Hi community,

I'm trying to read the contact tags using odata, in particular  I would like to expand the ContactTag object when I read the ContactInTag,

an  error raises

"The query specified in the URI is not valid. Could not find a property named 'ContactTag' on type 'Terrasoft.Configuration.OData.ContactInTag'."

Which is the correct entity name to expand ?


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Hello Stefano,

In the ContactInTag object, the reference to ContactTag is actually the property called Tag. I believe if you expand Tag, it should give you the ContactTag reference.


Hello Stefano,

We've got the same result in our system as well. We are working on the solution to this issue.

Best Regards,

Tetiana Bakai

Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan,

I tried you suggestion using $expand=Tag($select=name), but I receive this message "
An error has occurred."

Stefano Bassoli,

Hmm. I just tested that and I get the same error (also if I try to expand Entity). I wonder if it's because those are columns inherited from the BaseEntityInTag object (which is virtual)? I can expand CreatedBy fine on that object though. Not sure why the error occurs.

Hello Stefano,

For now you should use two select queries, because using the $expand clause with those columns would give you errors. We passed this problem to Core R&D team and got the information that there is some issue in Core logic that causes that thing, so they would fix it in the next versions.

Best Regards,

Tetiana Bakai

Tetiana Bakai,

thank you for your feedback

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This question may have been answered, but I searched the forum and couldn't find anything. 


We are attempting to create sales enablement workflows within creatio, essentially providing the sales team with the necessary content through crafting communications in the form of workflows. We use data to trigger the workflows. An example is a contract approaching end of life. 


Has anyone done this successfully in creatio? It seems to be a bling spot in the software as if we want to track the data on emails and such we have to do it via the marketing app which doesn't work as this is primarily one to one communication vs one to many. 


Thanks in advance, 



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Can you please give some more examples or use cases of your task? 

Thank you.



Take a look at the Renewal template in the Creatio marketplace. I hope this helps.

Bumping this post


There is no way to streamlines sales communications in this crm, to my knowledge at least. Something similar would be a sequence created in hubspot. 


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Hi community,


I tried to install the Refresh Data Button for Creatio | Creatio Marketplace addon

The application is installed successfully, but the refresh  button doesn't appear in section and card.

The application does not appear in applications installed section

I check the application logs and everything seems fine

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Hello Stefano, 


I would suggest to double-check whether you have tested the functionality in the corresponding sections, as mentioned in the Addon notes: "buttons appear only in sections, cards and details with the registry inherited from the basic schemas (BaseSectionV2, BasePageV2 and BaseGridDetailV2 respectively)" and as an option if the installation was successful, try to clear cache and re-login to the system. 


If the issue still persists and even re-installing the addon doesn't help, please contact the addon's support team: creatioapps-support@anserem.com


Hope this helps!

Best regards, 


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hi Anastasiia,

the problem appears in all standard section like accounts and contacts opportunities.


Stefano Bassoli,


In such case I would advise to perform recommendations provided above (to clear cache and re-login to the system and in case re-install the application)  and if the issue persists, contact the addon's support team. 


Should you have any further questions, please let us know!


Best regards, 


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I generate printables for some entities

I now how to customize the name saving in entityFile table but is it the way to change dynamically name of word document downloaded from the print button



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Hello Tomasz,

There is a marketplace add-on that does this if you're interested. See https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/custom-names-reports-creatio


Ryan Farley,

Thank You

Hi Ryan,


The link you've provided seems to be unavailable. Could you please help in generating a customized name for printable.


Best Regards,


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Hi community

When a user links a case or something else in the mini activity page is it possible to use the selection window instead of list selection ?


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Hi Stefano, 


Technically such implementation is not possible due to the out-of-the-box logic. 


Hopefully it won't bring you much inconvenience within working with the system. 


We already informed our Core R&D team in order to add such functionality in our next releases.


Thank you!




Bogdan L.

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Hi Everyone 


I need that my custom detail works like the attachments, but i think,  i am doing something wrong

i 've configured the object like this

but it isn't enough


Anyone help me please

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Best reply

Hello Carlos, 


Please check the below article for the proper instructions on how to add the custom Attachments detail:




A few things to add:

You can change the parent object for the detail list schema (step 2 in the article) as shown on the below screenshot: 


Also, in case the changes are not reflected straight away once all the required steps from the instruction are done, generate a source code and compile a system. 


Hope this helps!

Best regards, 



Hello Carlos, 


Please check the below article for the proper instructions on how to add the custom Attachments detail:




A few things to add:

You can change the parent object for the detail list schema (step 2 in the article) as shown on the below screenshot: 


Also, in case the changes are not reflected straight away once all the required steps from the instruction are done, generate a source code and compile a system. 


Hope this helps!

Best regards, 



Thanks Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Now the interface works but  the list is not working propertly



it allow me create records, but when i refresh the page, i can't  see my records and the debugger show the error in the pic , but the records are persisted, i've  check it in the DataBase,

Any  idea what is the problem?


Carlos Alberto Arce Ortuño,


The error message indicates that there is an issue with a column: it is either incorrectly added to the schema page or is renamed/deleted. 

I would suggest to double-check the article and re-add the custom Attachments detail anew following the guidance so this way it will be properly added to the needed section. 

In case the issue still persists or occurs with your custom columns added to the detail afterwards, please approach us at support@creatio.com, so we will be able to check the configuration on the instance and find the root cause of the issue. 


Best regards, 


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Dear Creatio Team,

I am working on Creatio reports using FastReport. It is required to create tables inside rich text of Fast report and upload frx file to generate the output. But the output doesn't show the table in the rich text as it gets shrunk to a single cell every time. I have attached the snapshot of the RTF table in the fast report and its output in creatio.

RTF Table

Creatio output of this table

It can be seen in the output file that all 6 cells of the table are shrinking to a single cell. Is there any problem with the RTF code or in Creatio Fast report integration.I have attached the RTF code used to build this table in the Fast report.Please provide a solution to my query.

File attachments
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Hello Akash!

In order to solve the issue, it's necessary to do the following steps:


On the Creatio side:

1. Create the fast report record in the "Reports" section and create the FastReport data provider source code in configurations.

2. Create the DataProvider source code. 

Once the DataProvider is created data was sent to the FastReport template for further processing. From now development starts which is not related to Creatio functionality - FastReport template logic modification.

On FastReport side:


3.  There is a "Code" tab in the FastReport template designer. There you need to write logic for String formation (here you can find some examples of how to do it https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string.format?view=n…)


Here is the link to the article on Creatio Academy for your reference https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/elements_and_components/repo…


In addition, please check the link of FastReport academy https://www.fastreport.ru/public_download/html/UserManFrNET-en/index.ht… where you can find information on how to operate with data sources, system variables, report parameters and so on.


Best Regards,

Tetiana Bakai

Just confirming- Do I need to make a table in RTF by writing logic for String formation in Code tab of Fast Report?

Hello Akash!

Yes, you are right. You need to make a table in RTF in the Code tab of Fast Report.

Best Regards,

Tetiana Bakai

Thank you Tetiana for your solution. It will be easier to work for small tables. But I work mostly with complex tables of 8" size and it will be quite time-consuming to prepare each cells by code. In such a case, is there any other lesser time-consuming solution?

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On the LEAD object, we have a user field ("UsrSecondaryPhone") and it is not indexing via Global Search (or at least no values in this field result in search results in a global search).  I have made sure that the section is marked for Index for Global Search (check box is checked).  How do I get this and other user fields to index via global search?

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It is also necessary to mark the necessary column attribute Indexed as true. After that the column data will be available in the search list.

If it is still not found by the global search, I suggest to contact the support team via support@creatio.com to have a closer look at your object settings.




Thank you for the reply.  I see how to do this when adding a new column.  But in this case, I have a user column that was previously added and I cannot find how to edit the column to check this box.



Here it is:





Dean,  Thanks again.  I've tried that.  I can follow these steps in our DEV environment and I can check the box in DEV, however, in our production environment, I cannot make the same change (and I've tried several instances of the LEAD object.  We made the changes to add user columns in our DEV environment, then exported a package and imported it into our production environment.  Now, I want to make this change for indexing purposes in production, but I am unable to make changes on the column.  Any ideas?

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Hello...I'm curently setting up an Email Profile for Bulk Email & Campaigns.


If my understanding is GOOD :


CREATIO let us send a message though Bulk Email + Campaigns to :

1) a Contact PRIMARY email

2) an ACCOUNT connected to a CONTACT that has a PRIMARY Email

3) a LEAD connected to a CONTACT that has a PRIMARY Email



We have CONTACTS that have multiple Emails and also ACCOUNTS that have multiples Emails.


I want to categorize each Email with a TYPE of message that can be sent to them.


example 1 :  ACCOUNT emails

info@abc.com             promo

admin@abc.com         order confirmation and events invitation

Invoice@abc.com        invoices


example 2 :  CONTACT emails

John.Smith@abc.com      promo

J.smith@abc.com              invoives

John.smith@gmail.com    personal (do not use for mass-mailing.  Only Sales Rep)




- Each EMAIL from a CONTACT or ACCOUNT can be used.

- If a contact unsubscribe from an email...than the other EMails are not affected.

- Need to track ALL emails (bounced, Opens, clicks,...)


Any suggestions ???


You may reach me directly.


Francois Breault


(514) 214-8183


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Dear Francois,


Unfortunately, it is not possible to use each email from contact or account as only 1 (primary) can be used upon Bulk Emails or Campaigns.


Best Regards,

Ivanna Yatsura.

From the Out Of The Box...That's what I thought.


Let's see if the following works : 

- If I put all my Emails in the LEAD section.

- If I CREATE a UNIQUE contact record for each LEAD (EX:    first name = Communication Profile   and  the lastname = of John Smith)

- If I CREATE 2 custom lookup fields (Ref-Contact and Ref-Account) in the LEAD Section

- For each LEAD...I assign the proper Contact/Account using the custom lookup fields

- If I CREATE a  custom lookup field in the LEAD object to categorize what I can send to that Email  (Promo, Invoice, Order confirmation, Newsletter,...)


I should now be able to create a Bulk email or Campaign,  assigning any LEADS into the audience and still have access to the CONTACT or ACCOUNT data associated to the LEAD.


The TRACKING of all Emails should be visible in the LEAD Section.


Is there anything wrong in this logic ?


Ivanna Yatsura,

Can you validate my proposal ?

Francois Breault,

You are thinking in the right direction. What you have described should work just fine.

As for the "Tracking of all emails visible in Lead Section". Could you please elaborate a bit on this question?


 I'd like to display when the contact has RECEIVED the message, OPENED it. CLICKED in a link, REGISTERED from a webform, DOWNLOADED a file.


Francois Breault,

It's possible to do this through development. 

Here is a link to the Academy article about setting up tracking of lead sources that you might find useful.

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Hi all,


Quick question : when using the Competitor detail in the Opportunity section, an automatic message appears if the Supplier or Competitor product fields aren't filled in. I do not need this information though, how can I deactivate this message ?


Thanks in advance and have a lovely week !

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You need to replace OpportunityCompetitorPageV2 of the Opportunity package and change this method:

From :

externalValidate: function() {
					if (!this.get("Supplier") && !this.get("CompetitorProduct")) {
						var message = Ext.String.format(
						return false;
					return true;



externalValidate: function() {
					if (!this.get("Supplier") && !this.get("CompetitorProduct")) {
						return true;
					return true;

After that you will not get the notification and will be able to save record on the competitors detail.




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