Is it possible to set the home page as the default screen that loads for the user after logging into the system?

In the user account settings it is possible to define a home page, but I can select the home page I have defined here. I can select any section from the system, including dahsboards, but not the home page. Do you know a way to solve this issue?

File attachments
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The specified field is intended to set a section as the default value for the user.

The home pages are the main places where people enter the workspace.

Perhaps you will find the mentioned article useful for implementation:

Alona Dolya,

Thank you for your answer. I know the article you linked to and unfortunately it does not answer my question.

In Freedom UI, the home page does not load by default for users after logging into the system. In Freedom UI, after logging in the desktop set in Setup apperance loads by default. However, I need the start pages to load by default in Freedom UI as it was in the standard UI and I don't know how to set it.

Has anyone managed to solve such a problem?


Nope, still awaiting for Creatio to provide us the ability to choose the default page in new shell like we used to in classic shell, being forced on desktop view also...

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Is it possible to limit access to the all apps in freedom UI menu only for a selected group of users?

In the workspace configuration I can add user groups to different workspaces and it works fine. However, I would like to limit access to the all apps area only for the administrator and I do not know how to do it.

Maybe someone has already managed to solve this problem?

File attachments
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A couple similar request for the same issue has been made already (  & (…), still awaiting for some more control in future version of Creatio 8.1.x

Dear Maciej,


From the 8.1.1 release, there is a possibility to define that by using system operation with code "CanViewAllAppsWorkplace".

Also, please consider that  "All Apps" workplace is displayed to a user only when they have 1+ workplace available. And it namely contains the list of all available apps inside his available workplaces, but not a list of all existing apps in the system.


Have a great day!

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I am trying to add a new entry in the following because I enrolled a new Activity Type: Notes.

Do you know how to modify this, addon?

Below is the TimelineEntityValues where I want to add another entry.


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Hello Solem,

To make changes to the addon, you can modify the Modifications package node of the addon structure.

There is an article in Creatio Academy with an example of how you can customize the Timeline component:…

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Currently in Classic UI we can add files or links in the attachements, Anybody knows where to insert the link for attachements in Freedom UI ?

Kind regards,


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You can use this documentation:

Work with attachments | Creatio Academy



Hi Orkhan,

Thank you but these are Classic UI instructions, I am looking for the equivalent in Freedom UI as new fresh installations do not have classic UI alternative in some sections.

Do you have such documentation & functionality for Freedom UI ?




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Hi, I have a doubt.

Could someone tell me how to delete and edit a template once placing it in a campaign?

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Please be informed that it is not possible to edit templates that are used in running campaigns. You can edit email templates in Content Designer. I am sending you an instruction that describes how to do it in detail:…

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Is there any way to undo/cancel a change that triggers the crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest handler? The use case is that a field is set in the crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest handler, but this setting of the value gets immediately overwritten by the OOTB system that sets up the page it seems. So I would like to be able to conditionally cancel the setting of this field by the page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. We're currently on 8.1.0

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Hi Harvey,


We can create an attribute to store a value that you want to set in HandleViewModelInitRequest. Then, in HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest, we can check if the current field value matches the one you previously set. If it does not match, we can assign the stored value to it. This way, we ensure that the desired value is assigned to the field.

In the given example, we have created an attribute named "UsrInitialValue".

viewModelConfig: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG*/{
			"attributes": {
				"StringAttribute_ljc6yh6": {
					"modelConfig": {
						"path": "PDS.UsrTestString"
				"UsrInitialValue": {}

This attribute is used to store a specific value that we set during the initialization process. In the crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest handler, we set a value for the request.$context.UsrInitialValue. And in crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest, we check if the current field value matches the value we set previously in the request.$context.UsrInitialValue. If they don't match, we update the field with the new value.


handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
				request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					request.$context.UsrInitialValue = "testInit";
					request.$context.StringAttribute_ljc6yh6 = await request.$context.UsrInitialValue;
					return next?.handle(request);
				request: "crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					var srtValue = await request.$context.StringAttribute_ljc6yh6;
					var initVal = await request.$context.UsrInitialValue;
					if (request.attributeName === 'StringAttribute_ljc6yh6' && srtValue != initVal) {
						request.$context.StringAttribute_ljc6yh6 = initVal;
					return next?.handle(request);


Artem Smyrnov,


I think this would prevent any modification to the data, including intended changing by the user or system. Obviously it could be changed to add some more conditions, but really the main thing we want/frequently need is for the crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest request to be able to initialise a value and not be overwritten by the standard page loading stuff (loading default values for the entity, clearing out the field where there are no default values etc). I'm pretty sure this was possible in Classic UI, it just doesn't seem to be currently in Freedom UI without some pretty nasty hacks.

Harvey Adcock,

There is no logic that could be used to revert changes to the column value that were done by the handler.

As a solution, you need to create a column that will not use any other handler and set the value using your custom handler. This will prevent the value from being overwritten by other handlers or custom logic.

We have a workaround in place, but this capability has been required a few times - it would be good if Creatio supported setting values on the page in the init handler (or some other handler, maybe a new initvalues handler or something) since per-page default values is often required.

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I've noticed there are a lot of HTML Style elements added to the Creatio pages' DOM, and I was wondering what generates and sends these to the browser so that some of them can be modified. This appears to be different from the normal CSS Linking that happens in Creatio, so I presume there must be some different method for overriding them. See below for an example of one of the style elements I want to modify:

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Hello Harvey,


The style HTML tag (inside the head tag) usually contains CSS rules, which are crucial for the init page rendering, or the most general CSS rules. These rules could be overridden in a common way:

  1. Create a new module, choose LESS in the left panel, and add the CSS rules.
  2. Add the name of this module to the dependencies in the Page client module, starting with the prefix “css!”

Here is an additional example - .


Best regards,


Hi Natalia,


Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working for me for 2 reasons:

  1. The style in the CSS is not taking precedent over the OOTB style that is included in the style element in the DOM. Does Creatio have any way of overriding the OOTB elements' styles without resorting to using !important everywhere?
  2. The client module seems to be "compiling" my code and modifying it from what I wrote (first line after this) into what appears in the browser sources (second line after this point) and these are completely different - Creatio cannot take 40 pixels off 100% height and conclude that it's always going to be 60% height:
    1. height: calc(100% - 40px)
    2. height: calc(60%)


Do you know of any resolution to these issues?

Hi Harvey


You can use this addon to apply CSS styles globally:

If you can identify the selector, you can easily override the CSS properties values using !important keyword.

I hope this helps!

Mohamed Ouederni,

Thanks Mohamed, generally we're trying to keep add-ons to a minimum unless strictly necessary to avoid too many dependencies and potential points of failure, but worth knowing.

Using Natalia's recommendation, I was able to apply the CSS - for any others having this issue, the resolution to my first issue was just to set the style as being important, though another resolution might be to make the selector more specific (CSS specificity) than the ones acting upon it. And the resolution to my second issue was that it's a LESS CSS issue rather than Creatio's issue, but it can be worked around using the following escaping of the calculation:

height: calc(~"100% - 40px")

Which I found from this Stack Overflow question:…

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Hey Creatio Community,

I'm currently working on customizing the LeftPanelTopMenu in Creatio, specifically trying to add a personalized icon to the getTopMenuConfig function.

Here's what I've tried so far:

  1. I imported a new image via Creatio's UI, and I can confirm it's in the system.
  2. In my code, I'm attempting to reference this image in the getTopMenuConfig function.

Here's a snippet of my code:

 getTopMenuConfig: function() {
                var menuConfig = [
                        id: "collapse-button",
                        tag: "CollapseMenu",
                        className: "Terrasoft.HoverMenuButton",
                        classes: {
                            imageClass: ["button-image-size"],
                            wrapperClass: ["collapse-button-wrapperEl"]
                        imageConfig: resources.localizableImages.collapseIconSvg,
                        click: {
                            bindTo: "collapseSideBar"
                        hint: this.getCollapseSideBarMenuItemCaptionConfig(),
                        markerValue: this.getCollapseSideBarMenuItemCaptionConfig()
                        id: "send-button",
                        tag: "sendbtnMenu",
                        className: "Terrasoft.HoverMenuButton",
                        classes: {
                            imageClass: ["button-image-size"],
                            wrapperClass: ["collapse-button-wrapperEl"]
                        imageConfig: resources.localizableImages.sendSvg,

Despite my efforts, the personalized icon isn't appearing. I've double-checked the image name and made sure it's correct.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or successfully added a personalized icon to the LeftPanelTopMenu? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



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Hi Team,

I want to use the below min.js file as a script

to  load the tableau as a IFrame and use the functions of the scriot file add filter to the loaded URL. 


To implement it the min.js file has to be included in Creatio. How do we add this file in Creatio?


Adharsh S

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None of this is tested (and I've not used the Tableau embed script to know if it would work this way), but you can try using require for it by adding the following: 

	paths: {
		Tableau: ''

Note, you can add this before the page code define and then include as a reference for it: 

define("UsrMyCustomObject1Page", ["Tableau"], function (Tableau) {

Then use as something like: 

const viz = new Tableau.TableauViz();
viz.src = 'https://my-server/views/my-workbook/my-view';
viz.toolbar = 'hidden';


Hi Adharsh

You can use this addon to add JS scripts globally:


Go to System Settings -> ExpGlobalJSValue to update the global JavaScript script.


require(["], function(lib) { 

       window.Tableau = lib;


Then you can use window.Tableau
 in your js code.

Hope this helps!

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Hello Everyone,


How to convert input text value to ***** in Freedom UI.



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You can try using the password input which will mask the entire text as ****. This control doesn't appear in the toolbox, so to add it, you could add an input, then in the code change "type": "crt.Input" to "type": "crt.PasswordInput". You can see an example of this control in the page SysUserProfilePage (user profile page)


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