I have created a business process that reads in the creation and modification of a project id and project manager,
I then wanted to change the permissions so that only the project manager could delete it, but during the execution of the process the values still remain on true
What could be the reason for this? I run the process as an administrator and the delete test is run on a user who does not have these permissions. The way it should work is that no one but the administrator should be able to delete projects.
even though the process is executed, the value remains true
"Parametr": "List of rights to delete",
"Wartość": {
"Before execution": "[{Id:\"54e9e783-704b-4d77-b621-d8054d39f52a\",ParameterName:\"Role1\",Name:\"All employees.a29a3ba5-4b0d-de11-9a51-005056c00008\",CanRead:true,CanEdit:true,CanDelete:true,Source:\"3\",Grantee:\"Role\",Value:\"[#Lookup.84f44b9a-4bc3-4cbf-a1a8-cec02c1c029c.a29a3ba5-4b0d-de11-9a51-005056c00008#]\"}]",
"After execution": "[{Id:\"54e9e783-704b-4d77-b621-d8054d39f52a\",ParameterName:\"Role1\",Name:\"All employees.a29a3ba5-4b0d-de11-9a51-005056c00008\",CanRead:true,CanEdit:true,CanDelete:true,Source:\"3\",Grantee:\"Role\",Value:\"[#Lookup.84f44b9a-4bc3-4cbf-a1a8-cec02c1c029c.a29a3ba5-4b0d-de11-9a51-005056c00008#]\"}]"