Hi Community,


I have a question regarding customization file storage in Creatio. Is it possible to save files directly in the file system instead of the database (default)? 

I came across documentation on "Implementing a custom file storage," but I'm unsure whether these customizations affect the location where files are stored, or if they only modify the file metadata.



Additionally, is it possible to customize the format in which the file is saved? 

By default, files are saved as BLOBs (In Database). However, if we want to store files in the same format but directly in the file system rather than as BLOBs, would that be possible in Creatio?

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I am trying to upload files as you would do manually in the browser, but using an API. When dragging and dropping a file into the attachments tabs of any section, I see in the browser that Creatio performs a POST request to its FileApiService with a format like the following example:


The endpoint is https://my-creatio-site.creatio.com/0/rest/FileApiService/UploadFile and the file content is passed in the request body.


In order to simulate this behavior, I am sending 2 requests:


  1. A POST request to create the file id allocating space in the File table:

  2. A POST request to https://my-creatio-site.creatio.com/0/rest/FileApiService/UploadFile using the file information to upload the actual file.


However as you can see, the 2nd request fails in my app with the following error:

  "errorInfo": {
    "errorCode": "InvalidFileSizeException",
    "message": "No se puede analizar el tamaño del archivo.",
    "stackTrace": "   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploadInfo.get_TotalFileLength()\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploader.UploadFile(IFileUploadConfig fileUploadInfoConfig)\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploader.UploadFile(IFileUploadInfo fileUploadInfo, Boolean isSetCustomColumns)\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileApiService.UploadFile(Stream fileContent)"
  "success": false,
  "nextPrcElReady": false,
  "queryId": null,
  "responseStatus": {
    "ErrorCode": "InvalidFileSizeException",
    "Message": "No se puede analizar el tamaño del archivo.",
    "StackTrace": "   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploadInfo.get_TotalFileLength()\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploader.UploadFile(IFileUploadConfig fileUploadInfoConfig)\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploader.UploadFile(IFileUploadInfo fileUploadInfo, Boolean isSetCustomColumns)\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileApiService.UploadFile(Stream fileContent)",
    "Errors": null,
    "Meta": null
  "rowsAffected": -1


I already ensured that the file size passed in both requests is exactly the same always (in this example is 584833 bytes) but I don't know what causes the error.


I already checked the following community posts but couldn't find any help:



Note: I tested these requests in many Creatio websites, all of them with version 8.2.0 



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Hello again,


I just found a different community post:



After following the steps explained by @Ryan Farley I was able to upload files properly. My problem was that I was missing the following request headers:


  • Content-Range = bytes 0-{size in bytes - 1}/{size in bytes}
  • Content-Type = "application/octet-stream"


Thank you very much!

Glad you found the older post and have it working now!

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Is it possible to override an OOTB C#-defined REST endpoint in Creatio? In our case, we need to trigger some action when a file is uploaded, and since the file record creation doesn't trigger business processes/similar, we need to do this some other way. One option we are trying to attempt is overriding the FileApiService's UploadFile method to trigger the behaviour after calling the base class to behave as normal for the file upload, but we can't seem to get any override behaviour of the WCF method to work. Does anybody have information or an example of how this might be done, or some other option that we could pursue?

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Hello Harvey,

Overriding the base REST service seems to be impossible in our system. We attempted to do this but were unsuccessful. I suggest creating a business process that starts after a specified delay (for example, one hour) to perform the required actions after the file upload. 

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Hello, colleagues. After generating a report, it is necessary to attach it as a file to the record, in the Files and links detail. The application from "customerfx" is not suitable. Here, it is necessary to automatically select the report form by pressing one button, etc. 

I ask for your help. Perhaps there is somewhere to look at the code. Or you can point to an article in the Academy, or something else.
As a last resort, I will analyze the principle of operation of the application from Ryan (customerfx").
Thank you all.

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Best reply

Not sure if I completely understand, however, if you're wanting to generate a printable and attach to a record, you can do this with a process using the Process File element. This allows you to generate a printable and you can easily attach to a record's files. Then, just wire up the button to run the process. 


Not sure if I completely understand, however, if you're wanting to generate a printable and attach to a record, you can do this with a process using the Process File element. This allows you to generate a printable and you can easily attach to a record's files. Then, just wire up the button to run the process. 


Ryan Farley,

Thanks, Ryan. That's what I did. I wrote a business process for generating different reports depending on the value of the reference field and adding them to the attached files. In the module, I added a button to call this business process with the transfer of the necessary parameters to it.

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Is there any possibility to change file size upload quota in the Application Hub in .net core version of creatio? In the .net framework there are a bindings.config configuration files, that allows to change binding quota, which works in IIS. 


But of course there is no such thing in kestrel, adding/changing any params in appsettings.json does not seem to help. Is there any option to install pretty big application (>100Mb) in .net core Creatio?


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Good day,

In the .NET Core version, we do not have separate settings for different services; instead, we have a single setting for the entire application. The default value is 30,000,000. You can modify this setting by adding a new row to the <appSettings> section in the Terrasoft.WebHost.dll.config file:

<add key="MaxRequestBodySizeBytes" value="100000000" />

This will change the maximum request body size to 100,000,000 bytes.

Thank you for reaching out!

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I have a web form created in wordpress using elementor plugin. I would like to upload a file to the via this wordpress form but I can't find documentation for this. Any help would be much appreciated.

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We do not currently support file transfers, but we will register a request for a description of the documentation if possible.

If you have any further questions, please send them in response. We will be happy to help.

Thank you for contacting Creatio Support!

It's not very straight forward, but it is possible. Basically, you'd need to encode the file as a Base64 string, then transfer it as a string value to the webhook. Once received decode the Base64 string back to a file byte array to save as an attachment somewhere. 

If this is coming from a web form, you can use Javascript's FileReader to convert the file to a base64 string. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36280818/how-to-convert-file-to-base64-in-javascript

Then send the value as a string to the webhook. You could add a process to trigger on record added of your entity. Then decode the string to a byte array. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.convert.frombase64string

Then save the byte array as an attachment on the record. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/back-end-development/api-for-file-management/examples/file-management-examples


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Hi Community,

I've this situation where I need to add a new tab "Preview" and the main objective is have a iframe with a preview of the documents in the attachments, however we try first implement the logic if was a website, because we think that the article that we found on academy "https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/integration-third-party-sites-iframe"partially satisfies what we want to implement;

  1. First, based on the Web field, we were able to do the preview of the website, as you can see on the image below.
  2. Then, we try to call and access to the storage of the pdf that we have on the attachments (image below), but the only link that we have of the pdf is the link/method to download the file, for example: https://..../0/rest/FileService/GetFile/Id.

In this way we want to know if there is any way to acess a link or storage of the file, with objective to implement something like preview of the document with the iframe on the edit page.



Best Regards,

Daniel Longo

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Hello Daniel, 

While it is technically possible to open pdf files using iframe tag, it'd require considerable amount of custom development to implement such preview. 

The link you're referring to is the direct link to the attachment file. 

Unfortunately, we don't have examples of such implementation. 

I'll register your idea and it may be implemented in future releases. 

Best regards,


Hello Yurii,

Is there any progress on this implementation?


What are the options that FileService gives us beyond the download file link?

Is there any way of call this link and get Data from response?


Best Regards,

Igor Matos

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Hello! At the moment I'm building a webservice that is supposed to externally upload a file to Creatio using a request to FileApiService. I've analyzed the request that Creatio makes when a file is uploaded via the normal Creatio interface. I've also copied this request into my own webservice and it works there as well.

However, when I copy the whole request it uses the authorization cookie that was created when I logged into Creatio. Ideally, the the webservice should log it self into Creatio and uses it's own authorization cookie. I've followed the documentation and used AuthService.svc to do this, but without success. When I use the cookie created by AuthService.svc, I always get a 401 "Unauthorized" error message. Strangely however, I am able to use this cookie to successfully send OData requests, only the fileupload is not possible.

Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Kai,


Can you please show how do you authenticate via AuthService.svc and also how do you use the received cookie when sending a file to the system?


Thank you!


Best regards,


Hello Oscar,


thank you for your reply, but I've already found the solution to the problem.


When using AuthService.svc, the resulting cookie includes the properties "HttpOnly", "secure;" "path=/", and "expires=..." – whereas these properties are apparently not expected when using FileApiService. So, when accessing FileApiService you need to modify the cookie and remove these properties. Then one can use the remaining cookie and the authorization is successful.


Kind regards


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Hi team,


When multiple attachements are selected, we want it to get downloaded into a single folder in a given file path. Could you please let us know how to accomplish this? 



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Hello Shivani,


Hope you're doing well.


As for now, there is no such functionality. I have informed our R&D department about this case so they could consider enhancing the following functionality in the upcoming releases.


Thank you for being interested in the Creatio application and for your ideas of further improvements!


Best regards,


Jasmin Hofstetter,


Unfortunately, we do not have an update on the matter as of now.

Best Regards,


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