Hi ,


I have installed 64 bit ms word plugin for creatio. In order to connect i am using the same password and user name which is reflected in the account but still it says log in incorrect.

Any inputs on this would be really helpful.



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Please note, that logging into Word Plugin with 2-factor authentication turned on is disabled for now, so please make sure it's turned off. Also make sure if the appropriate plugin version has been installed, verify if your System type is in compliance with plugin version 64 bit. 

Instruction for proper installation is available with this link: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customization-tools/print-ready-reports/install-creatio-plug-in-for-ms-word

Also use this insttuction to disactivate 2-FA, go to point 3 and instead of enabling it, please disactivate it: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/setup-and-administration/administration/user-and-access-management/authentication/set-up-two-factor-authentication

Thank you !


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Hi All,

I am facing some issues while configuring an edit page for a lookup. I've created a lookup edit page by using this reference: https://community.creatio.com/questions/new-lookup-item-edit-page and added only name field there with insert operation. My issues are listed below.

1. I am getting a Name field as an scripted field in all sections by default.

2. In a lookup by default the Name field is a required field. So this gives me validation error for filling and If I make it not required, this saves empty string as well.

3. If I change its operation with merge in place of insert in the newly created edit page then I'll be unable to add lookup value from the pop up modal box by using "New" button after clicking on magnifying glass icon.

4. If I remove Actions and New buttons from that page using lookupListConfig:{hideActions:true}, Again I'll be unable to save the value.


So my questions are:

1. How to add a heading or caption on the top of the lookup edit page (where the Name is currently being shown) ?

2. How to configure that Name field on the lookup edit page as a required field without having the same in all the section pages instead of removing them from every page manually?

Screenshot(ss) explanation : 

ss1: Partner no : Lookup for which I've created an edit page.

Name(Beside Partner no): scripted field being added by default when using "Operation" : "insert".

ss2: lookup edit page JS code.

ss3: script based name field.

ss4: lookup edit page preview where I want Heading/Caption and Name field as required.

ss5: Popup for that script based Name field which pops up continuously because of multiple records in multiple sections.


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Hello Rishabh,


I am afraid the used method presented in the referenced post will not work for your current need as you seem to have some replacements in the system. There are some alternatives, though.


First of all, it is recommended to create a section based on the object you need. This will give a lot of functions to work with the required entity.


If it is needed to work with lookups only - in your case, the easiest solution will be to populate it directly via the Lookup section (as it is done by default).


We are already working on the mentioned problem, and in future releases, there will be a specific tool to create advanced edit pages for lookup. (Planned for version 8.0.3)


I hope my answer was helpful to you.


Best Regards,



Denis Bidukha,


there is a tool now for create advanced edit pages for lookup?






Yes, it is available if your version is 8.0.3 and higher.

The advanced lookup edit page may be created in Freedom UI designer and the required Object (lookup) should be chosen as a source.


Best Regards,


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Hey community !


I'm using Creatio v7.17.3.1377.


I wanted to create a custom CSS for my contact page and I ran into an issue. On the french version on Creatio (fr-FR). So I went to advanced settings -> custom -> add -> module -> LESS and my LESS code isn't recognized :


Although on the English translation everything works fine :


Here are the steps to reproduce the bug :

1. Install the French translation in the system settings -> languages

2. Change your language to French in your profile (You will have to log out and log in for the language to be applied)

3. Click on "Paramètres avancés" (advanced settings) after clicking on the wheel under your profile.

4. Click on "Custom" -> "Ajouter" -> Module


5. Click on "MOINS" (French translation for LESS) and try typing some LESS code (the code shown here is just an example)


That's it !


Best regards,


Julien Gunther




This is out of the box bug that was fixed. Feel free to approach the support team via support@creatio.com for the details on how to resolve it.




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