Mobile App - Activity open location/address in native map application

Hello, I would like to get assistance on how to implement the "Account Addresses" detail within contacts section, inside activities for the mobile app. When you view a contact in the mobile app and see their addresses in the "Account addresses" detail you can click the address and it will open the native maps app on your phone so you can get directions. 


How do I set this up within the activities section of the mobile app so that if I put in a location, it can be a clickable field similar to Contacts section?


Also, is there a way to pull in the contact's address to the activity that can be clicked to open the maps app?


Thank you,



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Hello Eric,
Thank you for your question.

Yes, it is possible. For the example, in Configuration menu i added an object (UsrActivityAddress) with a parent object - BaseAddress and a column UsrActivity with data source - Activity, which links UsrActivityAddress with Activity. 

Then go to Mobile application wizard. Here i created a custom workplace and added Activity section to the workplace. In page setup:

Save and go to Configuration. There search you need to search for the name of the detail that mobile wizard provides for the detail on the page you just added. For this search for MobileActivityRecordPageSettings[plus the name of workplace you are adding activity with address to]. In my case it was UsrMobileActivityRecordPageSettingsUsrTestMobile. After that scroll down and find items which represent fields that you added to mobile section page wizard. The name of the detail looks might look like this "UsrSchema302ae53eDetailEmbeddedDetail". Copy the value and go to the top of file.

Then you need to add viewConfigDiff:1
Here you delete those details fields from you mobile page layout and you merge AddressPreview component. If the column name was Address in viewConfigDiff it becomes [name of your detail in mobile wizard]_ItemLayout_[column name]. 

Also note, that this component is not described on the Academy and designed for internal usage thus in not recommended for public usage in current version.

Hope this helps

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