Hello Team! 


Which is the good practice for assign default values for a new record from lookup.

I have an Account lookup and a Contact lookup. I want to take the account selected as a default account once I'm creating a new contact.

Business Rules is applied but the account is not pulled to the contact.




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Hello Dmytro,


You can set up a default value for an 'Assignee' column of your object. However, the object should be in the Custom package. You will not be able to set a default value for the base objects. Apart from that, in this particular example, the case assignee will be the save for all the cases.

But we recommend you double-check the business rule. Please feel free to find the information about business rules in our Creatio Academy article. 

Best regards,


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What is the meaning/purpose of "Isread" field?

Can it help me filter unread messages? I need to make a dashboard of a list that show all the unread messages of current contact

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Hello Shira,


The boolean field “IsRead” on the ESNNotification object shows whether the message has been read and whether it needs to be read on the counter (the number on the CTI panel). 

Best regards,



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In an edit page, we have fields that can be changed by the user or calculated by the page Javascript code, depending on specific circunstamces.

In this case we need to inhibit the attribute dependency method call, to make sure it is not called when the field is calculated by the page code, and not by the user.

Is it possible ?


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Hi Ricardo,


Everything is simple - these specific circumstances should be included into the logic of custom method calls inside the JavaScript code. So the logic itself should be redesigned.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Ok, but what I am looking for is a way of disabling the handler method activation in the attribute dependency, so that when the field is updated by the code the handler method will not be triggered... The Javascript code would first disable the dependency method call, update the field, and then enable the dependency control again.

Ricardo Bigio,

One way to accomplish that is to add a property or attribute to the code where you can set a flag that the field is being updated via code, then in the event handler, check this flag to see if you should exit or continue The flag would only get set by code, so the user entering a value the flag won't be set and the event handler will trigger normally. Something like this:

suppressEvent: false,
funcThatSetsDependentColumn: function() {
    this.suppressEvent = true; // set flag to suppress the event
    this.set("UsrDependentColumn", value); // set the column that will trigger the event
dependentColChangeHandler: function() {
    // check if flag is set to suppress the event
    if (this.suppressEvent) {
        this.suppressEvent = false; // unset the flag and exit
    // do other stuff in the event handler here

Hope this helps,


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Hi community


I tried to download a picture contact using odata using this end-point {{BaseURI}}/0/odata/Contact({{ContactId}})/ContactPhoto

but I receive HTTP 204 response.

The contact has a picture attached

What I'm doing wrong?

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Hi Stefano,


Please specify if you are trying to get the photo from the contact or post the photo to the contact. It's not clear from the description of the question.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

I'm trying to download the picture

Stefano Bassoli,


what you need to do is to call /0/odata/SysImage({Id here})/Data endpoint. And Id should be received from the "PhotoId" column value received when calling 0/odata/Contact({{ContactId}}). Here is an example for accounts from my local app:


1) Retrieve PhotoId from the contact:

2) Call this endpoint:



199f4e47-985b-41ee-91c5-dec7e4f45a5e - is the PhotoId from step 1.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you very much!

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While creating an activity in the activity section I am getting the following error.

Terrasoft.Common.DbOperationException: Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 23503: insert or update on table "Activity" violates foreign key constraint "FK8k9PLTrOuC7utdecSZ0EIBziLQo"

Image preview 

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Hello Janhavi,


Hope you're doing well.


The notification you have received occurs at the database level and means that the database cannot update the table due to invalid constraints. If you look at what this constraint is and what it is referring to, you can find what it refers to (in your case it's an Activity object). It seems that the Activity object was changed or related objects were changed (like adding new columns, removing columns/obects, editing column names, etc.), and this could be the reason of the issue you have faced. In this case to solve the issue please try to update the database structure where it is needed or additionaly before that run the source code generation and compile the system ("Compile All" option):



Also you can find the needed relation for the mentioned in the norification constraint by running the next query:


SELECT * FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage WHERE constraint_name = 'FK8k9PLTrOuC7utdecSZ0EIBziLQo';


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


Why am I getting timeout error when deleting records in any of the section. How can I fix it? Thank you so much

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Hi Fulgen,


This screenshot gives no information on the actual reason for the problem unfortunately.


What you need to do is:


1) If this is a local app - check the WebSockets settings in the app (this article will be useful). This is the most probable reason why records cannot be deleted in any section as you state. Also check if the "WebSocket" feature is enabled in the IIS-server Windows features.


2) Check the MultiDeleteQueue table and which messages do you receive there (no matter which instance cloud or on-site you have).


3) Check the application logs via C:\Windows\Temp folder (if this on-site .NET Framework app or Logs folder in the root binary files if this is a .NET Core app). If this is a cloud-based app you can approach us at support@creatio.com and we will provide you with the logs needed.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar

Delete is very slow then it will pop up this generic error message "

Error occurred during the deletion of data. Please contact system administrator." Then after you refresh the section page for Example Account section, the record was already deleted.

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Hi everyone

can i use FormatDate sentences at email template?


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Hi Carlos,


Unfortunately no, formatting doesn't work for macros in the templates. It will be available in some future application versions. 




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Hi everyone

Can i increase the timeout  ? for an external request  :

	var request_user = WebRequest.Create(XMLUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
	request_user.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(XMLUserParameter, XMLPasswordParameter);
	var response_user = request_user.GetResponse();

is an XML file 40mb, it will be increase the size ,


Some times the request works but not ever 

if i can, what i should to change it



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Best reply

Hello Carlos,

In your code sample you posted, you're using a HttpWebRequest for the call to the external service. For WebRequest, you can set the timeout like this:

var request_user = WebRequest.Create(XMLUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
request_user.Timeout = 500000; // set timeout here
request_user.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(XMLUserParameter, XMLPasswordParameter);
var response_user = request_user.GetResponse();

Note, the Timeout property is in milliseconds - I believe the default is 100000 ms, or 100 seconds)


Hello Carlos,

In your code sample you posted, you're using a HttpWebRequest for the call to the external service. For WebRequest, you can set the timeout like this:

var request_user = WebRequest.Create(XMLUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
request_user.Timeout = 500000; // set timeout here
request_user.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(XMLUserParameter, XMLPasswordParameter);
var response_user = request_user.GetResponse();

Note, the Timeout property is in milliseconds - I believe the default is 100000 ms, or 100 seconds)


thanks Ryan Farley,


So i don't need to configure anything in the iis or .config files?

Carlos Alberto Arce Ortuño,


Yes, please follow Ryan's answer it should work properly.


Best Regards,


Bogdan L.

Ryan Farley,


That's amazing! 


Thanks for your reply!




Bogdan L.

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Hi Team


Just want to know can compare data before upload from existing data over the system

As we could see a lot of typing(Human) mistakes and each time a new record is created


And data over the system is of on use as no access is given 

the process gets stuck as they could find relevant data


is there something by which we can change/compare data before uploading as per system data


Thank You

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You can run the duplicate search after each import to find potential duplicates. Additionally you can select the fields under which the records will be considered as duplicates (item 4 of the guide https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/platform_basics/business_data/exc…)

So the idea is if I import a contact with name Dean, the existing contact with the name Dean will be updated with data from file and no duplicates will be created.





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I am trying to update a lookup field linked to Employee section for multiple records using an input box. But, the list of records are not displaying either by typing in the field or clicking on magnifying glass icon. 

I have tried using every property for binding this to the object. But none of them works. I have attached the code snippet of this custom action for reference.


So please suggest a way to bind it to the correct schema and display its correct records.




File attachments
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Hi Malay, 


Lookups are usually looking like that.


You can add "isSimpleLookup" to the virtual lookup attribute to make it a drop-down ,  so it might be much convenient for you.




"YourLookup": {
    dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
    isSimpleLookup: true,
    referenceSchemaName: "Employee"


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L

Hi Bogdan Lesyk,


Thank you for your response.


I was asking about the binding of object with this virtual lookup. As, this is not properly bind with any object, it is not showing any values.

I have also inserted the property referenceSchemaName: "Employee" but it still does not show any values.






If you don't see any values of your Lookup, you've probably added wrong name of the object your Lookup should referring to.


Please check out the example of how it should looks like:




Also check out the code my test implementation:


 attributes: {

                "UsrTestLookup": {

                    "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

                    "type": Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,

                    isLookup: true,

                    caption: "virtual street",

                    referenceSchemaName: "Employee",

          isSimpleLookup: true




diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                    "operation": "insert",

                    "parentName": "ProfileContainer",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "name": "UsrTestLookup",

                    "values": {

                        bindTo: "UsrTestLookup",

                        "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.UsrTestLookupCaption"},

                        layout: {column: 0, row: 8, colSpan: 12}




As far as I choose

 "parentName": "ProfileContainer"


isSimpleLookup: true,

please check out the result of such implementation.



So on Contact page I've got my "some lookup test" which has it's values from "Employee" object which it refers to.


Also please note,  that Virtual Lookup columns most often exist to store intermediate values, that can be further used for data processing.


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.



Hi Bogdan,

How to add filter to the virtual Lookups, I had followed the above method to add virtual lookup. And when I tried to add filter to that, its not filtering out the data.

I have attached my code for the reference,

After adding the filter I am able to see all the values in the Lookup.

Is there a way, to Filter the Lookup values in Virtual lookup column ?


Adharsh S

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