doesn't appear to be any display of the currency being used or any ability to switch to an alternative currency. I've got more than one currency in the [Currencies] lookup, but the number field just appears to be a regular decimal field for data entry and viewing. I cannot find any details or guides on this in the Creatio Academy besides one article about adding a currency field that doesn't end up having the currency shown or assignable when following the guide in 8.0.10 or 8.1: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/nocode_platform/element_setup_examples/fields_and_inputs/number_field/set_up_a_number_field


We need a field that can be set to different currencies depending on the account.


Any help greatly appreciated.

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Best reply

Hello Harvey, 

Thank you for bringing our attention to this. 

We have contacted our R&D team regarding this matter. 

Indeed, the field currently appears as an ordinary number field without any additional logic added. 

However, they have a task being already created to improve this functionality in future releases. 

In one of the minor releases of 8.2 to be precise. 

Kind regards,


Hello Harvey, 

Thank you for bringing our attention to this. 

We have contacted our R&D team regarding this matter. 

Indeed, the field currently appears as an ordinary number field without any additional logic added. 

However, they have a task being already created to improve this functionality in future releases. 

In one of the minor releases of 8.2 to be precise. 

Kind regards,


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Hi Community,


I want to create a Multiple Selection

How could I do that?


Thank you!

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The possibility to use multi-select lookups in Freedom UI is registered as a feedback and will be available in future releases of Creatio’s platform.

At this moment, you can check the materials for Classic UI:

Marketplace solution:


And a link to the community post where this issue has already been discussed, perhaps it will be helpful to you:



Best regards,



I've written up some steps to do this, however, it is only possible in version 8.1.


In the near future I will be releasing a Freedom UI replacement for my marketplace addon linked previously by Anastasiia (Multi-select text field setup for Creatio)


Ryan Farley,


Thank you for this! Could you also please confirm if adding detail records through multiselect is possible in 8.1? 



Shivani Lakshman,

Yes, however, for now you have to handle the adding of the records in code. The article I shared shows how to invoke the lookup in multi-select mode. It uses the results to flatten out to text, however, you could just use the results and do an insert for each into the list/detail. See here for how to do the insert: 



Shivani Lakshman,

I wrote up the details for adding to a list from a multi-select lookup as a new article here: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-to-a-list-from-a-lookup-on-a-free…


Ryan Farley,

Thank you! This will really help!

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How is it possible to configure Contact compact profile (for example, I want to remove birthdate and age)

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The component behavior is pre-configured and non-editable.


However, we registered the idea it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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Hi there,

we are compiling our package as a separate assembly and want to link to an external assembly. In the guide it is said to edit .csproj file, so the question is: is it possible to do via Creatio IDE (Creatio Cloud)? 


Thanks in advance.

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In this case, you should ask the Creatio support for help. They can provide you with the needed .csproj file and upload the changes you made in it.

You can use Clio to download your package. See restore-workspace 



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