Hi, I have developed a package in a Creatio environment, now I want to lock this package, so other developers will not be able to modify it? How can I do this? 

I would be grateful for any additional information on how locking of packages works and how it affects other packets that might have dependencies on such a packet, because the information I have been able to find in the creatio academy is limited.

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Thank you for your question.
You can lock the package for Hotfix. By default, the package opens for hotfix only for 30 minutes, but you can change this value in the "Duration of package hotfix status" system setting.

More details about Package Hotfixes can be found in the following article on Creatio Academy

Hanna Shevchenko,

Thank you for your answer, but in my case, the package is open. I have created it,  now i want to lock it, (example: )

You can execute the following SQL statement to lock the package:

update "SysPackage" set "InstallType" = 1 where "Name" = 'MyPackageName'


Thank you for your answer Ryan Farley,

I have tried this, but when I compile the workspace it shows me a list of errors, example: Type 'Team' already defines a member called 'GetData' with the same parameter types. 

Note that before the update of the field "InstallType", there are no compilation errors 

Alba M,

Hmm. There's got to be something else going on. Locking the package doesn't change it's contents in any way - I do this often.

Alba M,

Hi Alba, 


Try to Protect a package 

UPDATE "SysPackage"
SET "Maintainer" = 'Customer', "IsChanged" = FALSE, "IsLocked" = FALSE, "InstallType" = 1
WHERE "Name" = 'MyPackageName';


To unprotect it

UPDATE "SysPackage" 
SET "Maintainer" = 'Customer', "IsChanged" = TRUE, "IsLocked" = TRUE, "InstallType" = 0 
WHERE "Name" = 'MyPackageName';

Hi Julio.Falcon_Nodos, thank you for your answer

I tried this but it still gives the previous errors.


Hi Alba


Did you generate all code before compilation? If not, please try

Hi Julio Falcón (NoCode-Services),

Thank you for your answer,

I tried to firstly generated all the code(ACTIONS-> Generate for all schemas), but it still shows me the same errors after compilation

Thank you all for your answers, I fixed it by exporting the package, deleted it in the File System and then installed it in Application Hub. After installing I executed the query: update "SysPackage" set "InstallType" = 1 where "Name" = 'MyPackageName', for the package. The environment was compiled successfully.

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