I would like to ask how to enable additional options such as editing or deleting notes in this section.
Currently, I can delete and edit them, but only from the message card; however, I am unable to edit directly on the object. It is important to me that the person who adds a note can independently edit it directly on the opportunity, Best Regards
You should be able to delete records from the feed either on the feed page itself or from the communication panel, but only your own records. You cannot edit or delete other people's notes.
This option should be enabled by default. We would need to get access to your environment in order to investigate this issue. Please write to support@creatio.com and we will assist you with the request.
I have a requirement for adding feed notification based on particular action in a section, say marking a record inactive by making a boolean true. Once the record is inactive, the record related information and its connected Account should be posted in feed message in the below format,
The record connected to is inactive.
Screenshots added for better clarity.
Right now I am getting only the id of the record instead of the record with Hyperlink.
The record 5320276a-20a5-4396-b2fe-401da61a2a08 connected to 4d77085b-362d-4eb1-a120-cb32abb86f01 is inactive.
I would suggest to create a separate process parameter and add Formula element for a link and refer to that parameter from the Add element from your screenshot.
In order to do so, create a new process parameter "Contact record link" for example, then add Formula element as on the attached screenshot, "094718-crm-bundle.creatio.com" should be replaced with your site name, and as well, take into account to which section/page you are referring.
Once done, you can simply refer to "Contact record link" parameter.
Thanks for the detailed reply. I implemented a similar thing as follows (screenshots attached)
Step 1
I added a system setting for the link so that we can change it based on the env we install the package.
Step 2 :
Used the system setting in formula element in BP to assign it to a parameter.
Step 3:
Got the below output.
I would like to see a more user friendly readable format, something like Interaction Name in the link instead of the entire link being shown to the user!
As of now, it's pretty much the only way to display the link in the feed using basic system functionality. There could be other variants, however they will require implementation by code.