Hello all,


Is there any way yet to disable Creatio automatically generating packagess and adding dependencies? It seems to completely disregard my current package system setting and Creatio's assigns dependencies to go in circles which then takes more time for me to clean up. Half the time when I remove dependencies, I go back to make a save in a package and Creatio assigns more dependencies that I don't want.


I end up with so much junk packages in the database with nonsense App_ues323 names and I can't find a way to turn it off.

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Hi Kevin, you need to disable the Feature called UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy. In yor instance must add this "/0/Shell/#Section/AppFeature_ListPage" after cretio.com to open the Features Page, search the feature, disable (turning off the “Is enabled” and “Is enabled for current user”), save and click on  button "Clear Cache".



Julio Falcón


Are there any caveats to doing this Julio?

Gareth Osler,

This basically just reverts the behavior to use the "Current Package" system setting, even for all Freedom UI stuff. I have more info on that here: https://customerfx.com/article/reverting-the-behavior-for-saving-pages-in-the-creatio-freedom-ui-designer-to-use-current-package-setting/




The new package is creating if changes have been made to the application, but its main package is locked.


When developing an application, you can force the application not to create a new empty package, but to save changes to the package you created.
This can be done by disabling the UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy system feature - it is responsible for the logic of checking and creating a new package for the application, as well as the CurrentPackageId system setting and the Installed application and Package lookups. 

Now you will need to specify the package (recommended Custom) in the CurrentPackageId setting.

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I hope someone can help me, I am exploring the Idea of Moving our system from Classic UI to Freedom UI. I am experiencing Cyclic Chain issues after updating our Dev system when I save the Freedom UI Account Form Page.


I've not worked with Cyclic Dependencies previously and the help from Creatio Support didn't help me achieve a fix. 

If someone could explain step by step how to fix these dependencies (image attached) I would be very grateful.


Many Thanks





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Hi Tom,


What's happening here is that the Account Form page needs to access items that are located in your Custom folder, but because of the hierarchy, it's unable to do so. 

If you move the Freedom UI Account Form page to the custom folder, you can test saving the page and see if that works. If it does, the above is indeed the issue. 


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