After adding records ,How can I reload a detail list in a Freedom UI page from a task script within a business process, without using the live update feature in the object?
Thank you

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Note that i'add this code in the task script in the process 

var userConnection = Get<UserConnection>("UserConnection");
string messageText = "Successful";

Terrasoft.Configuration.MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessageToAll("ReloadDetail", messageText);
return true;    

i got this error message 
"The type or namespace name 'MsgChannelUtilities' does not exist in the namespace 'Terrasoft.Configuration' (are you missing an assembly reference?"



"The type or namespace name 'MsgChannelUtilities' does not exist in the namespace 'Terrasoft.Configuration' (are you missing an assembly reference?" - this error message will occur in case the business process is created in the assembly package. The only workaround is to uncheck the "Assembly package" property in the package settings or move the process to the regular package.


As for the possibilities and if LiveUpdate is not an option - yes, socket nessage to the client-side and triggering the LoadDataRequest with reload enabled is the only option.

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I've noticed a problem when users try to import data. For example, they select the Case object  to add data and upload an excel file with columns that correspond to lookup fields in the case. If the lookup value already exists in Creatio there is no problem and the field will be filled with that value, but if it does not exist, Creatio does not allow the user to create that new value and will throw the following error inside the ExcelImportLog page:


Current user does not have sufficient permissions to run "CanManageLookups"


If I change this operation permission and allow it for a given user, it will work fine but then that user has complete access to the Lookups section. This means that he is able to see all the lookups, create new values and remove them if they want. This is not a good practice and implies security issues.


Therefore, is there another way to achieve what I want without having this risk?


PD: I don't know if it may be an incidence related with my own environment, because I haven't noticed this behavior in any other Creatio instance before and it seems to happen only with some lookups, not all of them.



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Unfortunately, it is not possible to allow users to have access to specific lookups only, but we have already registered the following suggestion for our R&D team and they will consider adding the following functionality in the upcoming releases.

However, we can offer you a workaround, but it is also worth noting that this is a workaround and that you can only track which rights have been issued through the database.

1. Grant everyone the rights to the CanManageLookups operation

2. Enable administration by records for the Lookup object.

In this case, do not configure the administration privileges.

Thus, there will be access to the lookup section, but only the author of the lookup will have rights to the records themselves (for system directories, this will be the Supervisor)

3. Using the BP and the element of granting rights, grant rights only to the required record.

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