Hello Community,


I would like to switch tabs based on a user action using code in a handler. Is it possible to write code that opens a custom tab on the same page, as shown in the figure below?


On button click, I have implemented below code in the handler, but it is not working.

        request: "crt.OpenTab",
        handler: async (request) => {
            request.$context.set("SelectedTab", "CustomTab");
            request.$context.set("ActiveTab", "CustomTab");
            request.$context.profile.set("Tabs_SelectedTabIndex_Profile", 2);
        return true;



Best regards,

Ajay Kuthe



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Best reply

The attribute you need to set is the [TabControlName]_SelectrdTabIndex_Profile. If you tab control is named "TabPanel_fb0xrup", then the attribute you would set would be:

// select first tab
request.$context.TabPanel_fb0xrup_SelectedTabIndex_Profile = 0;

Note, the indexes are zero based.


The attribute you need to set is the [TabControlName]_SelectrdTabIndex_Profile. If you tab control is named "TabPanel_fb0xrup", then the attribute you would set would be:

// select first tab
request.$context.TabPanel_fb0xrup_SelectedTabIndex_Profile = 0;

Note, the indexes are zero based.


Also, to clarify, there is no "set" method in Freedom UI pages like there was in classic pages. You will just set and read values from the attributes directly as normal variables.

Ryan Farley,

Yes, it works fine.


However, how can I get the index of a particular tab using the Element code in the context? #FreedomUI



I am not sure there's a way to get the index at runtime, if there is I've not seen anything yet, but it's possible it's buried somewhere in the $context.

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Hi, the Clio team provides the T.I.D.E. release version 1.3.1 with real-time application installation logs during synchronization of the Creatio environment and Git repository.


Clio was updated to version and provides support Creatio version up to 8.2.2 releases for command describe to understand the version, platform, and product of Creatio environment


// cliogate 2.0.33 and above required
clio describe -e <ENV>




To update clio to latest version


dotnet tool update clio -g


To update cliogate to latest version


// The update Clio required
clio gate -e <>ENV


To install the latest version of T.I.D.E.


clio tide -e <ENV>
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The Clio team has released a new version of T.I.D.E.v1.2.9


🔧 What’s new?

✅ Fixed dependency issues during installation

✅ Added support for checking out large repositories


💡 Quick Guide: How to Load an Existing App to a Git Repo using T.I.D.E.


1️⃣ Install T.I.D.E. in your environment:


clio install tide -u https://my.creatio.com -l <Login> -p <Password>


2️⃣ Create an empty repository on your Git server and generate an Access Token with the required permissions.


3️⃣ Open the T.I.D.E. section in Creatio and create a new repository.


4️⃣ Click “Link with the application”, select your app, and add a commit message for tracking changes.


That’s it! You’re all set! 🚀


Try out the T.I.D.E, and let us know what you think! 💬✨ 

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Hi, Clio team released T.I.D.E. version 1.2.6. In this version, we provide the ability to show the difference between Local and Git copies of composable application.

To update or install T.I.D.E.  use the following command

clio tide -e <MY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME>


P.S: In the future release we plan to add an ability to discard changes in the Creatio before committing to the repository


Hi clio team, 

Im unable to install this version. When I attempt to install I get an error "Dependent package "AtfDiffComponent" not found"


Ryan Farley,

Hello, we will check and fix it, thanks for the report.

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Clio version provides support for a long time compiling all configuration during CI/CD pipelines via command


clio compile-configuration --all -e MyEnv


For cases when you want to run additional compilation of your configuration after installing a package, you can use the following command


clio install MyPackage.zip --force-compilation -e MyEnv


P.S This approach can be useful for ensuring resilient CI\CD pipelines 

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Clio will be updated to. NET8 starting from The Creatio platform will be updated to .NET 8 starting from 8.2.1, which will be released in December of this year.


In the version, a flag --ts was added to show timestamps in the log messages:

clio ping env --ts


Thanks Federico Buffa for submitting a pull request on the Clio GitHub repository!

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Hi team,

We want to add a button in communication panel through which cases section should open in the side pane ( opens on clicking of buttons in communication panel) through with cases can be created quickly without closing the current section page opened in the tab.


We have created button in communication panel but we are finding references to open the page in side pane.

if anyone of you can help on this ,I will really appreciate it.


Thanks in Advance

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Best reply

Kashish Shakeel,

For Classic, it's doable, but definitely not as easy (there is not a no code approach for classic shell, only for Freedom shell). If you're using classic shell, best approach is to look at the code for the other panels and duplicate for your needs.


Hello Kashish,

Thank you for your question. First of all, are you using the Shell of Freedom UI in the section from which you are opening the side panel? Secondly, while I believe that creating a case from the side panel is possible, I'm not sure if your logic can be fully implemented. Also, would it be easier to create the case using a modal page in your section?

I'll be happy to assist you and will be waiting for your response.

The Academy refers to those as sidebars and they can be created with no code (more or less) in Creatio 8.1.3 and higher. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customization-tools/ui-and-business-logic-customization/set-up-a-sidebar


Yevhenii Grytsiuk,


Thankyou you your reply currently we are using the classic UI,we are not using Shell of Freedom UI in the section.


The requirement is to create  a quick access option for creating cases without needing to jump on another page and also in a way that  the information from the current open page can be visible properly as it is going to help in case creation.

The best that we thought of was using side panel for case creation while the user can see all information in the current open page.Is there any way you can help me achieve that?



Yevhenii Grytsiuk,


Ryan Farley,


Thank you for your reply, we are looking for some information on the same topic in the classic UI.


Is there any reference for classic UI? f yes can you please share that information with me?

Kashish Shakeel,

Answering question for Ryan - I am almost certain that, unfortunately not. That's why I was asking if you are using shell or freedom ui. However it is still possible to create a modal/minipage regardless.

Kashish Shakeel,

For Classic, it's doable, but definitely not as easy (there is not a no code approach for classic shell, only for Freedom shell). If you're using classic shell, best approach is to look at the code for the other panels and duplicate for your needs.


Ryan Farley,



thankyou for your reply we will try to implement customized code.


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Material Symbols & Icons - Google Fonts




We are excited to announce a new feature in Clio release the Set application icon command! This new command allows you to easily set or update the application icon for your Creatio projects directly from the command line, ensuring your application meets the Creatio Marketplace requirement.


Example of using:


clio set-app-icon -<APP_NAME> -<ICON_PATH> -<PACKAGE_FOLDER_PATH>


Replace <APP_NAME> with the name or code of your application, <ICON_PATH> with the actual path to your SVG icon file, and <PACKAGE_FOLDER_PATH> with the path to the folder containing your application packages.


P.S: Set application icon command is compatible with all Creatio versions 8.0+


Happy coding!

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I am currently developing an application where I need to add a "Sync Data" button to both the Accounts and Contacts sections. This button will trigger a Business Process that needs to work dynamically based on the context from which it is called.

The key requirement is to use a single, common Business Process for both Accounts and Contacts. In this process, I need to determine whether the button was clicked from the context of Accounts or Contacts, so the appropriate actions can be taken accordingly.

I understand that creating separate Business Processes for Accounts and Contacts could achieve this, but my goal is to have a unified process or function that can be reused across multiple entities.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to implement this in Creatio.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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Create a boolean parameter "IsContact"(it's just an example, you could create any parameter ) and pass true if the button is clicked on contact page and false if it's clicked in any other place 

Create a boolean parameter "IsContact"(it's just an example, you could create any parameter ) and pass true if the button is clicked on contact page and false if it's clicked in any other place 

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New Clio release version extends clone-env operation for simple copy your packages from one environment to another. It can be used when you want to try your code on the new version of Creatio platform or check compatibility with another products.


To clone all packages from maintainer(s), run the following command.


clio clone-env --maintainer ATF --source SOURCE_ENV --target TARGET_ENV


If you want to try a new release of Creatio, use the exclude-maintainer argument to exclude all OOTB Creatio packages.


clio clone-env --exclude-maintainer Creatio,Terrasoft --source SOURCE_ENV --target TARGET_ENV


P.S In the future, we plan to release ability transfer features and settings between environments and transfer data sets.

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