Hello everyone. Can someone tell me how to filter the list of emails address via Account? That is displayed when registering email sending activity via the Section Actions toolbar. Found a similar article https://community.creatio.com/questions/filter-contact-list-section-act….  Thanks!

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Hello Serhii,
Thank you for your question.

I have tried to use a similar approach to the one mentioned in the forum discussion. Here is an example of how to filter recipients to contain 'mycompany' in the email address in the action dashboard of the contacts section.

define("EmailMessagePublisherPage", ["LookupUtilities"],
       function(LookupUtilities) {
           return {
               entitySchemaName: "Activity",
               mixins: {},
               attributes: {},
               methods: {
                updateLookupFilter: function(lookup) {
                  lookup.config.updateViewModel = function() {
                    this.pushSelectFilters = function(select) {
                      const filters = select.filters;
                      const lookupInfo = this.getLookupInfo();
                      if (!lookupInfo.columnValue) {
                        const searchColumn = this.get("searchColumn");
                        if (searchColumn) {
                          const columnPath = searchColumn.value;
                          const stringComparisonType = this.getStringColumnComparisonType();   
                          const filter = select.createColumnFilterWithParameter(stringComparisonType, columnPath,
                          filters.add("searchDataFilter", filter);
                      } else {
                        lookupInfo.columnValue = null;
                openRecepientLookupEmail: function() {
                  var lookup = this.getLookupConfig("Recepient");
                  lookup.config.actionsButtonVisible = false;
                  var searchValue = this.get("RecepientLookupSearchValue");
                  if (searchValue) {
                    lookup.config.searchValue = searchValue;
                  LookupUtilities.Open(this.sandbox, lookup.config, lookup.callback, this, null, false, false);
               diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

Hope this helps!

Hello. Thank you. The solution works, but it is not ideal. It is necessary to check the Account domain, or there may be employees who have a Gmail email. I am looking for another solution.

Hello Serhii,

The example I provided serves as a foundation for adding email address filtering for the action dashboard. You can use this example as a base and modify the filtering logic according to your preferences.

Hope this helps

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How can I add a new channel to action dashboard panel IN Freedom UI. I wanted to create a custom module in action dashboard on click of that I need to show some contact information.


File attachments
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It doesn't allow for adding anything to the actions dashbaord for Freedom UI. I am sure this isn't going to change since the Actions Dashboard for Freedom UI is considered deprecated. 


Ryan Farley,

Thank you

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In classic UI we used to override/extend the ActivityDashboardItemViewModel in order to handle the "Complete" activity button click.


How can we do this using FreedomUI?



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I'm afraid we don't have any possibility to contol this behavior using page handlers. But if anyone has an example to share please share it. I've registered a task for our R&D team to make it possible to control it using no-code tools.

Oleg Drobina,

it would be great to be able to intercept it via request handlers in code too. Overriding the behaviour is essential to a lot of our customisation for clients.

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I want to override the onClick of Complete/Published button in Action Dashboard. Kindly suggest suitable links or method that need to be overridden.



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By clicking this button you run the onPublishButtonClick method from the BaseMessagePublisherPage schema. So you need to override the logic of this method in case additional logic should be triggered upon clicking this button.

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Is it possible and are there any articles for adding a custom button in the action panel? I searched and was unable to find a specific question or article for this. See image and highlighted spot below. I want to add a button and link it to creating a new custom type of Activity record (in addition to the existing blue flag icon for a to-do task)


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Dear Mitch,


Thank you for your question!


You may find these links useful:

1. https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/elements_and_components/basi…


2. https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/adding-action-ed…


3. https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-add-custom-button-action-da…


4. https://community.creatio.com/questions/add-custom-buttons-actionbutton…


5. https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-add-button-mainheader-below…


6. https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-add-button-left-sections-pa…


Please note that this question is considered a development question, so we would recommend contacting your manager for more information.


Thank you!





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Dear community,


How to add a custom button (to start the process for this activity) to the action dashboard for only one section (for ex. Case)?




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Dear Mariia,


You need to create a module and Extend BaseDashboardItemViewConfig cancel button. Here is the button code example:


define("UsrDashboardItemViewConfig", ["BaseDashboardItemViewConfig"], function() {

    Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.UsrDashboardItemViewConfig", {

        extend: "Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewConfig",

        alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.UsrDashboardItemViewConfig",

        getActionsViewConfig: function() {

            return {

                "name": "Actions",

                "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,

                "classes": {wrapClassName: ["dashboard-item-actions on-hover-visible"]},

                "items": [


                        "name": "Cancel",

                        "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,

                        "style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.BLUE,

                        "caption": {"bindTo": "CancelButtonCaption"},

                        "click": {"bindTo": "onCancelButtonClick"},

                        "classes": {

                            "textClass": "dashboard-item-right"


                        "visible": {"bindTo": "CancelButtonVisible"}



                        "name": "Cancel2",

                        "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,

                        "style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.BLUE,

                        "caption": "TEST",

                        "click": {"bindTo": "onCancelButtonClick"},

                        "classes": {

                            "textClass": "dashboard-item-right"


                        "visible": {"bindTo": "ExecuteButtonVisible"}



                        "name": "Execute",

                        "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,

                        "style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.GREEN,

                        "caption": {"bindTo": "ExecuteButtonCaption"},

                        "click": {"bindTo": "onExecuteButtonClick"},

                        "classes": {

                            "textClass": "dashboard-item-right"


                        "visible": {"bindTo": "ExecuteButtonVisible"}







Create replacing client module of SectionActionsDashboard

define("SectionActionsDashboard", ["UsrDashboardItemViewConfig"], function() {

    return {


        methods: {

            initDashboardConfig: function() {


                const dashboardConfig = this.get("DashboardConfig");

                var activityItemsConfig = {

                    "Activity": {

                        viewModelClassName: "Terrasoft.ActivityDashboardItemViewModel",

                        viewConfigClassName: "Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewConfig"



                if (this.$entitySchemaName === "Case") {

                    activityItemsConfig.Activity.viewConfigClassName = "Terrasoft.UsrDashboardItemViewConfig";


                Ext.merge(dashboardConfig, activityItemsConfig);

                this.set("DashboardConfig", dashboardConfig);








Dean Parrett,


Thank you for your answer.

I have one more question about this:

How to add another custom "UsrDescription" column to the action dashboard ?

I tried to overload the method



             * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EntityDashboardItemViewModel#addQueryColumns

             * @overridden


            addQueryColumns: function(esq) {


                esq.addColumn("Title", "Caption");


                esq.addColumn("StartDate", "Date");

                esq.addColumn("Owner.Name", "Owner");


                esq.addColumn("UsrDescription", "Description");


but it didn't work.



Thank you in advance for your answer.


Best regards,


Mariia Prostiak,


The columns in the action dashboard are columns of activity so you need to add it on activity object first. To add it on the activity card on the action dashboard please see the community article below:



Best regards, 


Dean Parrett,


Can you please help me with the Model Part (ActivityDashboardItemViewModel) of the code where I have to Link the button to a business process??

Thank You in Advance,


Venkatesh Sundaram,



Could you please explain your issue in more detail?


Best regards,





To make the Attached button in the Activity Element Function, i.e., For Example- If the attached button is a Cancel Button which on click should direct to another stage(Canceled) in the DCM Cycle.

Attached a Image for my request. Help me in this.




Venkatesh Sundaram,


If this activity is created by the DCM and the button sets the activity's status to "Canceled", you can just go into the DCM setup and set it to go to the "Canceled" stage if the activity's status is "Canceled":


Best regards,


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Hi community!

How are you?

How can I add a new action to dashboard panel on Contact? I want add a button that show some contact information by default when open the edit contact page

I attach image below

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Dear Ezequiel,


Unfortunately, there is no functionality that would allow you to customize the action dashboard buttons without the additional development in the current version of the system. We have the suggestion registered and passed to R&D team already and it will appear in one of the further releases of the system (no ETA yet).

If you need the additional button in the current system version, feel free to inspect the page and find the code responsible for the out-of-the-box buttons. Then you can use it as an example for your own development.


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