
I want to run a web service on combobox changed event.

What is the syntax of register the handler in the client module file? 

(What do I need to write in viewConfigDiff --> values to execute the handler on the change event?)




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You can see how to respond to the change event here: https://customerfx.com/article/responding-to-an-event-when-a-field-is-c…

Also, for calling the web service see here https://customerfx.com/article/calling-configuration-web-services-from-…


You can see how to respond to the change event here: https://customerfx.com/article/responding-to-an-event-when-a-field-is-c…

Also, for calling the web service see here https://customerfx.com/article/calling-configuration-web-services-from-…


Thanks! It solved my problem :)

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Hi all, 

I'm migrating from Classic UI to Freedom a screen that has an Info button, as described in the following post:



How can we do that in FreedomUI?

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Have you tried the tooltip in the page designer at field level ?

Yes, but how can we format that text?

I'd like to add bullets in the text and breaklines

You can add add HTML to a tooltip in Freedom UI. .

If you need some dynamic content for the tooltip, you can add an attribute and bind it to the tooltip property, then set the tip at runtime by setting the attribute.


Awesome! thanks

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what is your experience or recommendation about deleting custom field from the object? 

If some fields were added by mistake and the package was already installed to another evirnoment. Is it ok to delete such field and install the package again? Or should we keep this 'garbage' in the object forever?


Thank you!

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You need to remove it from the development website, install the package on the production website, and the package installation mechanism on the production site will detect the differences in objects between what exists in production and what is in the package, and drop them.

Best regards, 




You need to remove it from the development website, install the package on the production website, and the package installation mechanism on the production site will detect the differences in objects between what exists in production and what is in the package, and drop them.

Best regards, 




is this valid also for all references to the deleted fields like forms, lists, dashboards, reports,...?

I guess the system will not check js and cs code, so that will need to be handled manually, right?



Robert Pordes,

No, system will not check. But this is not a problem to remove such fields from the code

Kind regards,


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Dear mates,

On the opportunities product page, when I select a product, the price is filled in automatically. However, I've deleted the business rules and scripts on the opportunity product page.

My problem is that this price includes tax, even though the PriceWithTaxes parameter is unchecked in the system settings.

I've set up a script to enter the price excluding tax but from time to time it's the price including tax that appears (probably an asynchronism problem).

I'd like to know where the script that enters the price of the opportunity products on the page is and how I can change the behaviour.


Thank you !



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Finally we found the problem: the OpportunityProductPageV2 source page in the Opportunity package contains a method that calculates the price of the product including VAT: calculatePrice.

I've overridden the method and the problem is solved.

I thought that creating the OpportunityProductPageV2 page in the Custom package replaced the view model, but in fact it's an extension.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Finally we found the problem: the OpportunityProductPageV2 source page in the Opportunity package contains a method that calculates the price of the product including VAT: calculatePrice.

I've overridden the method and the problem is solved.

I thought that creating the OpportunityProductPageV2 page in the Custom package replaced the view model, but in fact it's an extension.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


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Hi Academy,


We would like to make one of the sections in the 'Connections' on the activity mini page mandatory when the category is "task".

Do you have any suggestions on how we can accomplish this?


Thank you in advance.

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It depends on which column should be required here. One particular example: this method can be added to ActivityMiniPage:

save: function(callback, scope) {
				var opportunity = this.get("Opportunity");
				if (opportunity) {
				} else {
					Terrasoft.showInformation("Opportunity is required");

In this case saving of the mini page is not possible in case an opportunity is not connected to an activity and the information message will be shown on the page.

Hi Oleg,


Thank you, it works!

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On the section grid does anyone know the name of the below menu button, in order to remove/hide it from view?

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I believe that button is added differently, via code in a mixin. It would be easiest to just hide it with CSS. 


To hide for just the Orders section you'd add the CSS like this: 

#OrderSectionV2Container .grid .t-btn-wrapper[data-tag="processEntryPoint"] {
    display: none;

You'd add this to the OrderSectionV2. You can see how to add CSS here: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-custom-css-style-sheets-in-bpmonl…


thanks Ryan

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Hi guys! I was wondering if there's a direct way to connect Creatio with Airtable...


Thanks in advance,


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In the basic version, there is no integration with Airtable.

However, you can integrate using other option - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…


Best regards,




In the basic version, there is no integration with Airtable.

However, you can integrate using other option - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…


Best regards,


Thank you!

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I'm facing an issue with Creatio running on .NET Core. Occasionally, when I create a web service and make a mistake, I come across an error page like this:

The challenge is that there are no logs saved regarding this issue. Consequently, I lack information about what went wrong, and I try to guess.

On the other hand, if I attempt the same operation on a .NET Framework running instance (e.g., in the Cloud), I receive an exception stack trace.


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Hi Community,

We have activated the 'Enable live data update' for the Contacts and its currently not working.

We have a business process that updates fields of the Contact once finished. Only when we click Refresh the fields are updated.

How can we fix/debug this issue?


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I assume you're using a Freedom UI section/page? It doesn't work with classic. Also, make sure the feature "LiveEditingForCurrentUser" is on as well.



Thank you for the reply.


The page is Contacts in freedom UI.


From the Business Process I am trying to update the lookup that is responsible for the stages ( Progress Bar). The progress Bar is only updated after I click the Refresh button. 

Should I do some other modifications as well ?


We also have this issue, but then tested in 8.1.2 and not found that


You should check with the support. This feature is causing performance issue in 8.1.1.

I recently had an issue after I imported more than 20k cases in a site and the support deactivated the live update for a little while until I creaed a new case on this subject.

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I have a 'Contract' object with a start date field, and I want to display that field (start date) in the associated 'Opportunity.' I used an input to retrieve the field in my opportunity. However, the issue is that the date displayed in the opportunity is in the date/time format, whereas the field in the contract is in the date format. How can I display the date in the opportunity with just the date format?

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Regrettably, this behavior is currently exclusive to the Input Date/Time field. The field currently presents data exactly as it appears in the database, resulting in users consistently receiving Date/Time format data even if the corresponding page originally only contained Time or Date information in these fields.

We wish to inform you that we have imminent plans to address and rectify this behavior in the near future. Anticipated changes are expected to be incorporated in a subsequent release, likely following version 8.1.3.


If you have any further questions, please respond to this email we would be happy to help.

Thank you for choosing Creatio!

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