Hi Community!


We are trying to find an elegant way of preventing the execution of business processes from create, update and delete elements within other business processes.

Think of it as Outlook's 'Stop processing more rules' flag.


We could set a certain flag and add it to the other processes' signal conditions, but this leads to a high coupling of business processes, more complexity, and over the lifetime of a Creatio instance inevitably to errors as everyone needs to know this 'magic' behavior.


Ideally, signals in Creatio would have the option to distinguish between different triggering options, like 'user', 'business process', 'import', 'odata', 'event handler', etc. but unfortunately, this is a missing feature.


Any thoughts would be more than welcome!




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Hi Community,
any ideas on this?





At the moment, such functionality is not available in Creatio's OOTB solution for triggering the addition/modification of records. 
Indeed, a workaround in this situation can be to create additional columns at the level of the object model that will be filled in depending on which method the record was created/modified (for example, a special column for OData).
We will register this development idea with our R&D team so that they can consider implementing such functionality in future versions of the Creatio product.

Thank you.

Hello Cris,

The approach you previously employed makes sense, but as you’ve noticed, it might not be reliable. One possible reason could be that the 'Modified by' field is being set differently depending on execution context. Additionally, if the Supervisor user manually edits records or if a business process runs under the Supervisor account, it could trigger other processes.

As my colleague mentioned, Creatio doesn’t currently offer a built-in flag to differentiate the source of record modifications. However, a practical workaround is to introduce a custom flag at the object level. For example:

  • A boolean field (IsModifiedByBP) that gets set when a business process modifies the record.
    A lookup field (ModificationSource) to track whether the change came from a user, a business process, OData, or other integrations.

You can then update your signal conditions to check this flag instead of relying on the 'Modified by' field. This approach ensures flexibility while reducing coupling between processes.

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I have a few processes that have a trigger to run daily at 2AM or 4AM. Unfortunately, on my local environment, they start running only after I open Creatio. Also, all processes that have triggers don't work on weekends.


Dows anybody know how I can set up my IIS in order for them to work?


Thank you!

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Ghiu Diana Stefania,

The BP will be executed only when the Creatio Application (i.e., the Creatio worker process is running) running. Unless there is no application pool/worker process of the Creatio instance running, any configuration like auto trigger event designed inside the application won't work.

The trigger should be all day, if the weekends are excluded the trigger wont be initiated.




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.



To remedy this situation, we recommend setting up a ping that will send requests to the app at a specified frequency and prevent it from "falling asleep" in the absence of active users.

The following procedure describes the setup procedure:

Set Idle Timeout = 2 for the IIS application pool on which the application is running. Configure automatic monitoring of the Loader and the application.

Use the free monitoring service https://uptimerobot.com/ to set up automatic monitoring with a frequency of 5-10 minutes.

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Hello team,


I have written a script using SEQUENCE & TRIGGERS for PostGres to auto increment the record number. This was a decision taken to avoid writing multiple codes through JS and Server side because we get inputs from a lot of sources - 3rd party integration, manual entry & business process.


While our trigger works well, we noticed that using odata, the response returned does not have the auto numbered value, whereas the auto numbering is indeed getting stored in the data base.


The question is, does Odata response for POST requests get triggered after all DB triggers are completed or does it happen just before a record is inserted into the DB?

PS: I tried triggers using BEFORE update and it did not work

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This question needs to be analyzed mo deeply, but, based on your information, the POST request isn't affected by all the DB triggers and therefore happens before the insert.

Also, a small note, if you have autonumbering both on the JS and Server side than a new number will be generated no matter what is the source of the object (data, business process, etc).

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