Hi community.

I have such a question. What to do if it does not come out to localize the interface through the section (Translation) and the system gives errors. Are there other ways to translate objects, headers, sections and records?

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Could you please specify what exact error you faced?

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Hello Community,

I have to replace the OOB translation of the Account and Contact Labels (only these two labels) for the italian language.

Which are the correct keys i have to involve in order for a correct update ? For Example which is the correct key for the updating of the Account and Contact Section Labels ?


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Best reply

Hi Sasori,

Good day,

The section names are data from the SysModule table, so the key should be Data:SysModule.Caption: + the Id of the record. For easier searching, you can use the following filter in Translations section:





To find the Id, open the section wizard, and the Id will be in the URL. For example, for this section, the code will be: Data:SysModule.Caption:065063c9-8180-e011-afbc-00155d04320c

Thank you for your inquiry.

Hi Community,

Any update regarding the topic ?


Hi Community,

Any update regarding the topic ?

Thank you


Hi Sasori,

Good day,

The section names are data from the SysModule table, so the key should be Data:SysModule.Caption: + the Id of the record. For easier searching, you can use the following filter in Translations section:





To find the Id, open the section wizard, and the Id will be in the URL. For example, for this section, the code will be: Data:SysModule.Caption:065063c9-8180-e011-afbc-00155d04320c

Thank you for your inquiry.

Thanks a lot for this explanation Pavlo!

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Hello Community, 


I tried to change the base page pop up messages from Translation section. But I am not able to see the translated result.

It shows still in English. I wanted to change all the default pop up messages to Hebrew.

Screenshot for the popup message and the change done in the Translation section is attached.

Any suggestions are really helpful.

Thanks in Advance

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Please try recompiling the application.

Also, I'd suggest to approach the support team via support@creatio.com to have a closer look at the issue.


Thank you,


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I try to set up a business process with a formula comparing if a specific field value in a selection list is set.

It seems that there is a problem with the translation I applied to the field values, they are available in German and English.


The formula goes like this:


[#PROCESSELEMENT.First item of resulting collection.FIELDNAME#] == [#Lookup.LOOKUPNAME.LOOKUPVALUE.b177588e-38fa-46d5-a092-0caafaa59373#]


PROESSELEMENT is set correctly to the process element in my business process

FIELDNAME is set correctly to the name of the field in the form

LOOKUPNAME is set correctly to the name of the lookup list

LOOKUPUPVALUE is set to the localized English version of the field value. It seems that there is a string comparison in place which doesn't work if my users language is set to German.


As there is already a UNID in the comparison string, how can I make it work in a translation setting?

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Hello Creatio Community!

I want to change the text that appears in this pop-up, "Detail Product Terms is not filled". This pop-up appears when i click save and one of the product terms is not filled.

I have also seen in the SysTranslation table and i havent found it.

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Hello Petrika,


Unfortunately, It is not possible to change the text in the error message. The problem here is that the schema that defines it is very hardcoded in the application core. It is not possible to replace and modify it. 

Best regards,


Thank you Bogdan ! Best regards



Assuming the field is a text field, you can try the following custom approach in client page schema.


1. Make the field not required in the section wizard.

2. In the client page schema, add the following code in the methods:

methods: {
	// Redefining the base method initiating custom validators.
	setValidationConfig: function() {
		this.addColumnValidator("UsrProductTerms", this.ProductTermsValidator);
	ProductTermsValidator: function(){
		var invalidMessage ="";
		var ProductTerms = this.get("UsrProductTerms");
		if(ProductTerms.length != 0){
			invalidMessage ="";
			invalidMessage = "Product Term is required in order to proceed"; //Put your custom message
		return {
			invalidMessage : invalidMessage

Now you can see your custom validation message. Similar approach can also be used for fields of type Lookup, Date, Integer etc.



Sourav Kumar Samal

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Hello Community,


We are trying to add a new language (Turkish) to our implementation. Following the documentation, I added a new language, made it default and active.

I then went to a custom section and added captions for this language. The highlighted fields in the image below are the ones for which translation has been added for Turkish language. When I change Language in User profile the following is what I see :

I then translated the contact info tab and noticed that the earlier translations are lost as seen below !!

I also observe this similar loss of translated captions when I publish the section object after translating fields. 

PS : Here is the copy of the data in SysTranslation Table. I see the translated values are present, but it is not visible in the UI.


Could you please help here and let us know if we are missing something? 

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Dear Shivani Lakshman,


Thank you for your question!

Would you please let us know how exactly did you add the translations?

Through Localizable Strings or by importing to Translations?


Thank you!



Danyil Onoprienko,

I translated using the section wizard, where I added the captions for Turkey language 

Shivani Lakshman,


Have you tried navigating to the 'Transations' page in the [System Designer] and trying to apply and actualize the translations there?


Please let us know the results,


Thank you!


Danyil Onoprienko,

As seen in my initial comment, the section names have been translated in the translation section. The translation section contains the field names that are filtered always by 'untranslated by language'. I believe this section is not the place where we need to translate for section edit page captions.

Also I noticed that when I translated the captions, the resource file for that language gets modified and clears old value.


Eg : if I change Email first, the resource file has the following

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Resources Culture="tr-TR">

    <Group Type="String">


            <Item Name="Columns.Email.Caption" Value="E-posta" />




After this if I change country the resource file eliminates email translations and gets modified as below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Resources Culture="tr-TR">

    <Group Type="String">


            <Item Name="Columns.Country.Caption" Value="Durum" />





Shivani Lakshman,


Please email us at support@creatio.com for us to help you further.


Thank you!



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Hi all,


Is there any way throught odata (or via a webservice) to retrieve for a given table, the translations of all columns ?

And if not, is it possible a server side ?


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Hello Jerome,


Here is an example of the odata request endpoint that gets all the localizable values for all the columns of the "Account" object:


You will get an array of values where three key columns are "Key", "Value" and "SysCultureId" columns (by the way you can also include the "SysCultureId" column to the request filter). After that you can process with the data received.


Best regards,



In addition to Oscar's response, another way is to do a POST to:


And include the object name in the body, the body will look like this for the account object:

{"Name": "Account"}

You'll get back a list of all properties for the object including the captions in all defined translations.


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks a lot, I used this:

/0/odata/SysLocalizableValue?$select=key,value&amp;$expand=SysSchema($select=Id,Name),SysCulture($select=Id,Name)&amp;$filter=SysSchema/Name eq 'Case' and SysCulture/Name eq 'fr-fr'


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Hi Community,

Currently I am able to translate all the field labels to other language, my question is how we can also translate the Lookups Options List

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You can find the required lookup value in the Translations section. For example here I added some value to the contact type lookup https://prnt.sc/px5vbi After that, found it in translations and added its Russian option. As the result the value has different translation in Russian localization https://prnt.sc/px5uxx 

Best regards,


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Translation Section loading not completing and continuously showing loading message "Loading Actualisation" since 4 hours. Is there any missing configuration which causing this slowness?

application in on-site*

Any help will be highly appreciable.



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Dear Muhammad, 

Translation actualization indeed can take much time since the system actualizes all translations even if no modifications were made and especially if you have multilingual application. However, since the process takes 4 hours without ending, most likely there is some issue in your application. To understand the reason for it, please try to wait till the process is finished, even if it takes more time. We need to know that the process can be either finished within some time or it cannot be finished at all. With the results, I'd like to ask you to contact our support team for deeper investigation of the problem. Could you please email our support team at support@bpmonline.com and also provide the screenshot of loading page with opened browser console? Thank you beforehand.

Best regards,


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I translated few labels into Arabic language. I need to transfer only those translated labels to another system. What will be the best way?

Any help will be highly appreciable.



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Dear Muhammad,

You can use system functionality "Bind data" for such purposes. You need to choose the package you want to export. Click on "Data" tab in the configuration and add a new data file. There you choose "Translation" object and columns, data from which should be exported. You can also click on "Display data" button on the right part of the data binding modal window, so to see which exactly data will be added.

Afterwards, as yoo export and install package on other instance, the data will be installed along with the package and the translation object will be filled with new translation in database.

If you decide to update existing data, please set "Force update" tick in the left part of data binding modal window, where all settings are.


Here is more information on how to bind data to the package:


Hope you find it helpful.



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