Hi Everyone,

I want to show the filter field always like this, do you guys have any solution?

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Regarding your first filter on the picture - once filter for Class of Business is added to the section, the assigned value would be fixed despite of jumping to other sections in Creatio, since it is stored in SysProfileData table.    

In order to add your second quick filter to the [Premium Register] section, you should create a replacing schema of the [Premium Register] section and add your quick filter which will filter records by Policy Number.  

You can find useful information regarding adding quick filters to the section on this link https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/elements_and_components/basi…


Best Regards,

Tetiana Bakai

Tetiana Bakai,


do you have idea for quick filter for string type?

Fransetya Alfi Syahrin,


Please provide the business task that is followed by creating such a functionality? To activate a string type filter two buttons should be pressed:


1) "Filter" context menu

2) "Add filter" button


Also why can't you create a dynamic folder in case you need to access some filtered data on a regular basis?


If you need to develop such functionality you need to look at the showSimpleFilterEdit function and its call in the CustomFilterViewModelV2. We don't have a ready solution and you need to develop it on your own.


Best regards,


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Hello Team!


There is any why to bound a localization for the values in the lookup. Example: ContactType is recording all the localizables values in SysContactTypeLcz (I would like to bound this one)

 If any one have an idea is more than welcome.




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Hi community,


Is it possible to filter a Lookup field type "Selection window" with a ESQ query? I need to use a ESQ query with some logical operators to filter the result of the lookup window.



I Know how to do that with lookup field type "List" but it not works with lookup type "Selection window".




Tiago Pierine



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Best reply

Hello Tiago,

I have an article on that topic here https://customerfx.com/article/filtering-lookups-in-creatio-formerly-bp…

Hope this helps,


Hello Tiago,

I have an article on that topic here https://customerfx.com/article/filtering-lookups-in-creatio-formerly-bp…

Hope this helps,


Hi Tiago,

Ryan's link indeed contains a good example for filtering lookups in Creatio. Please perform few tests using the article provided above.

Best regards,


Hi Ryan,

Your suggestion worked perfectly, thank you very much.

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Hey community !


I'm using Creatio v7.17.3.1377.


I wanted to create a custom CSS for my contact page and I ran into an issue. On the french version on Creatio (fr-FR). So I went to advanced settings -> custom -> add -> module -> LESS and my LESS code isn't recognized :


Although on the English translation everything works fine :


Here are the steps to reproduce the bug :

1. Install the French translation in the system settings -> languages

2. Change your language to French in your profile (You will have to log out and log in for the language to be applied)

3. Click on "Paramètres avancés" (advanced settings) after clicking on the wheel under your profile.

4. Click on "Custom" -> "Ajouter" -> Module


5. Click on "MOINS" (French translation for LESS) and try typing some LESS code (the code shown here is just an example)


That's it !


Best regards,


Julien Gunther




This is out of the box bug that was fixed. Feel free to approach the support team via support@creatio.com for the details on how to resolve it.




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Hey community !


TL;DR : How can I Read data from  a lookup that was fetch in a previous Read data ?


I have a business process that is called when a field in an object is changed. Based on this, I get the object ID and read the data from it. Until then, no problem.


This object contains lookup fields (they are all filled in) and I also need to read the data from these objects.


Here is my business process, I will explain what I do after the screenshot :


So my "Candidat retenu" signal passes the object ID which is changed to "read recruteurs" and I ask for all the lines in the recruteurs object :


Based on the data received, I have my second read data (read contact) which I have configured as follows:


All read data are very similar after that:

"read opportinite" : Opportunité.id = read recruteurs.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Opportunité

"read Soft skill 1" : custom object.id = read contact.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Soft Skills 1

"read Soft skill 2" : custom object.id = read contact.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Soft Skills 2

"read Soft skill 3" : custom object.id = read contact.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Soft Skills 3

"read Soft skill 4" : custom object.id = read contact.Premier élément de la collection résultante.Soft Skills 4


Based on all previously queried table I create a new object "candidature" :


All fields which I try to query data from are filled in.


Unfortunately when the candidature object is created the only fields that are filled in are the fields from "read recruteurs" and the "Disponibilité" field and I don't understand why. In the process diagram everything's "working" :


I don't have any errors and I don't understand what are my mistakes.


How can I query data from objects previously queried like I'm trying to do ?


Thanks in advance for your response !


Best regards,



Julien Gunther

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Dear Julien,


Try to contact the support team via support@creatio.com. It is necessary to have the access to the website to have and have a look at entire process. Most likely you linked some elements incorrectly, it is necessary to find the place. 




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Hey guys !


Is there a way (via dynamic folders or advanced filters) to get all accounts where the account's name is in lowercase ?

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Best reply



Unfortunately, there is no such option. We will register this idea for our developers to consider this feature implementation in the future application versions.






Unfortunately, there is no such option. We will register this idea for our developers to consider this feature implementation in the future application versions.




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Hi Team,


We have renamed Activities section to Interaction Logs and also configured fields using mobile application wizard under Main workplace. But when we install the package in cloud instances, the Activities section is not getting replaced with the fields that are configured in local. I have bound the "Main workplace" in SysMobileWorkplace once again with force update on Name.

I would like to know about binding the sections within the Main workplace in Mobile Workplace Setup.

Product and version : 7.17 - Sales Team Edition

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Hi DhariniS, 

The output of the section is stored in the mobile application manifest, therefore, if you transferred all the records about the section and the manifest, then the section in the mobile application will also be transferred.


Please check out the information about mobile application manifest:







Here are some guides of how to work and set up mobile application:

Set up mobile app workplaces : 




Set up mobile application section list: 




Set up mobile application section page:




Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.


Bogdan Lesyk,

Thanks for the detailed reply Bogdan. We have transferred all the files related to mobile application and workplace. As we use the default workplace the 

MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace is getting transferred.

All sections and its page setup got transferred as part of the package except for "Interaction Logs" which is nothing but "Activities" section with some customizations. Is there a way we can data bind this?



It seems not possible to bind just one section. Just import the package like you did before. If you are going to do it, please firstly make sure that you have this section on your dev/prod app, from which you import it.


Actually we performed some tests and most likely the problem in Manifest file.


Please check your MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace file in configurations and make sure that you don't have any comments here(because json doesn't like any comments).Make sure that you have "Interaction Logs" instead of  my "Activity" here. Also please check if the attribute "Hidden" is false and you have the same json properties. Screen below: 




Also please check out the this link, here is manifest file with all needed properties which were created automatically in manifest json file. Please compare it to your manifest and you might find the error there:






Bogdan L. 



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Hello Community,


We are trying to add a new language (Turkish) to our implementation. Following the documentation, I added a new language, made it default and active.

I then went to a custom section and added captions for this language. The highlighted fields in the image below are the ones for which translation has been added for Turkish language. When I change Language in User profile the following is what I see :

I then translated the contact info tab and noticed that the earlier translations are lost as seen below !!

I also observe this similar loss of translated captions when I publish the section object after translating fields. 

PS : Here is the copy of the data in SysTranslation Table. I see the translated values are present, but it is not visible in the UI.


Could you please help here and let us know if we are missing something? 

Like 1



Dear Shivani Lakshman,


Thank you for your question!

Would you please let us know how exactly did you add the translations?

Through Localizable Strings or by importing to Translations?


Thank you!



Danyil Onoprienko,

I translated using the section wizard, where I added the captions for Turkey language 

Shivani Lakshman,


Have you tried navigating to the 'Transations' page in the [System Designer] and trying to apply and actualize the translations there?


Please let us know the results,


Thank you!


Danyil Onoprienko,

As seen in my initial comment, the section names have been translated in the translation section. The translation section contains the field names that are filtered always by 'untranslated by language'. I believe this section is not the place where we need to translate for section edit page captions.

Also I noticed that when I translated the captions, the resource file for that language gets modified and clears old value.


Eg : if I change Email first, the resource file has the following

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Resources Culture="tr-TR">

    <Group Type="String">


            <Item Name="Columns.Email.Caption" Value="E-posta" />




After this if I change country the resource file eliminates email translations and gets modified as below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Resources Culture="tr-TR">

    <Group Type="String">


            <Item Name="Columns.Country.Caption" Value="Durum" />





Shivani Lakshman,


Please email us at support@creatio.com for us to help you further.


Thank you!



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During package installation,  message...


"Unable to install Schema "Tgnxxxxxxx" into package "Tgn0001", because the element has been modified locally. Resolve the conflict and mark the element as unchanged."


... shows when the element has been modified locally. How can I mark the element as unchanged , in order to allow its replacement ?

Like 1



Hello Ricardo, 


Please be advised that this error is indicating that the Package you are trying to use has been locally changed and was blocked by the system in order to prevent overwriting information.

If after Package importing you receive this error then it means that there was a conflict between the Package and the System.

In this case, we would recommend:

1. Resolving the Package conflict by:

    1.1 Determining if it is safe to overwrite the information.

    1.2 If the information cannot be overwritten, execute a "merge" (for example exporting the scheme to the dev-site and forming a new supply).

    1.3 If overwriting is permitted then you should unlock the Package in its context menu by pressing "Remove "Is modified" from Package elements".


2. Restoring the configuration from the automatic backup.


Hope this helps!


Best regards, 


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Thanks for your reply.

Where is the button "Remove "Is modified" from Package elements" located ?

Dear Ricardo,


The mentioned value can be found in the properties of the package elements. Open the needed package in the configuration, select the element of the package and open it's properties. 


Attaching the corresponding screenshot as well:



Best regards, 


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

The package is unlocked, and I am using the right Current package / Prefix / Maintainer, but the "Modified" checkbox is not enabled. Why is that? Could it be because my sites are cloud-based ? 

Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Any clue on this case ?


Hi, I am also having the same issue. I'm unable to uncheck the box. Can someone advise?

Lewis Pull,

Did you find a solution? having the same issue now


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Running compleateExecution on PreConfigured page i get an error

2021-06-17 11:18:07,964 [366] ERROR ZARZĄDZANIE NT\SYSTEM Terrasoft.Web.Common.ServiceModel.ErrorHandler HandleError - AssemblyQualifiedServiceName = [Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModel.ProcessEngineService, Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=edaadfbc3b0bb879]

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModel.ProcessEngineService.GetSchemaParameterValues(UserConnection userConnection, BaseProcessSchemaElement baseSchemaElement, IEnumerable`1 completeParameters)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModel.ProcessEngineService.CompleteExecuting(CompleteExecutingRequest request)

   at SyncInvokeCompleteExecuting(Object , Object[] , Object[] )

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs)

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc)

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc& rpc)

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage11(MessageRpc& rpc)

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)

2021-06-17 11:18:26,697 [358] ERROR ZARZĄDZANIE NT\SYSTEM Terrasoft.Web.Common.ServiceModel.ErrorHandler ProvideFault - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModel.ProcessEngineService.GetSchemaParameterValues(UserConnection userConnection, BaseProcessSchemaElement baseSchemaElement, IEnumerable`1 completeParameters)

   at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModel.ProcessEngineService.CompleteExecuting(CompleteExecutingRequest request)

   at SyncInvokeCompleteExecuting(Object , Object[] , Object[] )

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs)

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc)

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc& rpc)

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage11(MessageRpc& rpc)

   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)

2021-06-17 11:18:26,697 [358] ERROR ZARZĄDZANIE NT\SYSTEM Terrasoft.WebApp.FileWebEventProvider RaiseInternal - Date: 17.06.2021 11:18:26

Date (UTC): 17.06.2021 09:18:26

Exception Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Exception Type: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.NullReferenceException]

Exception Source: 

Exception Stack Trace:

SessionID: zl3nd5bqp5z5fgexzrdibnle

Request URL: /0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/CompleteExecuting

Request Path: /0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/CompleteExecuting

Request UrlReferrer: http://localhost:81/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx

Request Type: POST

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.106 Safari/537.36

User Host Address: ::1

User: Supervisor

Is Authenticated: True

Authentication Type: Forms

Is Secure Connection: False

Application Version:

Application Path: C:\Creatio_7_17\Terrasoft.WebApp\

Application Virtual Path: /0

Application Trust Level: Full

Machine Name: DCG-249

Is Local: True

Process ID: 15220

Process Name: w3wp.exe



OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19042.0

Net Framework Version: 4.0.30319.42000

DBExecutor Type: MSSqlExecutor

the request is: 

{collectExecutionData: true, processElementUId: "05ea0041-ae68-4465-a0d0-c7582ab6c03f"}



Any ideas?



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Dear Tomasz,

Could you please elaborate more on after what actions do you receive this error?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Ivanna Yatsura

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