Package upload size quota



Is there any possibility to change file size upload quota in the Application Hub in .net core version of creatio? In the .net framework there are a bindings.config configuration files, that allows to change binding quota, which works in IIS. 


But of course there is no such thing in kestrel, adding/changing any params in appsettings.json does not seem to help. Is there any option to install pretty big application (>100Mb) in .net core Creatio?


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Good day,

In the .NET Core version, we do not have separate settings for different services; instead, we have a single setting for the entire application. The default value is 30,000,000. You can modify this setting by adding a new row to the <appSettings> section in the Terrasoft.WebHost.dll.config file:

<add key="MaxRequestBodySizeBytes" value="100000000" />

This will change the maximum request body size to 100,000,000 bytes.

Thank you for reaching out!

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