I'm trying to make the approval comment field mandatory for a DCM. The idea is that the approval cannot be approved or rejected if a comment hasn't been added to the section. That is, all approvals need to have a comment added to them.
I try to marked the comment as obligatory in the object "Basevisa" but it didnt work.
In classic UI there are two approaches: either one provided here (but don't forget to disable the AcceptApprovalWithoutComment system setting) or creating a replacing view module for the PreconfiguredApprovalPage and add this code:
As for the Freedom UI - as was mentioned here and here - this is not avialable in Freedom UI as for now. I will notify our R&D team about your question to prioritize the task to develop the logic for them.
Unfortunately, currently, it is not possible to display the names of all required fields that are not filled in. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.