Hey Everyone,

I am trying to change the order of the address in full address field in Accounts section of Customer360 creatio. Instead of Zip + Country + State + City + Address I want it as Address + City + State + ZipCode + Country.


I tried overriding the BaseAddressEventListener with my custom event listener but it didn't worked


Can someone please guide me on how to do it?

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Hello Ansh,

I have contacted our R&D team regarding this question. First of all, this logic is implemented on the backend side, which means that even if it is possible, it would likely be extremely challenging to achieve.

To conclude, I believe it is not feasible at the moment. However, I will register this as a potential improvement, and hopefully, this feature will be implemented in the future.

Best regards

Yevhenii Grytsiuk,

Thank you
The issue is fixed now, As I added a CustomAddressEventListener to override the BaseAddressEventListener in the source code of my custom package.

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but i can change "CONTACTS" section

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Dear Arkadiusz,


Thanks for your question. To analyze the issue, could you please contact us at support@creatio.com and provide us with external access to the instance? Thanks in advance. 


Best regards,


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hello all,

is it possible to add an editable/free writeable table or list in the account section?

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Hello Jeremy, 


You can add the chart for the Account's section record, it will be available once the record page is opened. It can be done through the Section wizard same way as you add a new column, just choose the needed page element.  

Also, you can create a chart for the section here:

Inserting the chart in the list view of the standard section, however, will require additional development. 


Best regards,


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As head of sales

I want the discount not to be set for each contractor

because if the contractor is not a VIP, he cannot be granted a discount.


The discount may be greater than zero if the customer is a VIP


Can I do this with no-code tools?

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Have you tried hiding the field if the user is not a VIP?

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hi all 

 in the left side panel of accounts section i need to make metrics like these in the screenshot 


i know how to add them but i can't configure them i can't display date, what is total revenue n account ? also Customer Rating stars ?


please help me with screenshots how to configure all of them 


thanks all 

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Hello Ibrahim, 


It's possible to add the same metrics for the Accounts section on the dashboards once the record page contains the corresponding columns (rating stars, date). Same situation with the Total revenue, you can display it, once there is a corresponding field. However, it won't be possible to display it with a help of metrics in case the corresponding filed is missing and the value is being calculated in accordance with some formula. 



Should you have any questions, please let us know. 

Best regards, 


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Hey guys !


Is there a way (via dynamic folders or advanced filters) to get all accounts where the account's name is in lowercase ?

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Best reply



Unfortunately, there is no such option. We will register this idea for our developers to consider this feature implementation in the future application versions.






Unfortunately, there is no such option. We will register this idea for our developers to consider this feature implementation in the future application versions.




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Hello all,


I am working on modifying the Search contact and accounts page to add a cancel button to the top of the page so that the user can exit the page and properly terminate the business process that opens it.

However, I've added the script for inserting a button but it won't show up on the page. Here is my script below. Is there something I could be doing wrong?

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Dear Kevin,


Could you please provide us with the information about how this page was created and how this page is called in a business process?


If this page is a pre-configured page, so you can easily add a button using page wizard and bind the “click” attribute to the appropriate method through a development.


 Best regards,


Norton Lingard,

It is the "Search page - Contacts and Accoutns" page that is used in the Identify contact by incoming call process. 


It is called like a pre-configured page in the process but when I try to modify it, it only opens right to the schema code instead of opening the page wizard. 

Dear Kevin,


I created the replacing client module for the “SearchAccountAndContactPage” schema and added the following code:


define("SearchAccountAndContactPage", [], function(){

    return {

        entitySchemaName: "Case",

        methods: {

            onCloseContactButton: function() {

                // business logic;




        diff: [


                        "operation": "insert",

                        "parentName": "LeftContainer",

                        "propertyName": "items",

                        "name": "ClosePageButton",

                        "values": {

                            "itemType": this.Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,

                            "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ClosePageButtonCaption"},

                            "click": {"bindTo": "onCloseContactButton"},

                            "style": "red"








As a result, the button has successfully appeared in the page. Please see the screenshot below:



Please check you entered the correct value for the “caption” property. Since if this property has the wrong value, the button won’t be visible in the page.


Best regards,


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I am trying to edit account page to add a new tab but that was not successful. 

So I deleted the replacing object created for account section with replacing scheme.

Now the account section page opens perfectly fine when debug mode is off in console. But when I turn it on, it crashes the page and given me the following error.

Can someone please help me, why is there any error in first place only when I turn on debug mode in console?



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Hello Ramnath,


It is hard to say why could this issue occur, but you can try fixing this error by going to configurations and re-saving AccountPage schema (please also note that in case you have several account edit page schemas (like UsrAccount1Page, UsrAccount2Page and so on)) and you need to re-save content of all those schemas (by clicking on "Save" button at the top left corner of schema editor https://prnt.sc/rdrops). Once done please relogin to the application and try to open edit page once again


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

I was trying to build it on trial environment. I could not apply the steps you mentioned because it expired by the time.

But thanks for helping.


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