Hey community !
I'm using Creatio v7.17.3.1377.
I wanted to create a custom CSS for my contact page and I ran into an issue. On the french version on Creatio (fr-FR). So I went to advanced settings -> custom -> add -> module -> LESS and my LESS code isn't recognized :

Although on the English translation everything works fine :

Here are the steps to reproduce the bug :
1. Install the French translation in the system settings -> languages

2. Change your language to French in your profile (You will have to log out and log in for the language to be applied)

3. Click on "Paramètres avancés" (advanced settings) after clicking on the wheel under your profile.

4. Click on "Custom" -> "Ajouter" -> Module

5. Click on "MOINS" (French translation for LESS) and try typing some LESS code (the code shown here is just an example)

That's it !
Best regards,
Julien Gunther