We have created a custom Report of a application but when we use the button to download a report it requires us to select records but we don't want to select records we want to download report with date fields for example for this week. Is that possible?
2 - Create a list dashboard to export the list to Excel
For your case, the first option would suit best. This way you can easily filter out records by any column (in your case start date) and print this list.
You can read more about dynamic filters in the following article:
Is it possible to pass attributes from a page into a validator as a parameter for use in its logic? I'm trying to pass the Id of the record into an async validator which should then query the database for the record to check whether it is in a valid state to be saved, but I don't seem to be able to pass the attribute in as a parameter and it isn't available by default in the validator. I've tried the below:
But it just passes in the literal string "$Id" instead of the value of Id. I don't see anything about passing dynamic values into validators in the documentation.
Hello, Currently, this task is in the development and now it is impossible to do so. The ability to add dynamic parameters will be available in the future versions.
Any idea when it's going to be available? I have a couple of custom validations that test for a regEx expression and I'd like to be able to store those regEx expressions as a setting instead of hard coding them in the code.
Hello, Unfortunately, we cannot say in which version this functionality will be implemented, as our development team is working on tasks according to their priority, which in turn is determined by the number of requests with this need.
We have a table in our application that stores the assigned employees for different projects. And we want to create a report for them. We have created a report but when we download it, it downloads the files of each employee separately. But we want them all in a single file which we can then send to other employees as well. Is there anything wrong that we are doing?
Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to generate a report for all records, since the template is configured for individual records.
But as a workaround, you can implement the following:
1. Create a new object, for example “Report”.
2. Add a lookup column to the “Employee” object, which is sent to this “Report” table; for convenience, let’s call it “Report Column”.
3. Create a record in the “Report” object.
4. Set for all Employee in the “Report Column” column the value of this entry from point “3”.
5. Thus, all Employee are sent to this entry, you can set this entry to the default value so that entries are always sent to this entry.
6. Create a report on the “Report” object and add the “Employee” table to it, where the relationship will be:
Report.Id = Employee.ReportId.
7. For this table, create the filtering we need and configure the report template.
As a result of what we did, we created an object and a record, the details of which will display ALL Employee in the system.
Thus, when making a report, all Employee that fall under the required filtering set in the settings of the tabular part of the report will be displayed in the report.
Or as another workaround, you can export the detail to Excel and attach a table to the report, but this approach requires manual editing of the printed form.
But we understand that this solution is not ideal for your needs, and we want to inform you that we already have a registered idea for the development of this functionality. This functionality will be implemented in future versions of Creatio.
Getting this error while calling the web service from Process . Has changed the maximum execution time also but still getting. Any suggestions?
System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out.
at Terrasoft.Services.Runtime.ServiceClient.<GetResponseData>d__8.MoveNext()--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Terrasoft.Services.Runtime.ServiceClient.Execute(IServiceClientRequest request, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Terrasoft.Services.WebServiceUserTaskImplementation.Execute(ProcessWebService userTask, ProcessExecutingContext context)
at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.CallInternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.RunInCultureScope[T](Func`1 action)
at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteElement(ProcessExecutingContext context)
at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)
at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
The error indicates that we couldn't receive a response due to the timeout from the host to which the request was sent. And it's not an issue with the application because, in that case, we would get something like "Thread was being aborted" (if it's a problem with the Web layer - compilation, restart, thread locks in the Entity layer) or a message about a lock (if it's a database issue) or some specific error. But a timeout exclusively indicates that within N (as you configured) seconds, the host to which we sent the request couldn't respond. Hence, the web service element timed out. Most likely, it's because the host to which we sent the request temporarily became unavailable.
Thankyou for your reply, But when i user postman it is working fine and also when manually click on the webservice "send request" it is working fine. Issue only arises in BP .
I'm currently exploring security options within creatio, to secure the process with Password. Specifically, My goal is to restrict access to certain process by requiring user to enter password before any modifications.
Could anyone share insights or best practice to implement password protection for Process in Creatio? Are there any built-in features or recommended approces to achieve this?
Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Unfortunately, we do not have this functionality at the moment. We have registered this request for our R&D team to ensure that the developers consider this request and implement it in future updates.
Unfortunately, we do not have this functionality at the moment. We have registered this request for our R&D team to ensure that the developers consider this request and implement it in future updates.
You can configure business processes to listen for changes on the specified objects: 1. The first process will listen for changes in the object's stage. 2. The second process will check if a message has been added to the related feed channel ((determining the necessary ID code of the feed object).
You can create the notification using the following parameters:
Please help, I need to notify final user some task he trigger is working.
For example, on a page, a user clicks on a button to do something, the button executes a process and I want to inform the client that it is processing what the process does....
I've typically done this by making a generic process I can use as a subprocess. It sends the message to the client. Then I make a generic script loaded from MainShell or MainHeaderSchema that listens for the message and displays the toast. It makes it simple and generic to use and works on any page.
I've typically done this by making a generic process I can use as a subprocess. It sends the message to the client. Then I make a generic script loaded from MainShell or MainHeaderSchema that listens for the message and displays the toast. It makes it simple and generic to use and works on any page.
How do you go about creating a generic script that loads in the MainShell or MainHeaderSchema in Freedom UI? It hasn't seemed to work when I've tried it.
Yes. The selection of the homepage is hidden for portal workspaces but you can still add it manually to the SysWorkplace record. Create a Freedom UI homepage, then you'll have to update the SysWorkplace for the portal to add the HomePageUId of the dashboard page.
Yes. The selection of the homepage is hidden for portal workspaces but you can still add it manually to the SysWorkplace record. Create a Freedom UI homepage, then you'll have to update the SysWorkplace for the portal to add the HomePageUId of the dashboard page.
Hi all, I wanted to know if anyone knows of a way to have a "drawable" field in the mobile app, so I can get the "drawn" signature of the customer in the app.
The idea to implement e-signature as basic functionality in further releases is already registered for our R&D team. We will add your case to it's backlog so to increase it's priority. As for now, this issue has already been discussed in another post, this may help you: