SecureActivityEmailSender' is obsolete


today i did a process publishing on our test instance (version,

an error showed up after that :

"ErrorText":"'SecureActivityEmailSender' is obsolete: 'Use SecureActivityEmailSenderBase class. The current class is left for backward compatibility'",
"ErrorText":"'SecureActivityEmailSender' is obsolete: 'Use SecureActivityEmailSenderBase class. The current class is left for backward compatibility'",

The error is about EmailSendService and i'm surprised as my process do not send any email..


Should i worry about this ?





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Hello Patrice,


The message you have received is not an error but a warning about the method's obsolescence (it means that the method will be removed in future versions). This warning appeared as a result of the schemas' compilation, which started because of publishing the process. However, for the current version of the application, these warnings do not pose any threat, and the compilation can be considered successful.


The "SecureActivityEmailSender" method is used for generating a token when sending an email. Inspite of the fact that you didn't use it in the specific process, the warning might be triggered by the other schemas that were affected during the compilation process.


Best regards,


Hello Patrice,


The message you have received is not an error but a warning about the method's obsolescence (it means that the method will be removed in future versions). This warning appeared as a result of the schemas' compilation, which started because of publishing the process. However, for the current version of the application, these warnings do not pose any threat, and the compilation can be considered successful.


The "SecureActivityEmailSender" method is used for generating a token when sending an email. Inspite of the fact that you didn't use it in the specific process, the warning might be triggered by the other schemas that were affected during the compilation process.


Best regards,


Thank you Natalia,


i was a bit worried as i never encountered this kind of obsolescence messages in Creatio !


Best regards,



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